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Morrus' D20 Modern Game: Strange Happenings in Southampton


Well, that was fun
Staff member
How it works: one post each, unless it's just dialogue (which can go on as long as you like unless I interupt it). We wait for everyone to post before I continue. I make all die rolls and tell you what happens.

If I need clarification (especially during combat) I will make a post [in italics like this]. You then need to edit your post accordingly (adding information or whatever). I will then edit my italicised post to show the results of your action, rather than the request for clarification. If we do it like this, we can keep the thread relatively tidy with little OOC chatter.

Strange Happenings in Southampton

What a week! For some reason, everything seems to be going wrong. The weather has been abnormally hot - the blazing sun feels like a furnace, and no amount of cold drinks and showers can seem to alleviate the discomfort. Even Chandler, who is used to the much hotter Los Angeles climate finds himself bemoaning the lack of air conditioning in England. Sleeping is difficult, despite the fact that the shared house in Shirley, Southampton is, like many other households, now home to several newly bought fans; even when sleeping on top of the bedcovers, you all find yourselves sweating profusely.

The weather hasn't helped peoples' moods, either. You've all spent the last week bickering about the smallest things. Tempers are fraying, acidic remarks seem to be the norm, and the usually relaxed house has an almost tangible air of tension.

It's the summer holidays, which means that the local schools, colleges and universities are pretty much closed for business until early September. Daniele's student friends are all away, back at home with their families, and she is starting to feel a little lonely. For Imran, the university's cricket club is continuing throughout the summer, and he is able to escape the almost unbearable tension in the house by retreating top the cricket green. Richard has managed to find a group of local kids to kick a football about with for the duration of the break, despite the heat, and they seem to enjoy his informal tuition. Johnathon, unfortunately, is required to work every day at Higgins, Springley & Perk, a local law firm, although at least they have air-conditioning in the office building! Chandler is having a dry spell - he hasn't had any freelance work for a few months, and money is really starting to be a problem; he hopes that something will come along soon! Amir, like Imran, is finding retreat in his fencing- a great way to excise his frustration and pass the long weeks before the term starts again in September.

It's on a hot Thursday morning when Daniele calls her favourite tutor at the university. She has some questions regarding her summer assignment, a paper on neural networks, and she is a little worried. The paper is due very soon, and she is making little headway; fortunately, her tutor, Nicholas Bingley, is a good guy and a friend, and she is sure that he'll be able to provide her with some help.

Strangely, though, Nicholas doesn't seem to be anywhere to be found. At first, Daniele is not worried, but after a couple of days she starts to become concerned. You see, Nicholas was involved in some kind of event several years ago, and is now permanently wheel-chair bound. It is not often that he leaves his home, prefering the quiet surroundings of his large house, with its many shelves of books, a bottle of fine red wine and quiet classical music in the background. He doesn't live alone - he has a care assistant who helps him in his day-to-day life, but even she has not answered the telephone. After days of hearing nothing but Nicholas' dry voice on the answerphone, Daniele is starting to wonder what has happened. Nicholas wouldn't leave for an extended period without telling her, surely? She's his star student, and they maintain a good friendship.

So, on a quiet Sunday evening, the house is full. Nobody can find an excuse to go out, so the group of unlikely friends sit, lie and lounge about the living room watching some mediocre movie on cable TV. Nobody is really enjoying it, but nobody really has the energy or inclination to even change the channel, let alone suggest an alternate activity. The adverts come on, and a fat man with an obviously fake tan exorts you all to take out a loan, promising fervently that you will experience an unprecedented level of efficiency and customer service.

A telephone rings somewhere. Nobody moves. The incessant trilling is annoying, but nobody seems able to react. Eventually it stops. They'll call back, if it's important. You can hear traffic outside, a plane flies overhead, the TV drones on, a woman screams in distance...

A woman screams in the distance? Yikes, you can hear somebody screaming, her voice faint but clear, perhaps a street or two away. The words "No!" and "Help!" seem to form a definite theme in her cries.

[Edit - spelling errors only.
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First Post
Daniele lazes on the couch, her head back against the cushion and her long brown hair a mess - with the abysmal heat, her hair doesn't stay too well in its usual arrangement of a ponytail. For the last week or so, she's simply been letting it hang where it will. The light-colored shirt she usually wears over her cream-colored t-shirt has disappeared from her daily attire, a tribute to the sweltering weather. Her glasses rest on her nose, perched at a slightly odd angle, and the legs of her jeans have been rolled up to her knees. At the moment, her eyes have a slightly glazed over appearance, and she seems to be paying scant attention to her surroundings.

She sits up suddenly, however, as the sound of someone yelling in the streets reaches her hearing over the dull monotonous droning of the television. She shakes her head for a quick moment, apparently attempting to collect her thoughts.

