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[LPF] Kaedyn's Quest

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"Ya' never looked better, cousin," whispers Umthirn as Damaris makes him disappear.

Just a little RP, nothing to alter events.


~ Day 15, 13:52 - Miles North of Thornbury ~

With magic, Damaris was able to open the door and reveal the underground chamber beyond. Crouching you could see there were booted feet waiting to either side of the doorway about 5 feet in. Whoever was waiting for you did not launch a barrage of ranged attacks or spells on an open and empty doorway.

Deep from within, a haughty female voice called out, “Tell them to come on in, we know they are there. We killed the last of their kind that tried stopping me.”

"Yesss, missstresss."


As Rhas was unseen he reached the opening in the doorway and saw an array of warriors, that looked to be the Githyanki the others had described. They wore breastplates and carried greatswords in hand.

The tiefling was there, but deeper within near a female githyanki also wearing a polished breastplate and carried a morningstar in hand. The badly wounded tiefling looked to be better, likely having received some magical healing.

There was also a long-necked dragon creature with wings. It had some arcane sigil in red glowing malevolently on its brow. It matched the description of the creature Ru and Damaris had fought by the dead elven mage's home.

There were three doors along the left hand wall, the farthest was open and the female githyanki and dragon-like creature appeared to guarding it.

OOC: Combat: Round 1 – Everyone is up
[sblock=Combat Information]The are flat-footed for Rhas as he has surprise.
But they are all aware and combat triggers upon seeing Umthirn's feet.

Rhas has Surprise Round Action too
You Guys
Bad Guys

Tactical Map:
1. The boulders in Q59/60 & R59/60 are difficult terrain
2. Medium or Large bodies provide difficult terrain for medium creatures or smaller. Large Bodies can provide soft cover bonuses like low wall

Party Status:
Ru:        58/62 HP remaining; 
Damaris:   38/47 HP remaining; 
Rhas:      50/66 HP remaining; 
Umthirn:   59/62 HP remaining; 
Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used:
  Ru: Studied Target 2
  Damaris: Bard Perf 9/14; Spells 1st 2/5, 2nd 0/4; SLA 1/1
  Umthirn: Stun Fist 4/6
Conditions in effect: Message, Mage Armor (Umthirn)
Enemy Status:
T4  [AC16(ff14), Touch 12, CMD15]: 18/21hp;
G1  [AC19(ff16), Touch 13, CMD16, SR?]: 18/18hp
G2  [AC19(ff16), Touch 13, CMD16, SR?]: 18/18hp
G3  [AC19(ff16), Touch 13, CMD16, SR?]: 18/18hp
G4  [AC19(ff16), Touch 13, CMD16, SR?]: 18/18hp
G5  [AC19(ff17), Touch 12, CMD15, SR?]: 35/35hp; (20% Concealment vs. ranged attacks)
D   [AC29(ff26), Touch 13, CMD20]: 34/34hp


First Post
"Well, I suppose it was too much to ask 'em to burn all their ammo on invisi-Rhas," Ru whispers. He waits a moment to give Rhas time to maneuver, then nods his head toward the door and raises his eyes to Umthirn. "What say we have one last, bloody dance today?"


First Post

Rhas moves forward, slipping between the lines of the githyanki warriors. As the battle erupts behind him, he fires a barrage of bolts at the gith woman from point blank range. "Surprise, lassie!" he shouts. "Pile it on, lads!"

[sblock=OOC]Surprise action: Move to H59.
Regular action: Holding until after Damaris starts bardsong, assuming that's her action. Then: 5 ft step to G59, full attack with RS/DA/PBS (and hopefully bardsong) on the summoner. Rolling without bardsong for now; please add in if it activates.

DA/RS/PBS, bardsong not included (1d20+11=24, 1d10+7=14, 1d20+11=16, 1d10+7=15, 1d20+6=17, 1d10+7=13)
81-00 is miss (1d100=63, 1d100=93, 1d100=6)

Hits for 27 with no bardsong, 31 with bardsong. I strongly recommend that anyone who can hit her with something does so. As they say in Shadowrun, geek the mage first.

