Radiance Monster Hunter (IC)


OOC: If that's high enough to know about their vulnerability to psychic damage, then he'll attack using his Mind Thrust, doing [roll0] damage on a failed Will save, and half on a successful one.

If that's not high enough to know about it, he'll fire at the closest one with the following:

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

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First Post
Hearing the warning from Lane, Moradin moves into the warehouse and blasts at one with his shotgun but missed. Lane draw a sunrod from her pack, striking against the ground to ignite it, she tossed it into the entryway to provide the others with light to see the small spider mechanic things. Eli blasted one of them with a quick psychic bolt when he realized that the creatures were vulnerable to psychic energy. His attack was not as perfect as he hoped but it still cause the spider-think to jerk away from him. Grynm entered the warehouse and tried to stab one the things but it sprang out of the way of his slashing weapons. Trebuchet also tried to slash at the spider thing with its greatsword but missed! Finally Giuseppe took quick aim at the mechanic device that Eli had wounded and blasted it good.

The undamaged device shot a blast of metal shrapnel that catches both Moradin and Grynm in the spray but this does not penetrate their armor. The other shots a spike like bolt at Grynm but misses him. Then two additional ones charge along the floor at bite at Moradin and Trebuchet, and while they both hit their metal ‘teeth’ are not powerful enough to pierce the pair’s armor. Moans from deeper within the warehouse suddenly are heard and three walking undead monstrosities emerge and stagger up to Moradin, Grynm and Trebuchet. They are clumsy and slow as their misshapen and mismatched hands reach out for the trio! Three additional fleshy mechanical undead creatures can be seen moving this way at the edge of the sunrods’ light. They moan like the cursed damned as their strange mechanical like eyes burn with insane hunger… for the living?

GM: Initiative…
Moradin – 14
Lane, Eli, Grynm, Trebuchet – 13
Giuseppe – 12
Mechanite – 11
Flesh Construct – 5

Was kind of waiting for @Shayuri but I will act for Trebuchet this round.

[sblock=Rolls and Results]Moradin moved into the warehouse but missed his attack against the Mechanite.
Lane throw the sunrod into the warehouse providing light
Eli blasted one with Mind Thrust, but missed the Will so half damage for 2 points of damage (DR5 applies to all damage unless specified that it ignores it, so bring it down to Wounds 5/Vitality 12)
Grynm moved into the warehouse and slashed at one of the Mechanite but missed
Trebuchet moved into the warehouse and attacks one of the Mechanite with her greatsword, Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+6 = [3]+6 = 9; 2D6+4 = [5, 6]+4 = 15, but that is a miss
Giuseppe shot the wounded Mechanite and hit, dealing 9 damage (Wounds 5/Vitality 3)

The first Mechanite does a Scatter Sprayᴹ vs. Moradin and Grynm, Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+7 = [13]+7 = 20; 1D4 = [2] = 2, hitting both for 2 points of piercing damage. Both of you have enough DR to ignore the damage. This also cost the Mechanite 1 vitality (bring it down to Wounds 5/Vitality 13)
The second Mechanite shots a Spike at Grynm, _: 1D20+7 = [8]+7 = 15; 1D4+2 = [2]+2 = 4, but missed.
Two other Mechanites that were still fully hidden on the ground dart out. One moving to attack Moradin one more to attack Trebuchet; Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+7 = [16]+7 = 23; 1D4 = [4] = 4
1D20+7 = [10]+7 = 17; 1D4 = [3] = 3
, Moradin is hit with 4 piercing damage and Trebuchet is hit for 3 points of piercing damage. But again your DR is enough to ignore this damage.
Then the Unknowns, which are Flesh Constructs stride forward, one moving to engage Moradin, one moves to attack Grynm, one moves to Trebuchet. Three others are move into the light this round but that is the extending of their movements. They are 40 feet away from the entrance for range increments. Note of course that the Flesh Constructs suffer from a Speed Penalty and they can only take a Standard or a Move Action, they cannot take both (also actions except Intermediate as normal). The three that moved this round that is all they can do, they will attack next round.
You can make an Arcana check DC18 to learn stuff about the Flesh Constructs.

