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[MM2e] Salton City Needs Heroes! Episode 1: Premiere

Relique du Madde

Michelle runs towards the Cafe. Form the outside she is quick to notice that the cafe's work staff and it's patrons are all laying down on the ground with their hands on top of their heads. Towards the center of the Cafe, standing next to a table with a briefcase on top of it is a man dressed in a suit holding a gun. His back it turned at the moment.

Kitsune lands next to the SWAT truck then causes her illusion to drop in front of the old woman. "Hold it right there!"
Sense Motive: 1d20+0=19 vs ??? --> SUCCESS!
There is a look of terror in the elderly lady's eyes and Kitsune suspects that she is being mind controlled.

Sven charges the SWAT truck and managed to grab a hold onto it before it could swerve out of the way.

Attack: 1d20+4=10vs 8 --> SUCCESS!
Grapple: Sven: 1d20+15=31 vs SWAT Truck: 1d20+20=24 ---> SUCCESS!
OOC: Can I say holy ****?

The driver of the truck slams on the gas peddle, causing the truck's wheels to smoke as Sven reached under the truck's bumper and began to lift it up. "Cøm øut!"

The Ten Foot Pole was able to recognize the assassin after seeing his face...
[sblock="Igor the Untouchable"]
Igor the Untouchable is a Russian assassin who was believed to have been executed last year for the assassination of a Chechen Archon.

Igor smirked at the Ten Foot Pole as he saw him approach. > Child Bean Sprout, it is a pity your parents aren't here to capture me, because you will not. <* He then pulled out a pistol then fired it at the Ten Foot Pole from a crouching position.
Attack: 1d20+5=10 vs. 13 --> FAIL!
> Cheap American firearms! They are inferior to the guns from Mother Russia! <

Captain superior continued to breath raspily.
Stability Check: 1d20+7=18 vs 10 --> SUCCESS!
Status: Injured / Disabled / Unconscious / Dying

The driver of the SWAT truck turned and yelled something to his men in Russian. The doors of the SWAT truck open and four heavily armed men escape from it's interior. The two of the men (A and B) begin to head towards the plaza while the other two run towards the side of the road to get some cover.

The elderly lady lifts her cane and tries to attack the illusion, and "hits" it. Strangely enough she continues to attack the illusion.
Attack: 1d20+0=18 vs. 14 --> SUCCESS!

[sblock="Initiative Round 2"]
Mr. TV: 22
Rabid Fox : 17
Kitsune: 16
Viking: 15
10' Pole: 14
Igor the Untouchable: 14
Cafe Gunman :12
"SWAT" A: 11
"SWAT B": 10
"SWAT C": 9
"SWAT D":8
SWAT TRUCK Driver: 6
Elderly Lady: 1

[Sblock=Status Report]
Captain Superior: Injured / Disabled / Unconscious / Dying
Elderly Woman: Mind Controlled

*Translated from Russian.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Michelle runs towards the Cafe. Form the outside she is quick to notice that the cafe's work staff and it's patrons are all laying down on the ground with their hands on top of their heads. Towards the center of the Cafe, standing next to a table with a briefcase on top of it is a man dressed in a suit holding a gun. His back it turned at the moment.

Michelle pops out her claws and charges throught the window at the man with the gun.


Mark Sloans Hair begins to darken and shorten into a crew cut his white lad coat shortens into a Suit

"Mai momma always said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get"

[sblock=Runnnn Forest!]


He puts his arms under captain superiors body and lifts him up his suit changing to a dark Green Kahiki uniform.

"Don't worry captain, I'ma coming!"
[sblock=army forest]


and Forest proceeds to run across the plaza to the nearest medical facilities

[sblock=apologies vague stats]
darn at work and didn't bring my book with me today so this is going to be a bit vague, but I'd put full ranks in the atheletics/endurance skill (the one for running) a 17 strength and 18 in con and dex.
No boosts to his attack but increase his defence, reflex and fort saves to max allowable.
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The Ten-Foot Pole groans slightly at running into someone he recognizes while wearing this ridiculous get up. At least the cameras aren't around right now. He twists slightly as Igor's bullet goes wide. He scowls at the assassin and responds in Russian.

>"Igor, I heard you were dead. No matter, I hardly need my parents to sweep up dirt like you! We'll call them when there's a REAL threat."<

Then, in English:

"Pole Arm!"

He steps forward and his arm swings downwards in an attempt to recreate the punch against the gang banger and end this fight in a single blow.

[sblock=ooc]Close to 5' range
Pole arm!
Attack +4, DC 19[/sblock]

Relique du Madde

OOC: Due to his being near a lot of badguys, I will post the response to the Viking's actions and the badguys near him once Keiko's actions are posted.

"Mai momma always said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get"

Mr. Tv turned into Forrest Gump, struggled to lift Captain Superior's massive body and then began to run towards the hospital, which he knew was about 2 - 3 blocks away.
"Don't worry captain, I'ma coming!"

The cafe's window shatters with Michelle's charge. ~SNIKT! And slices at the gunman....
Attack (Charge): 1d20+8=17 --> SUCCESS!
Rabid Fox's Defense: 4 -2 = 2 (Till next turn)
Cafe Gunman toughness: 9 vs 21 (Lethal) = FAIL!
Status: Stunned (One Round) / Bruised 1 / Injured 1

... gashing him deeply on his arm. The gunman dropped his gun and grabbed his wound. He curses at Rabid Fox in Russian.

