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Menace of the Icy Spire (Ozymandias79 judging)


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
"This place makes no sense, how can fire be frozen? There is some great evil at work in this place."

Larinza will look down the other hallway sword draw, at the ready

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First Post
Balth pads cautiously to the doorway between the dining room and stairs, looking for signs of anything out of the ordinary, his bow at the ready, arrow already knocked.

Tis true, it is not a natural place. I cannot wait to find the source of this cold and squelch it once and for all.. he mutters as he moves.


First Post
Sorry for the delay, busy time at work. I've just about finished making the next post. Just one question: Balth, are you going to the door connecting room 2 and room 3, or the northern door that hasn't been explored yet?


First Post
I guess I'll assume it's the dining room door.

Larinza looks through the door opposite Shorrin. It leads to a small sitting room with a low table and several chairs. Long bookshelves line the walls, filled with books whose spines are covered with mystic-looking sigils. On one shelf is a crystal statue of a man with a goats head holding a rod outstretched over a cauldron. In the far corner is a fireplace, also filled with frozen blue flames.

Janus walks over to the stairs and glances upwards. The opening is surrounded by a decorative railing, and beyond he can see the ceiling of the second floor, which unfortunately is decorated much like the first. Janus gets the impression of open space, as if the entire second floor were one big room, but all he can actually see as he faces southward up the stairs is a pile of crates and barrels stacked along hte south wall.

He barely registers this, however, as he is already concentrating on his arcane senses. The feeling of powerful magic presses down all around, as if the very air were permeated with it. As he concentrates, he begins to sort out the details of the impression - it comes from the icy coccoon around the tower. It feels like a powerful binding magic, structured to keep something from escaping the tower. However, it has been altered somehow, and now bits of the cold energy are being stripped away to power the icy wind that originates here.

Suddenly he hears a roaring noise, and opens his eyes. Charging down the stairs towards him is a featureless humanoid creature made entirely of translucent blue ice. It wears heavy armour and carries a huge chunk of frozen ice. When it stomps to the bottom of the stairs it barrels into Janus, snarling, and swings the chunk of ice like a maul. It crashes into Janus's side, sending him staggering backwards. Janus feels an icy chill spreading through his blood from the point where the maul struck him, and his movements become sluggish.

You recognize the creature from your studies - it's an Ice Warrior, a denizen of the Elemental Chaos who seeks to turn the world into a frigid wasteland. They are occasionally able to cross over to the Prime Plane at areas of extreme magical cold. Your master had never met them, but made you study several accounts of incursions by armies of them, long ago.

Judging by the maul, this is an Ice Warrior Raider, whose attacks can slow or immobilize enemies. Other known Ice Warrior troops include Icicle Hurlers, who throw spears of ice like javelins, and the dreaded Frostlings, leaders who radiate an aura of intense cold and attack with bursts of icy shards. Ice Warriors are so militaristic that even their young Shardlings serve in their armies as foot soldiers.

Ice Warrior Raider:


Initiative: Balth, Janus, Larinza, Murphy, Shorrin; includes +2 from Larinza (1d20+10+2=17, 1d20+4+2=20, 1d20+1+2=8, 1d20+1+2=5, 1d20+1+2=12)

Terrain: The stairways are difficult terrain because they're slippery. Any square containing boxes or crates is also difficult terrain. Once you're on top of a table you can move normally, but it takes a full move action to jump up onto a table and a minor action to jump off. The squares with the fireplaces can't be entered. The rest of the furniture (chairs, bookcases, sideboards and candelabras) can be moved through without penalty because it's light enough to shove out of the way, or up against the walls.

The raider started in C6 on the second floor - Janus could have spotted him, but he flubbed his Perception roll (I forgot to save the link, but he rolled a 2). It moves south around the railing to D3, the top of the stairs, and then charges down the stairs to D5 and attacks Janus: Maul on Janus (w/+1 from charge) (1d20+9+1=26, 1d8+3=5). He hits for 5 damage, and Janus is slowed (save ends).

Janus's turn!

23 - Ice Warrior Raider (0 damage)
20 - Janus (17/22 hp, slowed (save ends))
17 - Balth (27/27 hp)
12 - Shorrin (33/33 hp)
8 - Larinza (29/29 hp, allies in LOS who spend an action point regain 4 hp)
5 - Murphy (26/26 hp)



First Post
0Janus screams in pain as his ribs break then freeze together in seconds.
Memories of past leassons and dire warnings race through his mind before pain sears them away.
Focusing his consciousness to blockout the pain he instinctivley hurls a spell in response to the sudden attack.

