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March 2008 - What are you playing?

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I has new laptop... so I'm catching up on PC games I've missed out on, namely Bioshock and NWN2. Oh, and I'm finally running Civ4/BTS with all the graphics on 'high' (that tells how capable my old laptop was).
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Wii - Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Wii - Metroid Prime 3 Corruption (a little bit early on in the month, but I am stuck at a part that requires a bit more coordination than I have, so I can't get any further - so every few weeks I pick it up and try again for a couple days)
PC: Rappelz


Mustrum_Ridcully said:
I am also considering getting Assassin's Creed and a Need for Speed Title (any suggestions? Which is the best/most recent?), but considering the other two games lying around, I think I should wait a while.
must... resist... urge... to... buy... shiny!

The last few NFS games have been pretty bad. ProStreet is a bad ripoff of Gran Turismo/Forza (very bad), and Carbon looked worse on the 360 than the upscaled version of NFS:U2 did (played via BC).


Wii: Uhm. I have to admit I really don't play with my Wii. Someday, there will be a cool Star Wars game for the Wii and all will be forgiven when I get to use a Wiimote Lightsaber. Until that time, this console is a waste of shelf space. Anything it can do, something else I own can do better.

Xbox 360: Rock Band ftw. N+ on XBLA is cool too.

DS: Professor Layton and the Curious Village was an awesome lil game. Easily the best game available for the Nintendo DS and I played this through to the finish without touching any other game as I was playing. Great game. If you have a DS - get it. If you don't have a DS - get one and get this game.

PSP: After Professor Layton made me look on the DS with newfound awe, I broke down and got a PSP slim this month. The media player for TV is awesome on the commute and far better than my video iPod. I've started watching BSG Season 3 start to finish on the PS. Really - the media playing capbility of the PSP is kicking ass and taking names. Games wise, Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron is entertaining me. Net connectivity on the PSP keeps getting better and better....and better. This thing even now has Skype built in. Find a hotspot - you've got free long distance in your pocket. Very groovy. [EDIT: Skype is available only on the PSP Slim - not the Phat]

PC: I tried Eve Online and then stopped after repeated and persistent crashes. In frustration (and at my wife's wheedling)I went back to World of Warcraft which surprisingly set its hooks into me quite easily and very deeply once again. I rolled Alliance this time after being away for nearly 20 months from the game. My wife, a lvl 70 Horde Raid team guild officer is treating me like I have betrayed our marriage or something by rolling Alliance. Weird.

PS3: I don't have one....yet
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Steel_Wind said:
Wii: Uhm. I have to admit I really don't play with my Wii. Someday, there will be a cool Star Wars game for the Wii and all will be forgiven when I get to use a Wiimote Lightsaber. Until that time, this console is a waste of shelf space. Anything it can do, something else I own can do better.

The Force Unleashed for the Wii will have the functionality you seek.

Apparently, No More Heroes also has that functionality. It has the further advantage of having been out for a few months.

Also, if you enjoy the platformer genre, I'd highly recommend Super Mario Galaxy. It is about the best example of a D&D plane with subjective gravity I've ever seen. It's also surprisingly fun for a Mario game. Also, the two player mode nicely facilitates vegging on the couch with your wife (at least, that's been my experience).



Steel_Wind said:
DS: Professor Layton and the Curious Village was an awesome lil game. Easily the best game available for the Nintendo DS and I played this through to the finish without touching any other game as I was playing. Great game. If you have a DS - get it. If you don't have a DS - get one and get this game.

Big +1!!

I love this game. Great story and dialog, really nice graphics, and TONS of cool puzzles.

I don't have much play time these days but I've been popping back into D&D Online as well. Took about 6 months off but decided to come back and start a new character. Really having fun again - Turbine has made some really nice changes and added a lot of cool stuff.


Goobermunch said:
Also, if you enjoy the platformer genre, I'd highly recommend Super Mario Galaxy. It is about the best example of a D&D plane with subjective gravity I've ever seen. It's also surprisingly fun for a Mario game. Also, the two player mode nicely facilitates vegging on the couch with your wife (at least, that's been my experience).


I have Super Mario Galaxy. It just doesn't do it for me.

Troll Wizard

First Post
WoW, finally gave in and followed some of my friends in the addiction, not bad this time, better than the first time I tried and quit after 3 days of a 10-day trial, less idiots bothering you.

Sins of Solar Empire, gotten quite good can beat up to 3 computers on normal, though don't like anything larger than 24 planets - that's take about 9 hours to finish.

Space Empires 5 - good ole standby, play a few turns on the laptop here and there

Call of Duty 4, finish in a few hours the single player, the multi-player would be nice if it weren't so full of spawn campers, just gave up on this game

Frontline: Fuel of War; gorgeous game, fun single player though too short. expected it to be like battlefield series in multi-player, again just full of spawn campers and aimbot hackers already, we all gave up last week on this game.

Waiting for.. Conan Online, got my preorder in... waiting and waiting...


First Post
Goobermunch said:
The Force Unleashed for the Wii will have the functionality you seek.

Unfortunately, all evidence points to it being terrible.

There does seem to be a dearth of games for the Wii, but there are definitely some good ones: No More Heroes, Mario Galaxy, and Brawl probably being the most recent. I'd like to add, if you have not played Metriod Prime 3: Corruption, you are missing out on a great game that makes excellent use of the remote.

Steel_Wind said:
I have Super Mario Galaxy. It just doesn't do it for me.

Just curious, is it a taste thing or were there other things that turned you off?

I can't remember the last time I played a Mario game of any stripe... Mario 64 and MarioKart 64 probably being the last. I skipped Sunshine because it was just too silly. But Galaxy... it just wows me at every step: the controls, the look, the music. It all grabbed me right away, and it's still holding on.

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