D&D (2024) Memorize Spell is one of the most obnoxious abilities I've ever seen, despite being perfectly on-theme (Packet 7)


Morkus from Orkus
So Wizard got a new ability in the UA and it's an absolute doozy:

You might be thinking, well what's so bad about that? It just lets me prepare for a combat I know is coming and get the right spell for it. Oh no my friend, that the weakest and least-objectionable use-case for this ability.

The real use-case is to access EVERY SINGLE utility spell in your spellbook, never prepare any of them ever again!

Teleport. That can stay in the book. Rock to Mud. Can stay in the book. Passwall? Stay in the book. Fly? Probably stays in the book. Knock/Arcane Lock? Stay in the book. Pass Without Trace. Stays in the book. Rope Trick, Tiny Hut? Stay in the book.

I could go on and on. This ability is essentially "No longer prepare any spell that you aren't going to need to pull out mid combat".

What's really sad is, it's totally on-brand and thematically appropriate for Wizards, but it's grotesquely overpowered, and pushes the most obnoxious thing about Wizards - their giant array of overpowered no-roll utility spells - to absolutely The Next Level, to just true obnoxiousness, real "Why did anyone else even bother having abilities" stuff. It's not free unlike Rituals, at least, but being able to do this? It really is a distinct escalation of the worst thing about Wizards.
Wow. You couldn't design a spell more likely to lead to adversarial DMing. The DM almost has to try and counter the wizard in order for the adventure to be a fun and entertaining challenge.

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Morkus from Orkus
Or it makes them actually useable?

I get where you are coming from, but the reality is, I can think of dozens of situations where you won't have a minute to spend before casting something. And even if you're right, that no one ever memorizes a utility spell again, I don't see what the problem is? Wizards have a big spell list and a book for a reason, guessing what will be useful for the day is unsatisfying, which is why I made the change years ago.
So can I, but the fact is that unless the DM contrives to continuously keep the party under a time crunch, the vast majority of instances will have that minute. For each of those "dozens" there will be "hundreds" where you have the minute.


Morkus from Orkus
No, the Wizard companion definitely feels very useful in the game, but most of the companions do. He’s good but other companions have their own strengths that he doesn’t have. I’ve been rotating him in and out, periodically, like all the others.
I haven't. I've found him to be so much more useful that I've been healing him before anyone else in the party if he and others are low on hit points.

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