Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition

Modiphius Announces Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition

Dire Bare

I totally get it with regards to D&D ... it's just that these days, people seem to be arguing all of the time of something can or should be considered a new edition or not, whether something is falsely advertised as either a new edition or a remaster. It's not just D&D. And with most other RPGs, all these terms are so subjective that it seems to be there's a lot of discussion about the expections people are having tied to these terms, which in many cases just serves to make things more nebulous, with stuff like a 2.5 edtion of Earthdawn ...
To me, it would just seam easier if advertising called a new edition a new edition and then pointed out whether there are just minor changes or whether it's a complete overhaul or even a new ruleset.

Anyway, that ship has probably sailed, and watch me complaining about people arguing about the term "edition" while I'm doing just that :LOL:
D&D is the best example of "editions" being almost entirely new games, rather than incremental changes.

But it's not the only example in the TTRPG space. And D&D is the grand-daddy of TTRPGs, and casts a long shadow.

I'm not discounting what you are saying, but . . . what other games are going through arguments over the word "edition" other than D&D? I'm aware Pathfinder/Starfinder games like to put out revisions given names like "unchained", "remastered" and "enhanced" . . . is that what you are referring to? I don't play Pathfinder or Starfinder, but I found those version titles irritating.

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Ditch the effect dice. Just have the system use 2D20.
In the Captains Log rule book they did just that. There are no d6s to the base system. I will use that version of the system for any ST games I run. Whilst the Captains Log rulebook is intended for Solo play, it does include advice for group play, and with a GM.

I would not be surprised if they basically are just going to present the streamlined system from Captains Log as the new Core STA 2d20. Which would be great. Bonus points if it is printed in digest size like the Captains Log books. I wish more RPGs were digest size.


Other games have managed to do this, including other 2D20 games. Including other versions of Star Trek Adventures (Captain’s Log), actually.
Excellent, it sounds like you already have a solution without it being necessary for Modiphius to make STA combat less interesting. Everyone wins.

Excellent, it sounds like you already have a solution without it being necessary for Modiphius to make STA combat less interesting. Everyone wins.
Well, my solution is that I don’t buy games that have mechanics I don’t like.

I know plenty of others that have been put off buying STA literally because they don’t want to invest in a game that requires another load of money to buy proprietary dice, when the specific mechanic that requires them is not worth it in game design terms either.

Each to their own, but for my money a STA 2nd edition needs to tidy up things like this. Ditch the damage dice or I am not interested.


Well, my solution is that I don’t buy games that have mechanics I don’t like.

I know plenty of others that have been put off buying STA literally because they don’t want to invest in a game that requires another load of money to buy proprietary dice, when the specific mechanic that requires them is not worth it in game design terms either.
You can just use regular D6es.
Each to their own, but for my money a STA 2nd edition needs to tidy up things like this. Ditch the damage dice or I am not interested.
Like I said, I hope that is not a thing they want to do. We can only wait to find out, tho.


I believed Hasbro would be intereted into Paramount's franchises to licence TTRPGs.
Hasbro doesn't even make their own IP as TTRPGs. They license out Transformers, GI Joe, My Little Pony, and Power Rangers to Renegade.

If Hasbro wanted the Star Trek license, it would be for action figures and Star Trek Monopoly, not a TTRPG.

Anon Adderlan

And given how big a hit #Hasbro took from the #StarWars license I can all but guarantee they're not interested in licensing any properties they don't own.

Now buying the rights to #StarTrek on the other hand...

Voidrunner's Codex

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