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[LPF] A Bad Light


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"Neat trick, Fury. You are learning quickly. Now remember everyone, the storm might be pretty bad, but it would be worse to hurry into the tower where the gobbies are waiting to ambush us, wanting revenge for their kin. Let's not get too hasty," Syl says taking a look at the lighthouse in front of him.

Mini Stats: [sblock] Human Witch 3
Initiative: +6 Perception: +2

AC: 13 (13 touch; 11 flat-footed)
HP: 26 Current: 26
CMB: +0 CMD: 12 Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +3
Spells Remaining: 1st 2/3, 2nd 2/2
Hexes Remaining: All, except Fortune used on Fury
In Hand: Nothing[/sblock]

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"Ooh! I like that trick. Zelena did a similar thing," Fury says when he sees Anna cast her cleansing spell. Thinking about spells and such causes Fury's brows knit together as he thinks everything over. "Not sure about the bug. Unfortunately, my casting isn't very... reliable. I'm not sure which part makes it work and which is just something I picked up somewhere that doesn't really do anything."

He gazes out towards the lighthouse. "I agree with you both but the lighthouse is the best shelter we're going to get around here. And I would rather face goblins in the 'house than the thing that left those footprints in sheeting rain."

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 2 / Bard 1
Initiative: +6 Perception: +6

AC: 19 (14 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 25 Current: 24
CMB: +3 CMD: 17 Fort: +1 Ref: +9 Will: +2

In Hand: rapier[/sblock]


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

After watching Fury light his stick, Borric suggests, "I have a neat little holder for my sunrods on my pack. It sticks above my shoulder so I have my hands free. If we need, we can use one of those two."

"Caution might be called for, but shock and awe has its place too. Let's get them! Besides I don't want my armor to rust from the rain."

"If we make it to the door without being shot with arrows, we can stay close to the walls and quickly check for traps. When clear, open the door and we will see what we see."

"And them we smash 'em!"

That last is emphasized by slamming his mailed fist into his other palm, having just put his longbow away. Borric straps on the shield and keeps an eye out as they move to the lighthouse door.

OOC: Perception (1d20+4=8)

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (21 without shield, 19 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 33 Current: 33
CMB: +6 CMD: 18 Fort: +5 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 (+3 vs. Fear)

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


"That's a nifty piece of work," Fury says as he examines the work of Borric's pack. "You have that made custom? I'll have to check into getting something like that; I've been considering picking up another weapon for my left hand and that would be right useful."

Fury grins. "Shock and awe. I like that!" He moves out towards the lighthouse keeping his attention ahead and looking for deadfalls or any other sort of surprise the goblins may have set up for them.

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 2 / Bard 1
Initiative: +6 Perception: +6

AC: 19 (14 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 25 Current: 24
CMB: +3 CMD: 17 Fort: +1 Ref: +9 Will: +2

In Hand: rapier[/sblock]


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

Borric replies casually, "I just used a bit of extra canvas and a sewing needle to rig something up. Only took me several hours. Mostly because I had to barter with some seamstress to do it for me. She was a bit plump, but she had a good time..."

"She was into some kinky stuff, though. I had to take that needle of hers away after few moments. I am sure Syl would like her."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (21 without shield, 19 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 33 Current: 33
CMB: +6 CMD: 18 Fort: +5 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 (+3 vs. Fear)

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


First Post
"Sounds like you just need to toughen up a bit, Borric, if you were that scared of a little needle. Maybe she would have let you keep your armor on, if you asked nicely."

Mini Stats: [sblock] Human Witch 3
Initiative: +6 Perception: +2

AC: 13 (13 touch; 11 flat-footed)
HP: 26 Current: 26
CMB: +0 CMD: 12 Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +3
Spells Remaining: 1st 2/3, 2nd 2/2
Hexes Remaining: All, except Fortune used on Fury
In Hand: Nothing[/sblock]


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

Borric harrumphs, "I am plenty tough enough. I just got tied of her jabbing my arse like she was spurring on a horse. When I am in the saddle, I do just fine with out that."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (21 without shield, 19 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 33 Current: 33
CMB: +6 CMD: 18 Fort: +5 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 (+3 vs. Fear)

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


The peninsula is about 200 feet long, with the beach on north side being very narrow at the beginning and end of it, widening out to about 20 feet in the middle section. Shipwrecks in various states of repair lie scattered all along its length, but especially near the end where the lighthouse is as the reefs get very close to the beach that far out. The beach itself seems to be oddly void of any signs of animal life that you would expect to find on a wild beach like this. The wind is really starting to pick up as you get farther away from the main shore so hearing and seeing beyond a short distance is difficult with the sun going down. As you near the lighthouse itself, you pass by a particularly large piece of semi intact wreckage at a narrow point of the beach, forcing you to walk single file between it and the cliffside. As you near the end of the it, Borric and Fury both hear movement from either end of the wreckage, and see a creature approaching the beach from either end. You seem to have attacted the attention of some local humanoids with sharp teeth and taut, pale skin and a very hungry look in their eyes.

[sblock=map]All of the large brown areas are shattered wrecks filled with holes and gaps.


Anna: 7/10 hp
Borric: 33/33 hp
Fury: 24/25
Sylvain: 26/26

[sblock=DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check]These appear to be ghouls, restless souls of the sailors who died on the beach.[/sblock]


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

Borric takes on look at the ugly creature, apparently spawned from hell and snarls, "It ain't fookin goblins we got to worry about now!"

"Let's take this one in front out first and everyone go past so the one in back has to come after me

The fighter puts his shield away to free his hands to quick draw his trusty guisarme and slashes viciously across the creature's chest.

OOC: I am assuming that J12-J19 is not providing cover, but is difficult terrain (no 5ft steps). If so then no need to take 5ft step to attack.
Move Action: Loose shield
Free Action: Quick draw MWK guisarme; 5ft step to K-13 only if needed to reach target.
Standard Action: Melee attack on I-12; MWK Guisarme (1d20+7=25, 2d4+4=11)[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (21 without shield, 19 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 33 Current: 33
CMB: +6 CMD: 18 Fort: +5 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 (+3 vs. Fear)

Current Weapon in Hand: MWK Guisarme[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins
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Voidrunner's Codex

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