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[LPF] A Bad Light

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OOC: How about NE along the edge of that swamp so the land on dry ground? We don't want our treasure to end up in the ocean or in water.


Borric and Fury slowly cause the tower to tilt toward the road while Anna and Sylvain keep watch for further trouble. The goblins up on the tower occasionally take a pot shot, but the panic is evident in where the arrows land, as none come anywhere close to the party. The two on watch notice large footprints in the grass that come out of the water, into a nearby stand of trees, and back to the site where they concentrate in the area around the tower before returning to the sea.

After about half a minute of work, the tower starts to lean dangerously, and after removing final support beam, Borric and Fury back off to where they expect the top of the tower to land to finish off any goblins that survive the fall. The tower takes another half minute to complete it's collapse, and as it falls, the party can see the terrified looks on the goblin's faces as they look between the ground and you. One stabs himself before the tower completely falls, and the others are so panicky that the final fall easily snaps their necks or crushes them.

Goblins at Fake Light CR 4 300 xp each

500 gp looted from the goblins; 125 gp each[/sblock]
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After the tower falls, Anna remarks:

"Well that was a sight. Come over here boys, Sylvain and I have found some tracks!"

She leads them to the tracks, pointing them out on the ground.

"Shall we see where these lead?"


The giant footprints come out of and go back into the water. The reports you read suggested that merrow were somehow involved with this latest lighthouse disruption, and the footprints would seem to support that. Anyone growing up in Venza would be used to the children's stories of these oceanic ogres coming up out of the canals and eating naughty children.


Fury looks at the footprints that Anna and Sylvain found and whistles. "That's some big footprint. I didn't think the Marrow Man left the city's canals but when you're hungry for bones your hungry for bones, eh?" He smiles in remembrance of childhood tales but it seems a bit strained as he realizes the truth is most likely worse than the tales. "I hope you don't want to follow that thing into it's underwater lair..."

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 2 / Bard 1
Initiative: +6 Perception: +6

AC: 19 (14 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 25 Current: 24
CMB: +3 CMD: 17 Fort: +1 Ref: +9 Will: +2

In Hand: rapier[/sblock]


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

After dispatching the last of the dying little buggers to put them out of their misery from broken necks and whatnot, Borric grins, "Well, now I can say I have killed these little sh... er, buggers. Kind of embarrassing to be an experienced warrior and NOT had the pleasure of braining a few goblins."

After looking at the tracks, Borric remarks wryly, "I would rather not fight in water again. Maybe I should move to the mountains."

"But, I am more than happy to wait until the big uglies come back out of the ocean."

"For now, let's see if we can follow the scared goblin's tracks here in the soft ground."

As long as they have good visibility (60+ feet), Borric will keep his longbow in hand as he tries to track the goblin that fled south. He is no ranger, but the tracks are fresh and the ground is soft so he might have success.

OOC: Take 10 on Survival (Tracking) +5 to beat DC10 only.
[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (21 without shield, 19 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 33 Current: 33
CMB: +6 CMD: 18 Fort: +5 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 (+3 vs. Fear)

Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


After tracking the tracks of the goblins who fled, you see them both going in the general direction of the lighthouse you are headed to. As you approach, you feel the wind start to pick up and see a line of clouds approaching from the west. It looks like they are moving fast enough that they will hit sometime tonight, and it will not be a good idea to be outside when they do.

As night starts to fall, you near the lighthouse and beach in front of it. The lighthouse itself sits on a peninsula that juts out from a dry section of forest, which provides the fuel for the lighthouse. It is built into a tall rocky plateau that dominates the peninsula and limits access to its beach.
It appears to be a square tower about four stories high. Its top is level with the top of the cliff. No mortar lines mark any brickwork in the structure—in fact, it looks as if it had in fact been carved directly from the plateau behind it. The only apertures visible are shuttered windows at varying heights and a wooden door set into a worn stone archway at ground level.

The twisted and shattered remains of numerous ships lie scattered across the narrow strip of beach. Pieces of broken hull, torn beams, and other detritus drift just offshore, where a coral reef—obviously the source of the problem—is just barely visible beneath the waves. Crabs and other coastal scavengers pick through the wreckage, and waterlogged refuse of all sorts covers the sand. Thumps and creaks are audible as the waves push wood against wood, and the powerful odor of rot overwhelms the fresh scent of the ocean. Seagulls circle overhead, but not a single seabird lands near the destroyed vessels.

OOC: It's not completely dark yet, but you do need a light source as the sun is rapidly disappearing underneath the horizon.



Fury nods his agreement with Borric. "I've had my fill of fighting in water, too."

Fury finds a stick as they travel and breaks it down until it is a length that he is happy with; about a foot long. He grasps it firmly and looks intently at it. "Accendersi!" Nothing happens. Sheepishly he looks around and catches a lightning bug just starting to come out in the early evening. He clears his throat and repeats his word of power. "Accendersi!" The lightning bug pulses with a greenish light then flits over to the stick. As it goes it becomes a wisp of light that wraps the around the stick causing it to glow with a sickly, flickering light. "Gods curse it!" Frustrated, Fury shakes the stick and smacks it against his hand until the light takes on a steady golden glow. "HA! Just learned that last week." He grins obviously quite proud of his accomplishment and holds the stick up like a torch.

"Now let's go see if we can find our way into that lighthouse; I don't like the look of those clouds. Unless you'd rather pick through some of that flotsam and try to figure out which ships went down here."

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 2 / Bard 1
Initiative: +6 Perception: +6

AC: 19 (14 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 25 Current: 24
CMB: +3 CMD: 17 Fort: +1 Ref: +9 Will: +2

In Hand: rapier[/sblock]


"Interesting.... Does the bug make a difference?" Anna asks, before taking a look at the sky.

"I don't relish the idea of being out in a storm. Seeking shelter would most likely be our best bet, I should think."

Turning her attention to her bloodied sleeve, she whispers something under her breath and waves her hand over it. The blood fades away and she smiles to herself, seeming satisfied with her work.

Voidrunner's Codex

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