Radiance Monster Hunter (IC)

Eli curses as he's scratched, taking aim at that first Mechanite once more, letting out a pair of bullets. His bullets wouldn't hurt the zombies much, but he might be able to get rid of these spiders at least.

OOC: Rapid Fire on Mechanite 1, with second shot going to Mechanite 3 if 1 dies on the first shot.

Attack 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

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[IC] Radiance Monster Hunters

Giuseppe's claws pulled back on the bolt of his rifle, lining up on the damaged mechanite and hoping for a better shot. He kept an eye on Grynm, at once horrified and fascinated that the man may have his brains extracted from his head. Calling out, he shouted, "The big ones, they're ah-little slow. If they have to ah-move, they can't attack."

OOC: Standard Action: Fire at Mechanite #1 (Attack: [roll0], Damage: [roll1]
Move Action: None
Interrupt: If Giuseppe is attacked by one of the flesh constructs, he'll use his interrupt to jump 5' away without taking damage.

DR: 5
V/W: 18/4
Fortitude 13, Reflex 17, Will 14

+4 Repeating Rifle: Damage: 2d8+4, Range: 80’, Ammo: 2, Piercing
+4 Claws & Teeth: Damage: 1d3-1, Piercing


Summer Street
Thurs May 6, 1889/9:27 AM
Round 3

OOC: Not sure on positioning. If Moradin can get to the construct that has Grynm grappled without provoking, he will attack that one. Otherwise he will attack one of the ones on him.

Moradin charged at one of the constructs, swinging his battle axe once more.

Standard: Battleaxe attack on flesh golem: 1D20+4 = [20]+4 = 24
Crit! So that bypasses DR and does max (8) damage!
Move: Possibly to Grynm?
Ammo: 5/6/39 (1 reload move action; full reload full round)

DR: 4 (Chain shirt)
FORT: 18
REF: 16
*Dwarven Resistances: +2 vs poison and magic.
*Earth Anchor: +5 vs Bull Rush, Charge, Grapple, Trip when on the ground.
*Bear’s Endurance: +5 vs attacks that cause fatigue or exhaustion.
*Trap Sense: +5 Reflex vs traps.
Vitality: 16/16 Wounds: 11/11

Special abilities:
*Identify (1h, 1 vit): identify all properties of a magic item
*Piloting: +10 1/day
*Resist Energy (5m, 1 vit): +10 DR vs a specific energy, or +2 DR vs all energy types

GM: Moradin and Grynm are close enough that they you don't need to provoke an OA. Also you get your Strength bonus to damage with the battleaxe

They were lovely, what beautiful creations these undead. One even embraced Grynm, a moment of euphoria before he struggled through her influence. It seemed quite intent on eating his brain, or at least allowing its friends to eat his brain, and while he was all for sharing... in this case he kind of needed what they wished to take from him. He struggeled against the creature to break free, hoping to attempt to flee if he managed to break out of its welcoming arms.

OOC: Correct me if I am wrong, this seems like a generic attack roll type thing vs fortitude.
[roll0] to break free.

Moradin chopped into the fleshy creature grabbing Grynm with enough force that it allows the mageblade to escape the creature’s unholy embrace. Lane tries to call upon her spirit again to try and knock the mechanical zombie over but misses! Eli shot at the mechanical spider twice but also missed both shots!! Trebuchet chops into the flesh construct before ‘him’ and this time is rewarded with sparks as the blade cuts deep into the creature’s flesh. Giuseppe is also unlucky with his rifle, missing the spider thing as the others had.

They reply back, shooting at the trio outside again. Lane takes a minor scratch but Giuseppe takes a deeper blow to his side. No blood yet but it still hurt! The flesh constructs then lash out, two of the power punching both Moradin and Grynm. They both suffer bruishes from the blow but otherwise are unharmed. One reaches out and grabs ahold of Trebuchet though. The newest two strikes Moradin for another bruising blow. The last of the creatures staggers out of the warehouse and reaches out for Eli!!!

