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[LPF]Something's Cooking

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Vincenzo will give the captain a bow as he is led out, b\then the sargent will receive a bow as well.

"Yes, off to the magical disappearing bandit alley way it is then"

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The alley in question is your standard alley surrounded by builidings except for the one entrance. It looks like at one time it had doors that opened up onto it, and that it continued on, but time, and house additions/modifications have left this L shaped alley to be an apparent true dead end.
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First Post
When the group reaches the alley, its initial appearance disappoints Ni. Frowning, he says, "This is what a magical alley looks like in these parts? It seems pretty normal to me." After having a bit of a look around, Ni stops and says, "I could use a little help here; I'm going to call out a friend." Making his way over to a small pile of trash, he places both hands over it, palms down, and begins chanting in sing-songy nonsense*. As the group watches the trash first shudders, then begins to bind together, reforming; this process continues for about a minute - Ni chanting, the trash reforming itself - until finally, Ni stops, turns to the others, and smiles. "Gentlemen - and angelic lady, mustn't forget you - this is Lumoi'es. He's got keener eyes than me, so I figured he'd be good for helping in a search. Although it looks like I'm having a little trouble getting him to come all the way through," he adds, frowning.

The creature standing where a mundane pile of trash once was is, well, undefined - it's quadrupedal, with fierce talons and a sharp mouth/beak, but beyond that, it's little more than a shadowy haze.* Still, it's physical presence seems definite enough, as Ni is able to hop onto the saddle on its back and begin to ride around on the creature as he would an ordinary riding dog.

Ni begins riding around on the shadowy creatures, which seems to be checking out the area intensely. For his part, Ni starts to cast a spell, searching for any trace of magic in the area.

[sblock=*]The "gibberish" is a patented mix of Sylvan and Celestial, for those interested.

Also, the vague description of the eidolon physically is due to the fact that I haven't settled on an appearance yet - rather than force a decision, I figured I'd make like the summoning process is mildly incomplete, perhaps due to Ni's geographic distance from his homeland, which is a first for him.[/sblock][sblock=Actions]Perception checks for Ni and Lumoi'es, and Ni casts Detect Magic (Know (Arcana) check for that as well).[/sblock] [sblock=Stats]Nimientioquijuil
Initiative: +2
HP: 9/9
AC: 17 (Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 15)
CMB: -2 CMD: 10 Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +2
Perception: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 9/9
- 0: Infinite
- 1: 2/2
Eidolon: Summoned[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Vincenzo starts searching around for any door or doorway that is concealed or otherwise hidden, however, no matter how much searching he tries he finds nothing, even if the door was not hidden!


As Vincenzo looks around for his toes, Lumoi'es manages to find precisely where most of the doors onto the alley used to be, but all have been filled in and covered over at least once. Meanwhile, Tio doesn't see anything magical.


First Post
Nimientioquijuil halts his eidolon's search, putting his hands on his hips in further frustration. "Well, this alleyway definitely isn't magical. Lu doesn't seem to have found any exits either." Leaning in to whisper into the eidolon's ear, Ni says, "How about some tracks, boy?" As he whispers, his hands give a slight glow, which passes briefly to the eidolon before fading from view. Lumoi'es begins to search for tracks.[sblock=Actions]Ni: Cast Guidance (+1 skill check)
Lumoi'es: Survival roll for tracks[/sblock] [sblock=OOC]Are there any animals in the alleyway (stray cat/rat/etc)?[/sblock][sblock=Stats]Nimientioquijuil
Initiative: +2
HP: 9/9
AC: 17 (Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 15)
CMB: -2 CMD: 10 Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +2
Perception: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 9/9
- 0: Infinite
- 1: 2/2
Eidolon: Summoned[/sblock]
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"Harumph." Fulgrim says under his breath as Ni summons forth some shadowy haze of a form.

Turning his head towards Temarel "Musta' a bit much to drink me thinks. Or he forgot some of da' words.

"Don't make no sense that that gang would run inta' a dead end alley. We must be missin' something." Fulgrim says as he moves into the alley, his hand on his axe.

Fulgrim lets the more skilled go before him, but he studies the buildings lining the alley and any stonework for any indications of something not obviously seen in this alley.
Perception Check -- 1d20+6=10
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Fulgrim Ironforge
Initiative: +3 (+5 when underground)
AC: 17 (16 without shield/flat-footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 28 Current: 28
CMB: +5 CMD: 16 Fort: +6 Reflex: +1 Will: +1

Damage Reduction: 1/--

Current Weapon in Hand: None, Hand on Great Axe



[sblock=ooc]You could probably locate a few hungry looking rats.[/sblock]

[sblock=Fulgrim]As you are examining the wall at the end of the alley, something odd about the stonework beneath your feet manages to catch your eye.[/sblock]
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First Post
As Lu continues to hunt for tracks, Ni dismounts and makes his way over to a corner where a few rats are scratching. Leaning down, he starts speaking in a series of high-pitched squeals. At least, the others assume he's speaking, by the flattering way in which he bats his eyelashes and addresses the vermin. [sblock=Rat]"Excuse me, my fine fellows, but I was wondering if you could help me with a quandary I'm experiencing. We're hunting for some bandits - they wear black hoods, I believe, or something of the sort, either way they have a clothing-related schtick - and we were led to believe that they have some sort of passage in this alleyway here. I was wondering if you have ever seen anything of the sort, and if, if you had, if you'd mind filling a fellow speaker-of-the-tongue in on it."[/sblock][sblock=Actions]Cast "Speak with Animals" (gnome magic).[/sblock]


First Post
"Check the doors to ensure they are indeed what they appear to be." As Temarel mentions this he starts searching the ground

Sauvressa gets uneasy in the presence of the strange shadowy almost nightmarish creature the little man summons and stands close by the unperturbed Temarel.

As he looks around he lets a stray thought loose to wander. "How do we know they even escaped this way?"

OOC: Taking 10 to search the alleyway floor for sewer entrances or otherwise secret places for an 11 total.

Initiative: +5
AC: 17 (14 without shield/flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 16 Current: 16
CMB: +3 CMD: 16 Fort: +1 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: None
Summons Left: 5/day
Spells Slots Remaining: 1st: 3

Initiative: +1
AC: 15 (14 without shield/flat-footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 20 Current: 20
CMB: +6 CMD: 17 Fort: +4 Reflex: +1 Will: +3
Current Weapon in Hand: Masterwork Glaive

Voidrunner's Codex

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