• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



Hey Chuck,

I know you frequently check in here. Last I saw, the ETA for Modern20 was yesterday. Can you offer any update on when we can expect it?


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Inferno! said:
Hey Chuck,

I know you frequently check in here. Last I saw, the ETA for Modern20 was yesterday. Can you offer any update on when we can expect it?


Hi there!

The book was pushed back until tomorrow to give us one more day to process some late-arriving playtest comments that came from outside.


Vigilance said:
The book was pushed back until tomorrow to give us one more day to process some late-arriving playtest comments that came from outside.

It's now live at DTRPG, RPGnow, and the RPGObjects webstore. I bought it, printed it, bound it, and now I'm reading it. :D



Hopefully everyone will have as much fun playing it as I did putting it together.

If anyone has any questions, I'll be around :)


Johnny Angel

Well, you got my money again, you bastards.

And as a matter of fact, I do have some questions. You're saving me some trouble here of redoing the skill system myself, but you know I'd also like to do the same thing for D&D. I'm getting less and less sanguine about 4e, and I'm beginning to suspect I'll have to do my own 3.5 mods. Any ballpark idea about how readily this would transfer? It looks like the perks that open certain skill uses would have to be assigned to core classes. But then there is the problem of how many skill points should be assigned to D&D core classes as well. Any guesses?

Of course, my main interest in this is for my d20 Star*Drive game. Presumably one of the advantages of the fact that this still uses the d20 mechanics is that other d20 materials will still come in handy. But I see that there are no Massive Damage rules, for one thing, which means that equipment design needn't take it into account. Suppose I tried to partially adopt the system by ignoring Massive Damage for my regular d20 Modern game, but using the hit location and perhaps the injury system instead? It doesn't look like the skill system could be brought over as is without some accounting for perks and possibly even radically altering the feats list. But I've been using all these Blood and Space feats. What's a GM to do?


I think the skills themselves would have to change, for the rest of it, I dunno.

Were I to do it, I wouldn't transfer the perks to classes, I'd leave them with occupations and make suitably fantasy-themed occupations.

I think the classes themselves would port pretty well to a fantasy game (perhaps with some changes in name), because the classes are based on adventuring roles, which translate pretty well regardless of genre.



Aus_Snow said:
Oh dear. . . well, you did ask! :p


Basically, what does it have in common - if anything - with the following: d20 Modern; Spycraft; True20; Star Wars Saga Edition.

And, in any instances where it just 'does its own thing', what thing is that and how is it done?

In advance, my apologies if the answers to these questions are self-evident in some way, or very easily found.

No easy questions for me I guess!

d20 Modern

Modern 20's backgrounds share some similarities to d20 modern's Occupations- Modern 20 backgrounds are picked once at 1st level and never change, grant 4 ranks in a selection of 2-3 skills and some Wealth.

Modern 20's Occupations are similar to d20 Modern occupations in that they grant access to 2-3 skills. They differ in that you can change occupations and occupations grant access to improved feats.

Some of d20 Modern's talents have been converted into Modern 20 feats.

The Modern 20 equipment list is based on the d20 Modern equipment list, though the stats are pretty radically different.


No similarities I'm aware of.

True 20

Classes get a core ability at 1st level that you only get if you take your first level in that classes.

Classes gain a feat every level, from a general and a class specific list that comprise the classes abilities, allowing maximum customization.

Skills are streamlined.


None that I'm conscious of.

What the game does you won't see anywhere else (to my knowledge)

Combat is gritty but cinematic.

While a PC can take several shots before going down, medical care is a must for characters who are planning on seeing a lot of combat.

By medical care I mean a trained physician.

Skills are streamlined and the overall number of skill rolls reduced to speed up play.

There are 6 core classes. No Advanced Classes or Prestige Classes. 6 Core classes.

In addition to class, you character has a Background (what he did for a living before becoming an adventuruer), an Occupation (what he does for a living now) and a hobby.

Occupations grant perks, which can increase Wealth, Reputation or modify how skills work.

Many feats have been eliminated, including weapon proficiencies, armor proficiencies, burst fire, double tap. These are granted as benefits of new skills in the game that effect combat: firearms, unarmed and weapons.

Combat has a lot more going on, including hit location, injuries and the ability to make called shots.

Man... I'm sure I'm missing a lot here.

For more information, I recommend you look here and here.

I've been talking about this publicly for a few months now, the book is over 100 pages long, and is almost a new design from the ground up, so it's really, really hard for me to answer this in a way that I think really presents the product, but hopefully I hit enough of the highlights to intrigue you.

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