>"Igor, I heard you were dead. No matter, I hardly need my parents to sweep up dirt like you! We'll call them when there's a REAL threat."<

> Mother Russia will never allow her chosen sons to parish at the hands of the Chechans! You're parents were traitors and shall die like traitors! <

"Pole Arm!" The 10 Foot Pole swings his arms down at Igor....
Attack: 1d20+4=14 vs. 16 -2 (crouching) --> SUCCESS !
Igor toughness 17 vs 19 --> FAILURE !
Status: Bruised 1

..... and knocks him hard on the head, leaving a large welt.

> Insolent child, you dare touch me?!? I'll sand you to Poland in a body bag! < Igor quickly grabbed his rifle, lept off the building as he opened fire on to The 10 Foot Pole using his handgun..

Attack: 16 vs 13 --> Success!
10 Foot Pole toughness 1d20+6=24 vs 19 ---> Success!

Igor's bullet grazed The 10 Foot Pole's side, and ripped his costume, but does no damage to him.

Igor landed on the ground, uninjured from his fall. He made a quick glance towards city hall. > The Yankee is Fleeing! <

[sblock="Status Update"]
Cafe Gunman: Stunned (One Round) / Bruised 1 / Injured 1
Igor: Bruised 1
Captain Superior: Injured / Disabled / Unconscious / Dying
Elderly Woman: Mind Controlled
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
The cafe's window shatters with Michelle's charge. ~SNIKT! And slices at the gunman....

... gashing him deeply on his arm. The gunman dropped his gun and grabbed his wound. He curses at Rabid Fox in Russian.

On her next turn Michelle attacks the gunman again, in a ruthless attempt to shred him to bits.

If he tries to reach for his gun on the floor, she takes the opportunity to bury her claws into his spine.


First Post
Still near where Sven had left the SWAT van, Keiko scowls invisibly. The old woman was not herself...she seemed a prisoner in her own body. Keiko could restrain her, but couldn't FREE her.

"The old woman is being controlled by someone," she reports into her wireless. "Maybe the leader. I'll try to distract her while we take on these men!"

She leaps over the old woman and lets the fake Kitsune fade away as she becomes momentarily visible...just in time to deliver a blast of wildly pulsing light right into the woman's eyes!

(Dazzle! Hoping that her controller is "watching" through her eyes. :) +5 to hit, DC 16.)

Relique du Madde


"The old woman is being controlled by someone. Maybe the leader. I'll try to distract her while we take on these men!"

Kitsune lept at the old woman and extended her hand, causing a bright pulse of erupt before the lady's face.
Attack: 1d20+4=13 vs 10 --> SUCCESS!
Old Lady Ref: 4 vs 16 ---> FAIL!

The old lady covers her eyes and drops to the ground.

The Viking lifts the truck high, flips it around and smashes it hard onto the ground, causing it's roof to cave in.
Toughness 5 vs 21 --> FAILED!
Driver Status: Unconscious
OOC: I'm treating this this attack as an non-lethal "throw" (he was buckled up)

"SWAT A" opens fire and tries to shoot at Mr. TV with his rifle.
Attack: 17 vs 16 ---> Success!
Mr. TV Tough: 1d20+6=20 vs 20 ---> SUCCESS!

Mr. Tv feels something gaze his butt before hearing the glass shatter on a near by window.

"SWAT B" throws down his rifle and chases after Mr. Tv. "There's no escaping from me!"

"SWAT C" charges at the Viking and tries to body block him....
Attack: 20 vs 16 ---> Success!
Viking Toughness: Impervious 3 vs 17 ---> Automatic Success!
S.C Tough: 11 vs 16 --> FAIL!
S.C Status: Bruised 1 / Stunned (1 round)

"SWAT C" hit's sven hard in the crotch, staggering and stunning him. He laughs. "You ain't tough blondie!"

"SWAT D" grins. "This is going to be easy!" He charges at Kitsune, and tries to hit using the butt of his gun as a club....
Attack: 12 vs 15 --> FAIL!
... and misses.

The old lady gropes around blindly.

Ginnel -
Mr. TV gains +1 Hero Point (until he decides to use it).

Black Rat -
Do you want me to have the Viking use hero point so Sven can act next round?

Btw. You will all regain Hero Points after this fight.

[sblock= "Round 3 Initiative"]
Mr. TV: 22
Rabid Fox : 17
Kitsune: 16
Viking: 15
10' Pole: 14
Igor the Untouchable: 14
Cafe Gunman :12 *STUNNED*
"SWAT" A: 11
"SWAT B": 10
"SWAT C": 9 *Stunned*
"SWAT D": 8
Elderly Lady: 1

[sblock="Status Report"]
Igor: Bruised 1
Cafe Gunman: Stunned (One Round) / Bruised 1 / Injured 1
SWAT C: Bruised 1 / Stunned (1 round)
Elderly Woman: Dazzled / Mind Controlled

Captain Superior: Injured / Disabled / Unconscious / Dying
Driver Status: Unconscious
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The Ten-Foot Pole curses to himself as Igor shoots at him and jumps down. The bullet graze is nothing, but now the villain is getting away. Still, no time to hesitate. He takes one long step and launches himself off the roof, aiming for Igor.

"You won't get away that easily!"

[sblock=ooc]I want to fall down on top of Igor. Sort of like a vertical slam attack. Not quite sure how to adjudicate that. . .

Melee attack +4
Damage. . .DC?[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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