Mando season 3

Let me know if any of this sounds familiar:

A monstrous spider-thing lurks in a dark cavern. It traps the questing protagonist in a cocoon in order to drink his blood. An ally defeats the monster by slicing through it's belly with the protagonist's dropped magic sword.

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Am really enjoying the show. It's become a Must Watch when it comes out, so, I'm pretty happy.

Yeah I'm still enjoying it a lot and Vad Batch Season 2 has been good as well. Hell some of my players have started watching them.

And we've switched from D&D to Star Wars rpg. Today they found out some guy called Grand Admiral Thrawn is attacking the New Republic.....


That was certainly a huge improvement, particularly in that the episode actually had a subject, a focus, themes, a story, and so on.

Some spoiler-filled observations:

He's at least as smart as a 6/7-year-old or so, and with a lot more emotional maturity than most. I mean, we already kind of new that, but it's now unarguable.

6) The power armour driven by the cyborg was fascinating. Primarily it seemed extremely Rifts-esque, which is interesting because Rifts was always heavily Star Wars influenced (among many others), though it most resembled a Tachikoma from Ghost In The Shell. The cyborg driving it had massive Doctor Who vibes too, and just really seemed perfectly that sort of '80s "grotesque cyborg" deal we used to see a lot. The head detaching and skittering away is something I've seen before but am having difficulty placing. Probably in a '80s movie or cartoon? Or 2000 AD. Or Rifts, actually.[/SPOILER]
The John Carter of Mars books had something similar I'm pretty sure, though they were biological. They were spider legged heads that moved themselves from headless body to headless body.


The John Carter of Mars books had something similar I'm pretty sure, though they were biological. They were spider legged heads that moved themselves from headless body to headless body.




THANK YOU! That was driving me nuts!

Voidrunner's Codex

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