GM: Initiative…
Moradin – 14
Lane, Eli, Grynm, Trebuchet – 13
Giuseppe – 12
Mechanite – 11
Flesh Construct – 5

[sblock=Rolls and Results]Hmm missing Lane and Trebuchet so rolling for them…

Moradin hit the construct holding Grynm for 8 damage (bring it down to vitality 6). With a crit I am also going to say it gives Grynm a bonus to escape the grab. See below
Lane attacks Flesh Construct #6 (by the entrance), Attack and damage if she hits: 1D20+5 = [4]+5 = 9; 1D4 = [3] = 3, but she misses a ten :(
Eli shot and missed the Mechanite twice and misses also.
Grynm escapes the grab of the construct due to the critical hit that Moradin inflicted.
Trebuchet attacks Flesh construct #3 Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+6 = [15]+6 = 21; 2D6+4 = [3, 3]+4 = 10, hitting for 7 damage (bring it down to Wound 7, no vitality).
Giuseppe shot and missed the Mechanite

Mechanite #1: shots a Stinger at Eli Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+7 = [10]+7 = 17; 1D4+1 = [3]+1 = 4, hits but doesn’t do any damage.
Mechanite #3: shots a Stinger at Giuseppe Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+7 = [20]+7 = 27; 1D4+1 = [2]+1 = 3, hit max damage (5) and it ignores DR so Giuseppe takes 5 damage (bring him down to 13 Vitality)
Mechanite #4: shots a Stinger at Lane Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+7 = [12]+7 = 19; 1D4+1 = [1]+1 = 2, hits for 1 damage (bring her down to 14 Vitality)
Flesh Construct #1: tries to Power Punch Moradin Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+5 = [15]+5 = 20; 1D8+6 = [3]+6 = 9, hits for 5 points of damage (bring him down to 11 Vitality). This also costs the construct 2 vitality.
Flesh Construct #2: tries to Power Punch Grymn Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+5 = [15]+5 = 20; 1D8+6 = [1]+6 = 7, hit for 1 point of damage (bring him down to 17 Vitality). This also costs the construct 2 vitality.
Flesh Construct #3: tries to grab Trebuchet Grapple attack: 1D20+10 = [4]+10 = 14, success. I was reading about the Dodge ability but you have to take it (and spend the 2 Vitality) before the roll. IF you want to for this round I will say you can do it vs. the Grab. Going forward you have to declare what you are dodging, etc.
Flesh Construct #4: tries to punch (and Stun if it hits) Moradin Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+5 = [17]+5 = 22; 1D6+4 = [4]+4 = 8, hit for 4 damage (bring him down to 7 Vitality) Stunning Fists, Attack and number of rounds stunned if successful : 1D20+5 = [1]+5 = 6; 1D4+1 = [1]+1 = 2, fail!! This also costs the construct 2 vitality.
Flesh Construct #5: tries to punch (and Stun if it hits) Grymn Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+5 = [10]+5 = 15; 1D6+4 = [4]+4 = 8, miss.
Flesh Construct #6: moves forward to Eli, and is now in melee with him (that’s its full action)

Player’s Actions?![/sblock]

Eli: Wounds 9/Vitality 17
Giuseppe: Wounds 4/Vitality 13
Grynm: Wounds 8/Vitality 17
Lane: Wounds 8/Vital 14
Moradin: Wounds 11/Vitality 7
Trebuchet: Wounds 11/Vitality 16

Mechanite #1: Wounds 5/Vitality 5
Mechanite #2: destroyed
Mechanite #3: Wounds 5/Vitality 14
Mechanite #4: Wounds 5/Vitality 14
Flesh Construct #1: Wounds 8/ Vitality 12 (by Moradin)
Flesh Construct #2: Wounds 8/ Vitality 4 (by Grynm)
Flesh Construct #3: Wounds 7/ Vitality 0 (by Trebuchet)
Flesh Construct #4: Wounds 8/ Vitality 12 (by Moradin)
Flesh Construct #5: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14 (by Grynm)
Flesh Construct #6: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14 (by Eli)[/sblock]
Last edited:

There were so many of them. These necromechanical works of art, he admired their beauty as he brought his scythe down on the one that was grappling his companion Trebuchet.

OOC: Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

[IC] Radiance Monster Hunters

The launched stinger caught Giuseppe completely unaware. He yowled in pain as the missile slipped through his defenses and slammed into him. Desperately, he looked around for any sign of cover, something to put between him and the incoming missile attacks. Recommitting himself, he took aim at the damaged mechanite and attempted to hit it again.

OOC: Standard Action: Fire at Mechanite #1 (Attack: [roll0], Damage: [roll1]
Move Action: Giuseppe looks around to see if there is any cover nearby, if so he moves into it after firing.
Interrupt: If Giuseppe is attacked by one of the flesh constructs, he'll use his interrupt to jump 5' away without taking damage.

DR: 5
V/W: 13/4
Fortitude 13, Reflex 17, Will 14

+4 Repeating Rifle: Damage: 2d8+4, Range: 80’, Ammo: 1, Piercing
+4 Claws & Teeth: Damage: 1d3-1, Piercing

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