[LPF] The Devil We Know

Lem grunts and answers, "Wouldn't be a problem if there were fewer of these. And they seem somewhat resistant to damage."

Attack Rat #8 twice with flurry of blows. 1 hit for 3hps of damage.

Character Sheet: http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Lem_the_Cook_(Deuce_Traveler)
HP: 18/20
AC: 21, AC Touch: 20, AC Flatfooted: 15
Unarmed Strike: Attack: +9, -Damage: 1d4, Crit: 20/x2, Special: Stunning Fist Option
Flurry of Blows: Attack: +8/+8, Damage: 1d4/1d4, Crit: 20/x2, Special: Stunning Fist Option

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Amien wasn't expecting that some of the creatures would get close and try to climb up his legs (only to get kicked off before one could bite him), making his choice to switch to the 'correct' weapon for the situation the wrong choice out of happenstance. However, Galandra manages to do give him an opportunity to do what he had intended to do with his sling. He carefully steps around the corpse of one of the now dead rats, and spins his sling, lifting his other arm for balance and steadiness while aiming for one of the critters crawling around Lem. Of course, the things are hard to hit, the best Amien can do is not hit Lem himself.

[sblock=Turn Actions]5 ft. move to H18
Ranged Attack vs. Rat #8 (Missed): 1d20 + 4=9[/sblock]

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet Page

Condition: None
HP: 28/28
AC: 15
AC Touch: 12
AC Flatfooted: 13
Initiative: +2

Glaive Attack: +5, Glaive Damage: 1d10+4
Heavy Flail Attack: +5, Heavy Flail Damage: 1d10+4
Sling Attack: +4, Sling Damage: 1d4+3
- Sling Bullets (06)

Handy Haversack
- Potion of CLW x3
- Sunrod
- Trail Rations (12 days)[/sblock]

Seeing that his spell worked, Menik calls out "Rat, only I can dismiss the spell. Surrender now and call off your fellows, or you'll never see again!"

In the meantime, he shoots a dart of force at the rat Lem wounded.

[sblock=DM]Force missile vs rat 8, auto hit, 3 damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stat block]

AC 17 (touch 13, ff 14) with mage armor
hp 17/17
Init +3, CMB +2, CMD 15, Fort +1, Reflex +4, Will +3; Perception +5

att longsword +2 (1d8+1, 19/x2) or dagger +2 (1d4+1, 19/x2)
or longbow +4 ranged (1d8, 20/x3)

force missile (Sp): (1d4+1, as magic missile, 7/day, 1 used)

Arcane bond: ring; cast any spell in spellbook 1/day except Abj or Div

spells prepared:
Level 0: daze (Will neg DC 14), ghost sound (Will DC 14), prestidigitation, disrupt undead (30', +4 RTA, 1d6)

Level 1: color spray (Will neg DC 15), mage armor (cast), magic missile (1d4+2,1d4+1),
ear-piercing scream& (3d6+1, daze 1 round, Fort DC 16 half + no daze)

Level 2: mirror image (1d4+1, 3 min),
flaming sphere&~ (3d6+1, Reflex neg DC 18, 130' range, 3 rounds),
blindness/deafness (Fort neg DC 16, cast)

Gear: 4 days' rations, potion of CLW (1d8+1), 40 arrows, club, periscope, pearl of power (1st level)

Three of the rats are down.


The blinded man slowly makes his way closer to the fray around Lem. The other man begins casting a spell. The rats already engaged in attacking you all miss, except for the one that bit Tsaaruk. It manages to catch him again for another filthy bite on his leg.


From the dim shadows you are surprised by some thugs that were lurking in the dimness. On throws a dagger at Amien and it sinks into torso for moderate wound. Another flanks Galandra from behind and slashes her across the back. A third attacks Lem from behind and the little monk evades the stabbing shortsword.

Three more rats swarm out from the dimness of deeper in the tavern and close in.

