D&D 5E Monster Manual Expanded II Second Edition News and Updates


Yeah, I didn't do many changes except a bit in the descriptive texts mentioning the deep dragon and the dracohydra. I updated a few statblocks to make them a bit more aligned with the new changes in certain abilities (change shape, legendary actions, etc.).

Funny thing about the Aspect of Bahamut. It has a mythic ability called "Celestial Shield (Costs 2 Actions). The aspect manifests seven spectral ancient gold dragons around himself that protect him; he gains 77 temporary hit points until the start of his next turn." But no spectral dragons in Fizban's. Probably a typo they should have said ghost dragons? That or they missed referencing MME3. ;)

And yes, it's possible the gem dragons (in MME age categories) will appear in MME4. We'll see.

I think the Spectral Gold Dragons are fluff that do nothing but give him 77 THP. They don't need stat-blocks.

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DM's Guild Author
I think the Spectral Gold Dragons are fluff that do nothing but give him 77 THP. They don't need stat-blocks.
Oh you’re right my bad. Lol why did I assume they would stay until the end of start of its next turn. I think I got carried away with it being a mythic action and the specific number of dragons.
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DM's Guild Author
Monster Manual Expanded 2nd Edition Art Previews #6. Since it's 11-11, it's single ladies night! Previewing the Greater Banshee, Green Hag Elder, and the Lamia Noble!

Greater Banshee.png
Elder Green Hag.png
Lamia Noble.png


DM's Guild Author
Monster Manual Expanded 2nd Edition Art Previews #7. Today I'm sharing the new cover for MME 2e. Of course, it features the Ultimate Tyrant/Hive Mother! Like MME3, it's a battle scene as the beholder fends off a party of adventurers I once DM'ed 17 years ago! This beautiful piece was crafted once again by the amazing Ruben de Vela!

MME Cover 2e.png


DM's Guild Author
Monster Manual Expanded 2nd Edition Art Previews #10. Skipped last week due to MMEIII's hardcover release announcement but we're back today with a pair of great stoners, err... I mean petrifiers: The Greater Medusa and the Greater Cockatrice!

Greater Medusa.png
Greater Cockatrice.png


Monster Manual Expanded 2nd Edition Art Previews #10. Skipped last week due to MMEIII's hardcover release announcement but we're back today with a pair of great stoners, err... I mean petrifiers: The Greater Medusa and the Greater Cockatrice!

All the art is looking amazing. I can't wait to (re)buy these books.


DM's Guild Author
Monster Manual Expanded 2nd Edition Art Previews #11. It's nearly Christmas Eve so sharing an Eye of Flame roasting chestnuts and an Ice Devil Overlord nipping at your nose. Merry Christmas!

Eye of Flame.png
Ice Devil General.png

Voidrunner's Codex

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