"Ce n'est pas bon." Daniele observes quickly. She rises from her end of the couch, her hair flopping onto her shoulders, and without another word, she heads out to the street to look for the source of the cries.

Chandler Smythe

First Post
Chandler absent mindedly whipes the trickle of drool from the side of his moulth. Man! I thought England was supposed to be all fog and rain. This blows...

Suddenly Chandler is brought back to the here and now when the scream echoes from down the road, and Daniele leaps to her feet. He pauses for an instant, then gets up and runs after her as she exits the house. Yelling, "Call the cops!" as he goes.

Richard Percivale

First Post
Richard stares into the telly, resting spread-eagle on the couch across from Daniele. The center of his Arsenal jersey is matted to his chest with sweat. His old football shorts are pulled up to expose as much of his thigh as possible and he's taken to going about barefoot ("a way to maintain me callouses. Worked me bollocks off for every one of em").

The scream takes him out of his trance. Bloody hell? Sounds far off. What's this, everyone jumping about like bloody Superman!?

"Have off Daniele," he says, pushing off the couch and easily matching her stride for stride, "You have any idea what you might be getting into?" His face is genuinely concerned, but more for the rest of them than whoever the scream belonged to.


First Post
Richard Percivale
"You have any idea what you might be getting into?"

"Hmm?" She glances at him as they go. "Non, not really. When someone just screams like that, though, seeing if you can help is important." Her French accent comes through slightly, though not nearly as pronounced as it was in the past when she first arrived in Southampton.


First Post
Following the others as they dash out the door, Amir grabs the remote and switches off the telly.

"Come on you lot," he says to whoever's left in the house, "this has got to be more interesting than that pizza delivery flick we been watching. Last one out, don't forget to lock the door."

As he runs down the block, he pulls his cell from his pocket and dials, "Hello? Hello!?? Sorry 'bout the bad reception! Yeah, I'd like to report a disturbance down near Shirley..."
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Imran Ali

First Post
Imran followed Amir and the rest out of the house. "Richard, we cannot just let some poor woman scream and not investigate. We must go see if we can help."

Posting as John

"Ahhh bloody hell" John says exagerating and butchering the use of the word bloody with his thick American dialect. "I need to get you people to New York, where your hearing a scream every five minutes. See if you want to go chasing bad guys down then, when the bad guys are a very large gang of drug heads. Let your police or bobbies or whatever they are handle it." John continues to lift his weights still wearing his slacks from work, but now shirtless revealing a well built upperbody. Upon seeing everyone else still running out he sighs grabs his work shirt and flings it on leaving it unbuttoned and grabs his "cane" and chases after everyone. "Well at least wait up, might as well find out if there is a lawsuit to be had with this screaming women"

EDIT: WOO hoo my 100th post, (im such a newb)
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Shaking off your lethargy, you manage to push yourselves into action. Bursting out onto the street, you find it deserted but for an old tramp stumbling his way drunkenly along the pavement. Ahead of you, about 100 yards on the right hand side of the road, you can see the local pub, The Wellington Arms. Pausing, you look around for the source of the screams, but you see nothing.

Suddenly, a young woman stumbles around a corner. You can see that she is limping, and even from this distance it is apparent that her clothes are torn. Her face appears to be smeared with something, but you can't tell whether it is blood or dirt. She obviously hasn't noticed you, and she staggers in your direction, looking back over her shoulder in terror.

A car speeds past a junction a hundred yards to your left, and you hear faint music coming from the pub. The woman, however, doesn't take advantage of the seemingly safe haven as she passes it, running as best she can down the road.

From round the corner, you see four figures emerge. From where you are, they appear to be men dressed in some kind of long, bulky coats. Two of them wear hats - or are they helmets? The most noticeable thing about them, though, is that all four are limping along and are only gaining slowly on the stumbling woman. You hear her cry out again, and then she slips and falls in the road, only yards ahead of her pursuers.

[Spot checks: Richard and Chandler, squinting, make out that the pursuers appear to be wearing what looks like German WWII greatcoats. Chandler, blinking in disbelief, further realises that the hats being worn by the pursuers look like the helmets worn by German infantry during the war.]

Amir manages to get through to the police after a few seconds. The official sounding woman at the end of the phone asks his name and telephone number.

Initiative Order (please post in this order and then wait for my response before the next person posts). If I need clarification, I will ask for it by editing your post rather than making a new post.

Daniele 20
Chandler 16
Johnathan 15
Imran 13
*Woman 12
Richard 11
*Pursuers 9
Amir 8

You are close enough to reach the scene with one move action.
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First Post
"Damn." Danielle says. "Anyone recognize those uniforms?"

She then seems to grasp the apparent situation. "Someone go get an auto!" She yells, as she dashes to the woman and attempts to help her to her feet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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