OOC: Combat: Round 3
[sblock=Combat Information]M1 Moved
M2 begins casting
R1 hit Tsaaruk 3 dmg
R2, R3, R7 missed Lem
R5 missed Galandra
M3 hit Galandra 9 dmg
M4 hit Amien 10 dmg
M5 missed Lem
R9, R10, R11 double moved

You guys
Men & Rats

Updated Map:
Furniture: Chairs are difficult terrain for all. Tables are for humanoids, but not for rats/halflings going underneath

Galandra:  23/32 HP remaining; 9 dmg
Lem:       18/20 HP remaining;
Menik:     17/17 HP remaining; 
Amien:     18/28 HP remaining; 10 dmg
Lydia:     12/12 HP remaining;
Tsaaruk:   08/15 HP remaining; 3 dmg

Spells Cast: Menik (Blindness)
Abilities Used: 
Conditions in effect:
Man1 (AC10/??HP): Blinded
Man2 (AC14/??HP):
Man3 (AC17/??HP):
Man4 (AC17/??HP):
Man5 (AC16/??HP):
Rat1 (AC14/??HP): 7 dmg
Rat2 (AC14/??HP):
Rat3 (AC14/5HP):
Rat4 (AC14/5HP): -8HP, dying
Rat5 (AC14/5HP):
Rat6 (AC14/5HP): -7HP, dying
Rat7 (AC14/5HP):
Rat8 (AC14/5HP): -2HP, dying
Rat9 (AC14/5HP):
Rat10 (AC14/5HP):
Rat11 (AC14/5HP):[/sblock][GM]You guys are up.

Actions are resolved in posted order, so keep in mind what the players that post before you are doing.[/GM]

Tsaaruck grits his teeth to the pain and the sound of the rat chewing his leg and swings his hammer again to be rid of the rat before more begin chewing on him.

[sblock] Tsaaruck does not move this turn to hit rat 1 again = 15 Damage = 7 [/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]
HP: 8/15 – 4 damage from rat, -3 from rat
AC: 14 (Touch: 11, Flat: 13) with shield
AC:13(Touch: 11, Flat: 12) without shield
Init: +1
CMB: +5 / CMD: 16
Fort: +5 / Ref: +1 / Will: +1
Speed: 40 ft.
In Hand: War Hammer: Attack: +5 = [BAB (1) + STR (4) + Misc (0) + Magic (0)]
Damage: 1d8+4, Crit: 20/x3, Type B
Rage remaining: 6/6 [/sblock]

Galandra clenches her teeth at the pain on her back "You son of a-!" she slashes with her falchion at the man and then at the other rat beside her. "Amien, they need you. Lydia careful of this other rat, I need to move ahead" Galandra warns the rogue and then she will move closer to the main fight to stop the other two men from getting behind Lem.

"You wanna test your luck!?"

Power Attack with Falchion to M3

1d20+6 → [20,6] = (26) CRIT THREAT

Damage (+2 favored enemy)
2d4+7[4,4,7] = (15) +2 = 17

Crit Confirm (+2 favored enemy)
1d20+6[10,6] = (16) +2 = 18

Dmg (+2 favored enemy + 2 KILLER TRAIT)
2d4+7[4,3,7] = (14) +2 +2= 18

CLEAVE to Rat11
1d20+6[16,6] = (22)

2d4+7[3,4,7] = (14)

Finally, she will move to I17 to try to stop the men from flanking Lem and Tsaaruk.


AC: 18 (Touch 12, Flatfooted 16)
HP: 23/32

Initiative: +2
Perception: +8/+10 vs Humans, Sense Motive: +2/+4 vs Humans,
CMB: +6 CMD: 18 Fort: +5 Reflex: +6 Will: +4

Masterwork Falchion +7 [2d4+4] 18-20
Dagger +6 [1d4+3] 19-20
Masterwork Comp Longbow STR3: +6 [1d8+3] x3 (110ft)

Effects: Killer
Combat Feats: Power Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Cleave

Conditions: None

In Hand: Masterwork Composite Longbow STR3


Efficient Quiver
  • -Blunt Arrows (20)
  • -Arrows (28)
  • -Masterwork Arrows (10)
  • -Javelins (10)
  • -Spears (3)


  • 4 days rations, Wand CLW (7 charges), Oil (2)
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"He's casting a spell... someone do something to make his day go south," Lem says as he indicates the man across to him before attacking the nearby rats.

Ignoring the man behind him and targeting a separate attack on each of the rats via Flurry of Blows.

Looks like I hit rat 3 for 3hp of damage.

