Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming


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Thanks for adding that to the site, Kensanata.

I'm planning to put the monsters and equipment up onto the site as a page too, so all of the rules are available online as well as on PDFs.

There's a reason for this. Something to do with a project I'm working on with Snikle :)

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yeah I like either an init bonus or allowing them to simply reach the targets from farther away, I would gather that a few guys with polearms could keep guys with swords at bay pretty easy if they were skilled in the use.


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Wow, I just discovered this thread and damn does this look like an awesome idea. I'll have to convince some players to try one of those campaigns with it.

Congrats on comming up with all this stuff!


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Yeah I am testing the waters on something, and by the looks of it, it may just happen. Interest, and support, is starting to take off. I may announce something on this very soon.


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Let's just say that it's something /very/ tentative right now, so we don't want to announce anything without looking foolish if nothing happens :)

But if it does, you guys will be among the first to know!

Nothing mysterious, just cool. Promise :)


First Post
Necromas said:
Wow, I just discovered this thread and damn does this look like an awesome idea. I'll have to convince some players to try one of those campaigns with it.

Congrats on comming up with all this stuff!

Thanks, Necromas. It's good to have you on board. Welcome to our little world :)

600+ posts, 10,000+ views. All for something with a wordcount under 900. Just....wow....

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