[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Rhas Ironeyes

AC: 19 (13+2 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 59/66
CMB: +8 CMD: 22
Fort: +7 Reflex: +6 Will: +4
Weapons: Heavy Crossbow (+12/+7 or +10/+10/+5, 1d10+6, 19-20x3) or Dwarven Waraxe (+8, 1d10+3, 20x3)

Perception: +13
Initiative: +4

Reliable Strike: 0/1

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Crossbow (+12/+7 or +10/+10/+5, 1d10+6, 19-20x3)
Conditions in Effect: Bardsong +2/+2
Used Items:

Last edited:



"♪ Sorry darling, we killed your dogs in the way in, I hope you don't mind~!♫" Damaris immediately starts singing to help their friends in battle.

Standard action: Inspire Courage

I don't think I can shoot her just now. I'm sure I can shoot her next round. Can Ru/Umthrim get her this round? [/sblock]

[sblock= Ministats]
Damaris - Bard lvl 6
HP 39/47
Init +4
AC 20 | Touch 15 | FF 16
CMB+5 | CMD 19
Saves: F+3 | R+10 | W+5

Perception +8 | Sense Motive 11* (Vers. Perform.) | Bluff 11* (Ver.Per) (+1 vs Males)
Diplomacy +11 (+1 vs males)

Masterwork Shortbow +9 (1d6)
Longsword +6 (1d8+3) (Two-handed)
Sling +8 (1d4+2)

Bardic Performance: 4/14 day

Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ghost Sound, Jolt, Mending, Mage Hand
Spells: Lvl1 Grease, Sleep, Timely Inspiration, Silent Image 1/5 day. lvl2 Invisibility, Silence, Pyrotechnics, Glitter Dust 2/4 day
Spell-like ability: Message 0/day.

Combat Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Arcane Strike

Consumables: Acid Flask(2/2), Alchemist Fire (2/2), Holy Water (2/2), Oil (2/2), Perfume, Firework Paper Candle (2), Vermin Repellent, Normal Arrows (9).[/sblock]


Umthirn sends up a howling dwarven warcry. "Well done, cousin," he calls, dashing forward. He ducks between two of the nearest Gith, and launches a powerful strike at one of them.

"Ru, take this one!" he calls.

Sorry, I have no ranged weapons to take on the queen, and I don't think Ru does either. Better to just do some damage, and I'm in position now to threaten her, which will hopefully cause them to change tactics.

Umthirn is indicating he wants Ru to slide into K57 and get the flanking bonus on G1.

This is going to leave Damaris unprotected, but hey, the corridor's a chokepoint so there's a limit to how hard they can hit her. We have to take this fight to them or we are completely screwed.

Move to I57. Using acrobatics to attempt to avoid the AOO's from G1 and G3 (target # is their CMD + 2 (for 2 of them) +10 (for moving at full speed.

Acrobatics roll to avoid AOO's (1d20+11=16)

Standard: Attack G3 with Stunning Fist.
Attack & damage with Stunning Fist (1d20+8=28, 1d8+1d6+5=8)

Rolling to confirm crit (and adding damage) (1d20+8=27, 1d8+1d6=10)

That should crit for 18 damage, correct?


AC: 21 (Touch 17, Flatfooted 17) (*mage armor in effect*)
HP: 62/62

Initiative: +4 Movement: 40'
Perception: +12 Sense Motive: +12 Acrobatics: +11 ( +6 with jump checks)
CMB: +9 (11 w/ Grapple) CMD: 24 (26 vs Grapple/28 vs Trip & Bull Rush)
Fort: +8&% Reflex: +8&* Will: +9&
& +2 vs. spells, poison, and spell-like abilities
% +2 vs poison/drugs, +4 vs alcohol
* Evasion

Stunning Fists (DC 17) 5/6
Exploit Weakness against Target D20+9 (DC 10+ (CR/Hardness):
Bonus To hit Active: +2 to hit / Ignore DR
Bonus to Defense Active: +2 AC/Reflex/Sense Motive
Immune To Fatigue

In Hand: Unarmed Attack: +8 1d8+5+1d6 or +8/+8/+3 Flurry: 1d8+5+1d6


First Post
Ru Brike, human slayer

[sblock=ooc]Sorry for delays. ENWorld has been unresponsive for me all day until now.

As mfloyd3 says: Ru's only ranged attack is shuriken, which he's no longer proficient with given his rebuild, so I think trying to hack is way through is probably his best bet. [/sblock]

Ru slips in behind the rushing dwarf, making a nimble roll to land opposite his chosen Gith opponent. His blade slashes a nasty cut along the creature's shoulder, and Ru smirks.

"Many thanks, Ponytail," Ru calls to Umthirn. "I think this one and me, we're gonna be fast friends."

