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Making a successful Worthy Opponent?


I'm trying to construct a character for my Eberron game that will serve as the Worthy Opponent to one of the PCs in my game.

The PC in question is a Kalashtar Soulknife 4, in an E6 Eberron game.

The party just had thier first encounter with a group of Inspired shocktroopers. They won out, fairly handily, but it was a trap of sorts. Now I'd like to introduce some more Inspired NPCs. This includes a high-level telepath leader, and a mid-level Inspired Crusader.

With the Crusader, I want him to come across as the exact opposite of the inspired. Where the ordinary inspired will seem hateful and willing to do anything (the ends justify the means), I want the Crusader to come across as the foe that, had circumstances been different, could have been on your side.

Obviously, since the Inspired are double-entities (quori and human) with quori dominating, that means that the quori as-well needs to come across as a worthy opponent.

Of course, actually pulling off that emotional connection to the players may be difficult, and I'm open to any advice on how one might go about pulling this off. The biggest struggle, besides trying to not die, is conveying to the players that "Hey, this guy has some good traits." Which seems rather difficult given the setting/creature, but I'm adamant on at least attempting it.

So, if anyone has any advice or stories about their own successful worthy opponents, please share.

VIRAL (“Vee-ral”) CR 7
Male Tsoreva Quori Spirit Inspired Crusader 6
LE Medium Humanoid (Human, Psionic)
Senses: Listen +18, Spot +19
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Aura: stances
Languages: Common, Draconic, Quor, Riedran

AC: 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +4 inertial armor, +3 shield)
Hit Points: 55 HD: 6d10+12
Delayed Damage Pool: 10 (steely resolve)
Power Points: 6
Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +10; zealous surge 1/day; reroll any failed mind-affecting save

Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Attack: mw riedran crysteel longsword +10 slashing (1d8+4/19-20)
Ranged: heavy crossbow +8 (mw) or +7 piercing (1d10/19-20)
Full Attack: mw riedran crysteel longsword +10/+5 slashing (1d8+4/19-20)
Space: 5 ft. Reach: 5 ft.
Base Atk: +6 Grapple: +9
Atk Options: furious counterstrike, psi-like abilities, maneuvers, smite 1/day
Combat Feats: Instant Clarity, Psionic Weapon, Psychic Renewal, Stone Power
Combat Gear: potion of cure serious wounds, potion of invisibility, potion of pass without trace

Crusader Maneuvers Known (IL 6)
3rd – revitalizing strike (DS 3), white raven tactics (WR3)
2nd – battle leader's charge (WR2), mountain hammer (SD2)
1st – leading the attack (WR1), stone bones (SD1), vanguard strike (DS1)
Stances – iron guard’s glare (DS1), leading the charge (WR1)

Crusader Maneuvers Readied (IL 6)
3rd – revitalizing strike (DS 3), white raven tactics (WR3)
2nd – battle leader's charge (WR2), mountain hammer (SD2)
1st – stone bones (SD1)

Psi-Like Abilities (ML 4)
3/day – inertial armor
1/day – dissolving weapon

Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 17 Cha 21
Special Qualities: dual spirit, naturally psionic
Feats: Instant Clarity, Psionic Weapon, Psychic Renewal, Stone Power
Skills: Autohypnosis +10, Balance +10, Bluff +23, Concentration +18, Disguise +7, Diplomacy +16, Intimidate +23, Listen +18, Knowledge (psionics) +11, Knowledge (the planes) +9, Psicraft +11, Sense Motive +10, Spot +19
Possessions: combat gear plus heavy crossbow, 10 bolts, 2 mw bolts, mw riedran crysteel longsword; boots of stomping, +1 mithral heavy shield

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First Post
The NPC is a goner, accept that. He will not survive if he isn't powerful enough to wipe out the party in 2 or 3 rounds. With that in mind worry abut the RP asspects mostly and not too much about the mechanics.


The first encounter it's pretty much a given that he'll survive, actually.