Character Sheet: http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Lem_the_Cook_(Deuce_Traveler)
HP: 18/20
AC: 21, AC Touch: 20, AC Flatfooted: 15
Unarmed Strike: Attack: +9, -Damage: 1d4, Crit: 20/x2, Special: Stunning Fist Option
Flurry of Blows: Attack: +8/+8, Damage: 1d4/1d4, Crit: 20/x2, Special: Stunning Fist Option

"Come on, Lydia, get your head in the game..." She loads her staff, once again looking for an opening on the human behind the rats, then takes what she hopes is a clean shot.

[sblock=DM]Conditional: If rat 5 is still alive, 5-foot step to I21.

Move Action: Load sling staff.
Standard Action: Attack man 2 (19 + 4 = 23, Damage: 2 + 1 = 3).[/sblock]
...and finally manages to land a hit.

"Yeah!" She exclaims. "Kal'zi finally."

[sblock=Stats]Full Stats
HP: 12/12
AC: 16 (Touch: 14, Flat: 13)
Init: +3 (+5 in forest) / Speed: 30 ft.
CMB: +1 / CMD: 14
Fort: +4 / Ref: +5 / Will: +1 (+3 vs fear)
Speed: 30 ft.
In Hand: Halfling Sling Staff (Melee: +2 [1d4+1], Ranged: +4 [1d6+1], 80 ft.)

Menik moves forward a little and casts his signature spell, his mouth opening to produce a shout that the rest of the party doesn't hear, hoping to prevent the enemy spellcaster from completing his own spell.

[sblock=DM]Move to H21
Ear-Piercing Scream vs M2; 13 damage + daze 1 round, Fort DC 16 for half + no daze
Spellcraft check to ID enemy spell = 18

[sblock=mini stat block]

AC 17 (touch 13, ff 14) with mage armor
hp 17/17
Init +3, CMB +2, CMD 15, Fort +1, Reflex +4, Will +3; Perception +5

att longsword +2 (1d8+1, 19/x2) or dagger +2 (1d4+1, 19/x2)
or longbow +4 ranged (1d8, 20/x3)

force missile (Sp): (1d4+1, as magic missile, 7/day, 1 used)

Arcane bond: ring; cast any spell in spellbook 1/day except Abj or Div

spells prepared:
Level 0: daze (Will neg DC 14), ghost sound (Will DC 14), prestidigitation, disrupt undead (30', +4 RTA, 1d6)

Level 1: color spray (Will neg DC 15), mage armor (cast), magic missile (1d4+2,1d4+1),
ear-piercing scream& (3d6+1, daze 1 round, Fort DC 16 half + no daze) (cast)

Level 2: mirror image (1d4+1, 3 min),
flaming sphere&~ (3d6+1, Reflex neg DC 18, 130' range, 3 rounds),
blindness/deafness (Fort neg DC 16) (cast)

Gear: 4 days' rations, potion of CLW (1d8+1), 40 arrows, club, periscope, pearl of power (1st level)

Amien growls and moans in frustration over the knife impaling into his skin. Luckily for him, the impalement isn't so deep that it isn't difficult to pull out the knife.
"Amien, they need you.
"That's what worries me!" he says, not trusting himself to make for a good hero while looking over to the two men that just came out of the shadows, "First rats, now cockroches from under the cracks. I hate to imagine what might be in the ale."

Amien takes a step while grasping the handle of his other weapon, a heavy metal ball pulled from a chain, and manipulates its movement to try and wrap the ball and chain around one of the man's legs, and if successful he'll grasp the chain with one of his hands and pull it back to force the man on the ground.

[sblock=Turn Actions]EDIT: Acrobatics to Move through Threatened Square to I16 : 1d20+7=12
Trip attempt on Man 5: 1d20+5+2=16[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet Page

Condition: None
HP: 18/28
AC: 15
AC Touch: 12
AC Flatfooted: 13
Initiative: +2

Glaive Attack: +5, Glaive Damage: 1d10+4
Heavy Flail Attack: +5, Heavy Flail Damage: 1d10+4
Sling Attack: +4, Sling Damage: 1d4+3
- Sling Bullets (06)

Handy Haversack
- Potion of CLW x3
- Sunrod
- Trail Rations (12 days)[/sblock]
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