[sblock=Actions]Move to K57. That's only 25', so I believe he has the movement to make his move from K56 as half speed and avoid AoO:

Acrobatics to avoid AoO (1d20+13=25)

Standard: Flank attack G1

Flanking attack vs G1;Damage w/ Dirty Fighter; Sneak Attack damage (1d20+12=28, 1d6+1=2, 2d6=4)

Bah. I forgot to add Bard bonus, so it's actually 8 damage.

Immediate Action: Since he delivered Sneak Attack damage, G1 becomes one of Ru's Studied Targets (+2 attack / damage until he falls or Ru drops him as a target). [/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]

Ru Brike
AC: 19 (Touch 14, Flatfooted 15)
HP: 58/62

Initiative: +4
Perception: +9 (+11 Studied Target(s), +12 Traps)
Sense Motive: +5 (+7 Studied Target(s))
CMB: +6 CMD: 20 Fort: +8 Reflex: +10 Will: +4
(conditional: +2 vs. divination effects, +3 Ref vs. traps)

Wakizashi: +10/+5, 1d6
Wakizashi (TWF): +8/+8/+3/+3, 1d6
Nunchaku: +6/+1, 1d6
Shuriken: +6/+1, 1d2
Conditional Attack mods: +2d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank), +2 Attack / dmg vs. Studied Target (move action or with sneak attack success, up to 2 targets), -2/+4 Power Attack

Conditions:Ioun Stone illumination, Bardic Performance (+2 attack / damage), Studied Target G1 (+2 attack / damage var skill rolls), Immediate action (no Swift available next round).

In Hand: Wakizashi x2

Shuriken: 9/10 remaining
CLW Wand charges: 39/50 remaining

Used: 15 days' rations[/sblock]


~ Day 15, 13:52 - Miles North of Thornbury ~

Umthirn took down one of the githyanki warriors with the aid of Damaris's inspiration fueling his blow.


However loss of one of the guards did not stop them from counterattacking. One slipped behind Ru and slashed for a light wound, despite the heavy blade. It set him up for a charging warrior that hit him from the other side with a shallow slash across his back. The third stepped up beside the dwarven crossbowman, but missed with his heavy blade.

The wounded tiefling closed in on the other side and slipped his sharp sword into Rhas's flesh and nearly hit something vital.

The female githyanki cast a spell and much of her injuries closed up. She called over her shoulder in a language you did not understand, talking apparently to someone else in the room where the open door led.

The dragon creature loped towards the dwarven brawler got up close and personal. His long neck giving him extra reach he attacked with unexpected speed with his teeth from the side. The wound had a chilling feeling to it as well.

OOC: Combat: Round 2 – Everyone is up
[sblock=Combat Information]G1 5ft step, hit Ru 6 dmg
G2 charged, hit Ru 12 dmg
G3 down from extra damage from bardsong
G4 missed Rhas
T4 flanked and hit Rhas 15 dmg
G5 healed herself 17 dmg
Drg hit Umthirn 15 dmg (3 were cold)

You Guys
Bad Guys

Tactical Map:
1. The boulders in Q59/60 & R59/60 are difficult terrain
2. Medium or Large bodies provide difficult terrain for medium creatures or smaller. Large Bodies can provide soft cover bonuses like low wall

Party Status:
Ru:        40/62 HP remaining; 18 dmg
Damaris:   38/47 HP remaining; 
Rhas:      35/66 HP remaining; 15 dmg
Umthirn:   44/62 HP remaining; 15 dmg
Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used:
  Ru: Studied Target 2
  Damaris: Bard Perf 10/14; Spells 1st 2/5, 2nd 0/4; SLA 1/1
  Umthirn: Stun Fist 5/6
Conditions in effect: Message, Mage Armor (Umthirn)
Enemy Status:
T4  [AC16(ff14), Touch 12, CMD15]: 18/21hp;
G1  [AC19, Touch 13, CMD16, SR?]: 18/18hp
G2  [AC17, Touch 13, CMD16, SR?]: 18/18hp; charged
G3  [AC0]: -3/18hp; dying
G4  [AC19, Touch 13, CMD16, SR?]: 18/18hp
G5  [AC19, Touch 12, CMD15, SR?]: 21/35hp; (20% Concealment vs. ranged attacks)
D   [AC29, Touch 13, CMD20]: 34/34hp

Voidrunner's Codex

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