Player’s Actions?![/sblock]

Eli: Wounds 9/Vitality 18
Giuseppe: Wounds 4/Vitality 18
Grynm: Wounds 8/Vitality 18
Lane: Wounds 8/Vital 18
Moradin: Wounds 11/Vitality 16
Trebuchet: Wounds 11/Vitality 16

Mechanite #1: Wounds 5/Vitality 13
Mechanite #2: Wounds 5/Vitality 3
Mechanite #3: Wounds 5/Vitality 14 (by Moradin)
Mechanite #4: Wounds 5/Vitality 14 (by Trebuchet)
Flesh Construct #1: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14 (by Moradin)
Flesh Construct #2: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14 (by Grynm)
Flesh Construct #3: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14 (by Trebuchet)
Flesh Construct #4: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14
Flesh Construct #5: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14
Flesh Construct #6: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14[/sblock]
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Switching to his gun, Eli takes aim at the severely wounded spider thing, firing in rapid succession.

OOC: Action: Rapid Fire, make two attacks at -2 attack each.
First Shot: [roll0] with damage: [roll]2d8+4[/roll
Second Shot: [roll1] with damage [roll2]

If the first shot kills it, the second shot will go to the next wounded spider thing.

Forged Fury

First Post
[IC] Radiance Monster Hunters

Giuseppe yelped in fright when the flesh constructs appeared. He had heard... tales about animated corpses fused with technology. "Ah-watch out for the walking dead! They'll tear you ah-limb from limb or eat-ah your brains. If you've got a blade, use it because bullets, they-ah don't work so well."

Realizing his firearm would be of little use against the flesh constructs, he drew the bolt back on his rifle and chambered another round, aiming at one of the mechanites not engaged with one of his allies for fear of hitting them instead.

OOC: Standard Action: Fire at mechanite (Attack: [roll0], Damage: [roll1]
Move Action: None

DR: 5
V/W: 18/4
Fortitude 13, Reflex 17, Will 14

+4 Repeating Rifle: Damage: 2d8+4, Range: 80’, Ammo: 3, Piercing
+4 Claws & Teeth: Damage: 1d3-1, Piercing


First Post
The little things were surprisingly hard to hit, but they needed to be getting dead. He swung his scythe down once more at the mechanical spider thing.

OOC: Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll]2d4+5[/roll]
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First Post
Trebuchet had conflicting reactions to the oncoming fracas. On the one hand...it finally got to utilize his primary function! That was good! On the other, it calculated a low probability that any of these entities was a spellcaster, which was unfortunate. Then again, this did strongly suggest one was behind these layers of minions, so there was definitely something to work towards!

Eying the oncoming monster of flesh, Trebuchet attempted to suss out what manner of thing it was (arcana [roll0]) before activating protective sigils that suddenly blazed to life with eerie cerulean light, etching arcane runes all over its' chassis (activating Shield ability, 1 vitality cost +2 DR)...and leaping to attack!

Greatsword attack: [roll1] attack, for [roll2] damage!

(Note - if golem hits, may use Dodge (2v cost) to negate the hit)



Summer Street
Thurs May 6, 1889/9:27 AM
Round 2

Moradin cursed as the spider thing dodged his pellets and rammed another shell into the barrel. Shrapnel from one of the spiders peppered his armor, but failed to pierce, as did the mecha-beastie’s sharp mandibles.

But there were bigger things to worry about right now. Literally. Large, lumbering undead monstrosities shuffled into view, one moving toward him. The kobold yells out a warning that the flesh constructs aren’t much damaged by bullets, so Moradin lets his shotgun swing on its sling strap and yanks out his dwarven battle axe, swinging out at the construct’s knee, but just misses the monstrosity.

Standard: Battleaxe attack on flesh golem: 1D20+4 = [5]+4 = 9
Swift: Draw battle axe
Free: Let shotgun dangle
Ammo: 5/6/39 (1 reload move action; full reload full round)

DR: 4 (Chain shirt)
FORT: 18
REF: 16
*Dwarven Resistances: +2 vs poison and magic.
*Earth Anchor: +5 vs Bull Rush, Charge, Grapple, Trip when on the ground.
*Bear’s Endurance: +5 vs attacks that cause fatigue or exhaustion.
*Trap Sense: +5 Reflex vs traps.
Vitality: 16/16 Wounds: 11/11

Special abilities:
*Identify (1h, 1 vit): identify all properties of a magic item
*Piloting: +10 1/day
*Resist Energy (5m, 1 vit): +10 DR vs a specific energy, or +2 DR vs all energy types


First Post
Moradin draws and slashes his battleaxe at the undead monster before him, but slipped on something and missed the clumsy creature!!! Lane called upon her spirit guardian to try and attack one of the spider creatures but it resisted the attack somehow. Eli blasted the wounded spider thing and blew it to pieces. His second shot was not as lucky as he missed the other. Grynm stabbed down into the small construct nearby and damaged it with a solid hit from his scythe but the creature had heavier armor then he expected. Trebuchet’s heavy blade sank deep in the flesh construct before it but the creature seem to fully ignore the injury as it continued to moan and some form of electrical charge seemed to form around one of its fists!!! After Giuseppe shout of warning his missed blasting one of the spider things… they were just to small and fast it seemed.

