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Malvoisin's Savage Tide, Act 1 - There Is No Honor


Keoni watches as Damash and Chongo slip into the water, wishing he could go with them. Still, he would not wish to leave the others alone. The lunatic needs someone to look over him in particular.

He perches at the back of the boat, allowing the others to be the ones to speak with the crew. He tries to appear as nothing more than a harmless serving man, keeping his javelins in the bottom of the boat, rather than strapped to his back. Still, he keeps an eye on the ship and focuses himself. The storm serpents can see you through the fiercest storm, and they do not waver in their vigilance. He must be like they are, ever watchful.

A force of purpose settles over the boat, and looking back at Keoni, his fierce watchfulness reminds you all to be vigilant.

[sblock=ooc]Sense aura, all allies within 30' gain +1 spot, listen and initiative[/sblock]

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The course has been set, and the intrepid liberators launch into action!

Damash and Chongo both slip into the water off the pier, feeling the bite of the cold water against their skin. As they begin to swim toward the blue nixie, the others hunker down in the 'borrowed' rowboat. Keoni and Anar take the oars, whil Kalen and Col whisper to one another, hastily concocting the details of their plan.

(Damash and Chongo take 10 on their Swim Checks...the water is calm enough to make for an easy swim.)

In the water, Chongo propels himself forward with powerful strokes. He's a good swimmer, but he can't help but be impressed with how effortlessly the other dockworker glides through the water. And Damash's armor, that was strange too. Despite the chill of the waters, the dark-skinned barbarian keeps pace, drawing air rhythmically as he exerts himself.

Damash leads Chongo toward the wooden float, which he had scouted out earlier in the day. He is impressed with the way the tribal warrior keeps up with him, and happy to have his strength alongside for this mission. They reach the float which moors the Nixie, and come up out of the water in the air pocket underneath. So far, it doesn't seem that they have been spotted. So far, so good....

The rowboat makes its way steadily in the direction of the Blue Nixie, with Anar and Keoni pulling on their oars with conviction. They have to reach the ship before she sails! As they draw closer to the Nixie, they see a few silhouetted figures moving back and forth on deck. The occupants of the ship have lit a few lanterns so that they can see what they're doing as the daylight fades. The rowboat is able to draw unnoticed right up alongside the Blue Nixie, so engrossed are those on board with their preparations. At last, though, someone happens to look over the side. An ugly man with a bulbous nose, a coil of rope around one arm, spots the rowboat. In surprise, he calls down, "'Ay, what're ya doin'? Get away, we're about to sail!"

From under the float, Damash and Chongo hear the man yell, and realize the time is right to launch the next phase of the plan...it's boarding time!


First Post
Chongo will look towards the dockworker and nod, a broad grin breaking across his tattooed face. He motions with one hand towards the opposite side of the boat - indicating his intent to come up the opposite side of the launch - and then takes a deep breath and quietly lets the water swallow him before propelling himself towards the other side of the ship.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Col glares at the ugly man with a baleful eye and nudges Kalen. To no one in particular, but loud enough to be hear on the boat, Col states, "Don't be seein' sign of the carse yet, but who be know'n?"

OOC: Knowledge arcana/religion to come with it an appropriate 'carse' for the ring to have with symptoms and everything. Its not a bluff if you really know it, is it? :heh:


Kalen calls up "Hail in the name of Lord Isalaran! Thank goodness we caught you in time. Your crew is in danger on the ship but the Lord sent us here to help. Lower a rope ladder so we can come aboard, I'll explain to your captain. Hurry man, there may not be much time!"


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stonegod said:
OOC: Knowledge arcana/religion to come with it an appropriate 'carse' for the ring to have with symptoms and everything. Its not a bluff if you really know it, is it? :heh:
(OOC: I'm sure Col would have heard of many such curses, yes? Go ahead and let your creativity run wild, stonegod.)


First Post
Waiting a five count before going back under the water, Damash knew that for the next few moments he and Chongo would be blind to what happened above.

'Rough seas or calm...only one knows for sure...'

Dropping back under the cold bay water, Damash's heritage instantly asserted itself and the his breathing became as normal as it was a moment before. With confident strokes, Damash began closing the distance on Chongo and soon was swimming side by side with the dark skinned warrior.


First Post
Voadam said:
Kalen calls up "Hail in the name of Lord Isalaran! Thank goodness we caught you in time. Your crew is in danger on the ship but the Lord sent us here to help. Lower a rope ladder so we can come aboard, I'll explain to your captain. Hurry man, there may not be much time!"
"Danger...whu??" The big-nosed thug looks bewildered, and hesitates.

By this time, two more tough looking goons have joined the first at the ship's rail. Big-Nose explains to them, "The 'arbormaster sent 'ese blokes...some kinda danger on board? What'sat about, there's nothin' dangerous 'ere...well, 'cept for that..."

A quick elbow to the ribs from one of the other goons cuts Big-Nose off. "Shut up!" hisses this one, a runty man with no teeth.

The third, a weaselly looking man with squinty eyes calls down to you, "Our captain, he be what you'd call indisposed at the moment, wif' strict orders not to be disturbed. What's this danger all about, then?"


Keoni does his best to look nervous, not exactly a stretch. Who on earth would want to row out after a 'carsed' ship. Better to let them sail to their dooms and leave those lucky enough to not be onboard in peace.

He looks longingly back to port.


"Black magic most foul. The harbormaster learned there is a cursed ring among the items aboard this craft. A relic of nigromancy that can unleash a fiend into the unsuspecting souls of those aboard who are not properly warded. The possessed become crafty, and await their chance to bend others to its will through mental domination. Those it mentally conquers are not even aware they have fallen to it. The fiend then turns upon those who are resistant to its wiles. Blades in the back from its minions are its choice method for eliminating those it does not turn into its unwilling servant of evil. I am the magister Kalenestarianthalus. This is my associate Mr. Tobison. We are magi experienced at dealing with such matters and will hunt down the ring and determine if any aboard are possessed or under the influence of the released fiend. If the ring had been disturbed and you had sailed off without our intervention you all would have been doomed. Throw down a rope ladder and I will explain more once aboard."

Voidrunner's Codex

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