Radiance Monster Hunter (IC)

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First Post
GM: Initiative…
Moradin – 14
Lane, Eli, Grynm, Trebuchet – 13
Giuseppe – 12
Mechanite – 11
Unknown – 5

What are the heroes doing? Only Lane was able to spot 2 mechanites clinging to the walls, etc. just inside the warehouse. Nothing else can be seen but what appears to be an abandoned and dark warehouse, with old dusty crates piled and shattered about inside.


First Post
"Oh blimey!," Lane muttered.

Drawing the sunrod out of her satchel, she banged it against the pavement to activate it, then tossed it into the open room. "Watch out! There are two little spider-machine things in there- one on the wall, and one over there on that pile of crates."

OOC: On her turn, draw, activate, and toss sunrod


First Post
With the entry way lit and a target pointed out, the little spider thing wasn't what he had sensed, but it seemed a threat nevertheless. He attempted to bring his scythe down on the one by the entry way, hoping to clear passage to the creatures that were deeper within.

OOC: Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (Magical slashing and piercing)



Summer Street
Thurs May 6, 1889/9:27 AM

“Guess I check out, since I see in dark,” Moradin said, moving carefully toward the door of the warehouse, the shotgun held ready in front of him. Then Lane threw in a sunrod and lit the place up, too late for the dwarf to get a shot off at the skittering spider creatures.

Move: Into warehouse

DR: 4 (Chain shirt)
FORT: 18
REF: 16
*Dwarven Resistances: +2 vs poison and magic.
*Earth Anchor: +5 vs Bull Rush, Charge, Grapple, Trip when on the ground.
*Bear’s Endurance: +5 vs attacks that cause fatigue or exhaustion.
*Trap Sense: +5 Reflex vs traps.
Vitality: 16/16 Wounds: 11/11

Special abilities:
*Identify (1h, 1 vit): identify all properties of a magic item
*Piloting: +10 1/day
*Resist Energy (5m, 1 vit): +10 DR vs a specific energy, or +2 DR vs all energy types


First Post
GM: I am going to wait for the whole parties action before the 'enemies' take any action...You each get a Standard, a Move and a Swift action each turn. IF you want to Ready your action to go later in the round you can but you must specify what condition causes your action to go off. If that condition does not occur you lose your turn.

Forged Fury

First Post
[IC] Radiance Monster Hunters

As the light illuminated part of the warehouse, Giuseppe did his best to spy the machines Lane had called out. Raising his rifle to his eye, he waited patiently, not planning on firing unless the creatures moved close enough to attack.

OOC: Standard - Ready Action to Fire (Attack [roll0], Damage [roll1])
Move - None
Swift - None

Is there a roll/action to determine what kind of creatures these are? Giuseppe would really like a mechanical pet...

DR: 5

Repeating Rifle: Damage: 2d8+4, Range: 80’, Ammo: 4, Piercing
Claws & Teeth: Damage: 1d3-1, Piercing
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Summer Street
Thurs May 6, 1889/9:27 AM
Round 1

OOC: Technically Moradin goes before Lane throws the light in, but if you allow it, then he’ll Ready his attack for when he sees the spider things and fire when the light comes up if they’re in 30 feet of him.

Spotting the spidery creatures, Moradin raised his shotgun and sent a blast at one of them.

Standard: Shotgun attack on spider thing: 1D20+5 = [5]+5 = 10
Shotgun damage on spider thing: 2D8+2 = [5, 1]+2 = 8
Move: Into warehouse
Ammo: 5/6/39 (1 reload move action; full reload full round)

DR: 4 (Chain shirt)
FORT: 18
REF: 16
*Dwarven Resistances: +2 vs poison and magic.
*Earth Anchor: +5 vs Bull Rush, Charge, Grapple, Trip when on the ground.
*Bear’s Endurance: +5 vs attacks that cause fatigue or exhaustion.
*Trap Sense: +5 Reflex vs traps.
Vitality: 16/16 Wounds: 11/11

Special abilities:
*Identify (1h, 1 vit): identify all properties of a magic item
*Piloting: +10 1/day
*Resist Energy (5m, 1 vit): +10 DR vs a specific energy, or +2 DR vs all energy types


Eli stepped inside as Lane lit the place up, revealing the creepy crawlies on the wall. He knew better than to shoot first without assessing the situation, and tried to see what he knew about the things before firing at them.

OOC: Arcane Check: [roll0]
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