The three remaining spider things all shot weird little bolts at the party members standing outside and all hit, but only Eli and Lane suffer minor scratches, Giuseppe’s armor protecting him. Then two of the undead creatures reach out with their oddly mismatched hands to grab Moradin and Grynm!! Moradin is able to shake off the first creatures grab but the other gets a hold of Grynm by the coat and pulls the man into an unholy (and very rotten smelling) embrace!!! The other, with an electrically charged fist swings at Trebuchet but missed. The last three continue moving forward, one advancing towards Moradin and the other looking to gang up on the restrained Grynm. In fact its mouth seem to curl into a frightening smile. The last one moves towards the open warehouse doors staring with hunger at the trio outside…

GM: Initiative…
Moradin – 14
Lane, Eli, Grynm, Trebuchet – 13
Giuseppe – 12
Mechanite – 11
Flesh Construct – 5

[sblock=Rolls and Results]Hope its cool to move forward so I will roll for Lane this round...

Moradin miss the creature with his axe.
Lane attacks Mech #1 with Spirit Pounce Attack and damage if she hits: 1D20+5 = [7]+5 = 12; 1D4 = [4] = 4 but missed its will.
Eli shot and destroyed Mech #2 with his first shot and missed with the second
Grynm hit Mech #1 and dealt 8 damage (bring it down to 5 Vitality/5 wounds)
Trebuchet did 8 points of damage to Flesh Construct #3 (bring it down to 6 vitality/8 wounds)
Giuseppe missed with his attack also

Mechanite #1: shots a Stinger at Eli Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+7 = [18]+7 = 25; 1D4+1 = [4]+1 = 5, hit for 1 piecing damage (bring him down to 17 vitality).
Mechanite #3: shots a Stinger at Giuseppe Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+7 = [10]+7 = 17; 1D4+1 = [1]+1 = 2, hits but does not piece his armor.
Mechanite #4: shots a Stinger at Lane Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+7 = [11]+7 = 18; 1D4+1 = [3]+1 = 4, hits for 3 damage (bring her down to 15 vitality)
Flesh Construct #1: tries to grab Moradin Improved Grapple: 1D20+10 = [5]+10 = 15, misses his Fortitude 18
Flesh Construct #2: tries to grab Grymn Improved Grapple: 1D20+10 = [3]+10 = 13, right what he needs!! The undead grabbed Grymn. You can only use Light weapons while grabbed or you can spend your action attempting to escape the grapple with a normal Attack roll vs. the Flesh Construct’s Fortitude Defense of 17. If you meet or exceed it you are no longer grappled.
Flesh Construct #3: Power Punches Trebuchet Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+5 = [1]+5 = 6; 1D8+6 = [1]+6 = 7, miss. This cost the undead 2 Vitality
Flesh Construct #4: moves 30ft to melee combat with Moradin
Flesh Construct #5: moves 30ft to melee combat with Grymn
Flesh Construct #6: moves 30ft to the entrance of the warehouse

Player’s Actions?![/sblock]

Eli: Wounds 9/Vitality 17
Giuseppe: Wounds 4/Vitality 18
Grynm: Wounds 8/Vitality 18
Lane: Wounds 8/Vital 15
Moradin: Wounds 11/Vitality 16
Trebuchet: Wounds 11/Vitality 16

Mechanite #1: Wounds 5/Vitality 5
Mechanite #2: destroyed
Mechanite #3: Wounds 5/Vitality 14 (by Moradin)
Mechanite #4: Wounds 5/Vitality 14 (by Trebuchet)
Flesh Construct #1: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14 (by Moradin)
Flesh Construct #2: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14 (by Grynm)
Flesh Construct #3: Wounds 8/ Vitality 12 (by Trebuchet)
Flesh Construct #4: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14 (by Moradin)
Flesh Construct #5: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14 (by Grynm)
Flesh Construct #6: Wounds 8/ Vitality 14 (at the entrance to the warehouse)[/sblock]

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