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[LPF] Lost Imperium


[sblock=Commander_Fallout]The horse is facing the outer wall (rear end towards the center aisle) so Samad could easily sneak up the left stair without being seen by the horse. Technically I think you have to roll stealth for each move action but it only matters if something has a chance to detect you so that seems like a bunch of unnecessary rolling to me. If you give me a couple of stealth rolls then I'll just apply them when needed and let you know when I need more.[/sblock]

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First Post
Samad glanced back to his allies, making a shushing motion with his hand, before making some more gestures which seemed to imply him going in alone. He made good on his immediate promise, and vanished beyond the threshold.
[sblock=Sneaking]The elf looked disturbed at the disgusting beast. Such ghouls were foul perversions of life, as well as common tools of the Stranger. He reached for his sword, desiring almost nothing more at that instant than to put it out of its misery, but the thought soon passed. What if it was bait, or would cry out in distress? No, it would be put to rest before the day was through, but not by him now. He instead turned his attention to the stairs next to him, and slowly began to ascend.

About halfway up, he realized that it might be better for him to be prepared for what could lay ahead, so he drew his bow and continued the rest of the way.[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC]Actually, I guess he can just take 10s for now, since he does have a +11 to the roll anyway. :p[/sblock]
[sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]

Samad Salil
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 30/30
CMB: +5 CMD: 18
Fort: +4^ Reflex: +9^ Will: +7^
Perception: +11^, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow (+8^, 1d8, 20/x3)
Current Conditions in Effect: Weapon Finesse, Dervish Dance, Heroism^
Spells Remaining (1st): 4/4
Spells Remaining (2nd): 1/2

Used Items:
Abilities Used:
Battle Dance (2/13)


[sblock=Samad]Samad makes it into the left stairwell without drawing the attention of the undead steed. At the top of the stairs it is dimmer yet he still has a clear view of the length of the hall and a large portion of the lower floor except for that area directly under him. At this elevation, some fifteen feet above the main level, Samad can clearly see where the wind has blown leaves and also a pattern of tracks where mud has dirtied the floors. There are lots of tracks around the open doorway where the undead creature is stabled and a wide path of tracks that lead to the wing on the east side (right, from our view of the map) while a lighter path of tracks lead to the wing on the west below the walkway on the same side of the cathedral that Samad currently is.

Looking down the hall, Samad can see that the far end ends in an oaken double door that is slightly ajar. The door isn't open enough for him to see anything beyond. The hall opposite Samad is, as far as he can see, empty. The view of the northern part of the cathedral, second level, is blocked by columns and a pair of carved, wooden screens. The screen on the west side has been broken and hangs from its frame. There is a flicker of light, as if from a fire, beyond the screen but he is unable to see anything but shadows.



Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia moved to collect her crossbow. Despite it being practically worthless in combat, she was not going to leave it behind. She slung it over her shoulder again after reloading it.

She kept the acid flask in hand.

The sorceress stayed back with the warriors and waited for Samad to return.

She whispered, I guess there was nothing waiting just inside that we needed to lure out.

[sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +5 (7 with Mazi)
AC: 13 (17 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 13, Flat-footed 11)
26 Current: 26
12, Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +5 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect:
Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor

Weapon in Hand:
Acid Flask
Spells Remaining:
1st Level: 6/7, 2nd Level: 4/4

+2 Senses: low-light vision; Perception: +12
18 (Touch 16, flat-footed 16)
13 Current: 13
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +6
Conditions in effect:
Improved Evasion, Empathic Link
Weapon in Hand:
Bite [Att: +8, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)]

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect:
War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand:
2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock]


First Post
[Sblock=Alone in the Dark]Light? He was not alone here, though, he never really suspected that he was. This simply confirmed it. He crept closer to it, though he paused Where the hall branched off, to make sure nothing was lurking there in the dark...
[sblock=OOC]Perception (1d20+11=26)[/sblock][/Sblock]


Garadh takes a position next to Pirvinia, his hand on his sword, as he waits for Samad to return from scouting.

Initiative: +2
HP : 35, currently 35
AC: 21 (touch 13, flat-footed 18)
CMB +7, CMD 19
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +0
With +1 longsword: Normal attack +8 melee, 1d8+5 damage. Power Attack +7 melee, 1d8+7 damage.


Though Samad has only been gone for a brief while it certainly feels longer. A brief glance at the ridge above where Brother Goswald was left in charge of the horses shows that he has moved them away from the line of sight from below. Goswald himself crouches by the bole of a tree and watches intently below.

[sblock=Samad]Paused by the door standing ajar Samad listens and hears voices rise and fall. The sound comes from both the hall beyond the door and the open space to his right and it is a logical deduction that the voices are coming from the same location as the fire, behind the broken screen on the second level. Listening further he counts at least three voices but the distortion caused by echoes makes that determination difficult and it may be that there are more, though probably not less.



First Post
[sblock=Just a little further...]The nomad squeezed through the open door, dashing across the hallway and into a corner, making himself small and peeking through the screen.

[sblock=OOC]He'll take a 10 on his Perception for a 21[/sblock][/sblock]


Moments more pass as the group waits for Samad to return. And then they hear a repetitive ring, much like the sound of iron-shod boots on bare stone, from within the cathedral. Certainly it is not Samad and his stealthy, desert footwear.

[sblock=Samad]Samad peers through gap where the broken screen dangles in its frame. From what he can see beyond, the room is totally trashed with broken furniture, stone blocks, and other debris scattered about. As he watches he is rewarded by the sight of a figure passing close to the screen: the creature looks like a humanoid crow with oily black feathers, glittering eyes, and a sharp beak. Instead of wings it has two muscular arms ending in sharp claws. And it is massive. Samad estimates the creature is nearly seven feet tall and with bulk to match its height. And then it is past the window, moving deeper into the room where Samad cannot see as well.

At that moment Samad hears boots ring out on the stone floor of the cathedral below. A quick peek over the rail and Samad sees a knight coming from the east wing into the main cathedral and turn towards the door...



First Post
[sblock=Time to move...]This... was not good. No doubt he was finally coming out to investigate the noise. Unfortunately, there was no way that Samad could get a warning out to them in time... Or was there? He took out an arrow and drew it to his bow, launching it towards the open doorway. Hopefully the sight of that would be enough to stir his allies to action...
[sblock=OOC]Empty squares have an AC of 5, right? He shoots for a square outside the building, back to the party.
Attack (1d20+8=22)[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]

Samad Salil
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 30/30
CMB: +5 CMD: 18
Fort: +4^ Reflex: +9^ Will: +7^
Perception: +11^, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow (+8^, 1d8, 20/x3)
Current Conditions in Effect: Weapon Finesse, Dervish Dance, Heroism^
Spells Remaining (1st): 4/4
Spells Remaining (2nd): 1/2

Used Items:
Abilities Used:
Battle Dance (2/13)

Voidrunner's Codex

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