Standard Action: Thunderwave vs Ice Block: 1d20+4+1=8 ;DMG: 1d6+4=5
Move Action: Shift to F7
[sblock=Janus stat block]
Janus Reinhardt - Male Human Wizard 1
Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 16, Fort: 12, Reflex: 15, Will: 16 -- Speed: 6
HP: 17/22, Bloodied: 11, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 6/7
Initiative: +4
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: Available
Powers: Magic Missile, Ray of frost, Thunderwave, Icy Terrain, Freezing Cloud, Sleep (Memorized)
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First Post
Janus lashes out with a wave of force, but the ice warrior just stands there, completely unaffected. Janus retreats towards Balth, looking up the stairs to see if there are any more coming. He can't see any at the moment, but he does see some sort of platform to the left of the stairs, and a long bench covered with magical and alchemical apparatus. He can't make out any more details from here, though.

Another hulking ice warrior circles around from the north. This one has tiny spikes of ice studded all over its body like bristly fur, and it carries a wicked blade of glistening ice. It moves by gliding across the floor, and jagged shards of ice crystallize out of the air around it.

Ice Warrior Frostling:


It points the icy sword down through the gap in the ceiling, and a clear voice echoes, "Intruders from the mortal world. They are not fey. We do not know their motives. They must die." It twists the sword and shards of ice crystallize out of the air around Janus and Balth. Balth throws an arm in front of his face and the shards deflect off his heavy cloak, but they pierce Janus's body. He feels an incredible lash of pain and then his limbs begin to stiffen even further.

A third figure appears at the head of the stairs. This one is thinner and holds a long shard of ice balanced in one hand like a javelin. It sights down the length of the steps and hurls its missile towards Balth. It only grazes his leg, but the freezing cold causing him more pain than the physical damage. Another icicle immediately appears in the warriors hand and it poises to throw again.

Ice Warrior Icicle Hurler:


Now that Janus and Balth's attention is focused up the stairs, I'm revealing a bit more of the area...

Janus: you forgot to roll save vs slow (but it doesn't matter because you're hit with another slowing attack now).

The Ice Warrior Frostling, starting somewhere to the north of the stairs, moves to C3 and attacks with Icy Burst, an Area Burst 1 centered at F6. Icy Burst at Janus, then Balth (targets Fort) (1d20+7=17, 1d20+7=9, 1d10+4=14). It hits Janus for 14 cold damage, bloodying him, and he's slowed (save ends).

The Ice Warrior Icicle Hurler, starting at B2 (just outside the area Janus could see), moves to F3 and throws a Flying Icicle at Balth: Flying Icicle at Balth (damage is 1d6+2 normal, 1d6 cold) (1d20+9=22, 1d6+2+1d6=9). It hits for 9 damage total (3 normal and 6 cold).

Balth's turn!

23 - Ice Warrior Raider at D5 (0 damage)
20 - Janus (3/22 hp, slowed (save ends))
19 - Ice Warrior Frostling at C3 (0 damage, used Icy Burst)
19 - Ice Warrior Icicle Hurler at F3 (0 damage)
17 - Balth (18/27 hp)
12 - Shorrin (33/33 hp)
8 - Larinza (29/29 hp, allies in LOS who spend an action point regain 4 hp)
5 - Murphy (26/26 hp)

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First Post
Balth takes aim from where he is, hearing Janus' scream as he spins around, dropping his cloak and firing his bow. The arrows take a bluish-magical hue, looking like two snakes cresting over waves, hissing as they cover the short distance from him to it.

The second snake-arrow seems to be headed in the right direction, but the first seems to be veering way off course. Balth concentrates for a moment, extending his hand, using what little magicks he has learned to steer it back in the right direction.

It quickly turns onto a trajectory adjacent to the second arrow, and they fly the short distance in tandem across the room and up at the icicle hurler.

[sblock=ooc actions]
Minor = Hunter's Quarry on monster at f3 (2nd floor, icicle hurler) (it's same distance as d2 from me, since you don't count height)

Standard: Two-Fanged Strike: TFS A, TFS B (1d20+8=9, 1d20+8=18)
Encounter: (Free) Elven Accuracy (reroll arrow 1)
TFS A (reroll) (1d20+8=18)

Big Note: I am the same number of squares from the icicle hurler as Janus, so I *believe* I am eligible for Prime Shot, making the totals for both 19. Please disregard if I am wrong! :)

Damage: TFS A DMG, TFS B DMG (1d10+5=8, 1d10+5=10) If they both hit, it is an additional 4 damage. HQ DMG (1d8=3)

Move: None.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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