Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition

Modiphius Announces Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Well, my solution is that I don’t buy games that have mechanics I don’t like.

I know plenty of others that have been put off buying STA literally because they don’t want to invest in a game that requires another load of money to buy proprietary dice, when the specific mechanic that requires them is not worth it in game design terms either.

Each to their own, but for my money a STA 2nd edition needs to tidy up things like this. Ditch the damage dice or I am not interested.
Whether or not the design is "worth it" is not up to you to decide for anyone but you.

Please speak for yourself.

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
And given how big a hit #Hasbro took from the #StarWars license I can all but guarantee they're not interested in licensing any properties they don't own.

Now buying the rights to #StarTrek on the other hand...
For the love of Roddenberry, please keep Hasbro away from the Star Trek license.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
No you can’t. That is the problem. You read the dice with different symbols on them that don’t adhere to the values on a normal die. You could table reference or learn them off by half, but this is frustrating for players. Essentially, the game is encouraging all players to go out and buy a set - something that can be difficult when they aren’t readily available in some countries like my own and they are expensive.
How hard is it to read a table? You have that little faith in players' ability to understand?

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Well it is a big deal for me and others. It actively is a reason I won’t buy it - which is why it is being said. You’re attitude is dismissive and defensive but this communication isn’t aimed at you. It is aimed at Modiphius - it is their new edition and this is feedback for them. Your comments are actually doing a disservice to them.
How? Do you assume most people are like you?

So do I. I'm betting we run in different circles.
Considering you live in California and I live in New Zealand, where custom dice have to be imported and are more expensive and harder to find accordingly, I'd say that is a safe bet. However, Star Trek Adventures aspires to be an international release. If it is more expensive and harder to play in different countries then this is a flaw of the game, not the respective audiences.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Considering you live in California and I live in New Zealand, where custom dice have to be imported and are more expensive and harder to find accordingly, I'd say that is a safe bet. However, Star Trek Adventures aspires to be an international release. If it is more expensive and harder to play in different countries then this is a flaw of the game, not the respective audiences.
Or possibly a flaw of international shipping and trade.

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