I talk about it somewhat here: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=214102

He's the lieutenant to the best inspired telepath in Q'barra, and acts as a bodyguard and elite enforcer. He'll be involved in the initial confrontation that results in the parties capture, after which they probably won't see him again for a long time.


Ensure he always has a means of escape. Umm... make that ensure he always has a means of not dieing. That includes a willingness to surrender.


First Post
So uh - I think we might be able to help a little more if we know some more about your player. What's he like? What does he want to accomplish in game? What are his goals in the group?

Like, if your player is all about gaining power - have the NPC help or provide a direction in that step - possibly talking from his own experience.

"He'll be involved in the initial encounter that results in the party's capture"

There was a long thread on this forum a month or two ago; the gist of it was that determining up front that your PCs will get captured is _always_ a bad idea for the DM.

Maybe you should read it.


Allow them to see him in a mission where they're not against each other before meeting him on the opponent's side. Example would be all of them reacting to some imminent danger (ex: a burning Riedran orphanage), something with innocents involved-for the quori, some of those innocents might be potential hosts in the future if you need that kind of motivation. He might even request for their help with a shout before being the first to go in, fighting some fire elementals or magmins or mercenaries but being slightly overwhelmed. At this point, they don't know he's quori-inspired, of course, and just because he's evil doesn't mean he doesn't think of himself as a good guy (esp. with the Riedran culture and the honor it is to be one of the Inspired's chosen) and he doesn't recognize who they are. After the danger has passed, he asks them what they're doing in the region and assuming they're not up to something shady with his direct interests he wishes them luck, maybe gives them advice or a moderately useful gift (Potion of Cure Critical Wounds)-knowing that they too are heroes and would use it well.

-If you've played Breath of Fire II, this is what happens with Ray. There are children stuck down a well, captured by monsters and the party and him do a team up. He eventually bestows one of heroes the abiltiy to cast something along the lines of D&D's Revivify spell.

The party might go to a tavern in the future, where the people who serve them recognize them as the same ones another man (the Crusader) described. Drinks are given on the house as the bartender recounts to them their heroic deed (apparently the Crusader left himself out of the tale, telling of only the party's virtues).

When they finally meet up to him, he's genuinely surprised. Make sure he tries to parley for a moment to see what they're doing-maybe he'll try to convince them that his side is "right" and they should be on it too (or at the very least not get in the way). If it comes to blows with reluctance, but without mercy, have him attack, apologizing once or twice if he downs anyone.

Hope this helps, your guy's stats seems pretty cool, I especially like the combination of Crusader with quori. The website in the link you used also seems pretty useful. I really enjoy the Inspired but I admit having a little difficulty actually adding on the quori onto the person's stats smoothly.
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Even his quori can have a more "enlightened", "pragmatic" view on humans and kalasthar. Humans are inferior but that doesn't mean they need to be subjugated so much as "guided", the quori are perfect for this function and as superior beings should be treated as a cut above the rest. It doesn't see humans losing lives as meaningless-if it has to come to that and it's necessary it won't shed a tear but if it can prevent some damage that's good. The Kalasthar are also misguided, not understanding their place in the great order of things. They don't need to be exterminated though and a few loose ones free isn't going to truly endanger the quori themselves, especially if they don't continue provoking each other.

I can't recall if Kalasthar/Quori automatically recognize each other's status as such, if they do you might want to give the Crusader a ring of mindshielding or whatever it'd take to help. If not, maybe by the time they realize he's a quori after the conflict, a bunch of his men show up asking him what's going on-with a knowing stare at the PC he says there's no problem and thanks the heroes (as above), parting with a gift and no hassle. During the fight, he might even call the kalasthar a "wayward brother", if using it only when they've already clashed in melee and he can speak without his own leaders hearing..


Haffrung Helleyes said:
"He'll be involved in the initial encounter that results in the party's capture"

There was a long thread on this forum a month or two ago; the gist of it was that determining up front that your PCs will get captured is _always_ a bad idea for the DM.

Maybe you should read it.


It was not determined up front. It was, however, determined during the last actions of the previous session. :p

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