D&D General My "Perfect D&D" Would Include...

My "Perfect D&D" Would include...

  • Alignment

    Votes: 41 39.0%
  • Species as Class

    Votes: 7 6.7%
  • Species Class and Level Limits

    Votes: 7 6.7%
  • "Kits"

    Votes: 17 16.2%
  • Prestige Classes

    Votes: 24 22.9%
  • Class Archetypes

    Votes: 51 48.6%
  • Open Multiclassing (ie not limited by species)

    Votes: 54 51.4%
  • Psionics (as a separate, distinct magic subsystem)

    Votes: 37 35.2%
  • Paragon Paths

    Votes: 20 19.0%
  • "Encounter Abilities" in some form

    Votes: 26 24.8%
  • Complex Martials

    Votes: 50 47.6%
  • Advantage/Disadvantage

    Votes: 67 63.8%
  • Save or Die/Suck effects

    Votes: 29 27.6%
  • Level Drain

    Votes: 23 21.9%
  • Rulership/Leadership rules

    Votes: 48 45.7%
  • Warfare Rules

    Votes: 45 42.9%
  • Paths to immortality

    Votes: 21 20.0%
  • 20 levels or less

    Votes: 52 49.5%
  • 20 levels or more

    Votes: 21 20.0%
  • Epic Level Rules (distinct from pre-epic advancement)

    Votes: 24 22.9%
  • Narrow species choices

    Votes: 25 23.8%
  • Broad species choices

    Votes: 33 31.4%
  • Quadratic Wizards

    Votes: 8 7.6%
  • Grid based combat

    Votes: 54 51.4%
  • Theater of the mind based combat

    Votes: 57 54.3%
  • Skill Challenges

    Votes: 48 45.7%
  • Detailed Travel/Journey Rules

    Votes: 61 58.1%
  • Detailed Social Rules/Social "combat"

    Votes: 33 31.4%
  • Skills

    Votes: 90 85.7%
  • Feats

    Votes: 67 63.8%
  • Categorical Sving throws (AD&D)

    Votes: 9 8.6%
  • 3 Saves (Fort, Ref, Will)

    Votes: 40 38.1%
  • Ability based Saves

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • Proficiency Bonus

    Votes: 50 47.6%
  • XP from treasure

    Votes: 30 28.6%
  • XP from combat

    Votes: 36 34.3%
  • XP from story

    Votes: 64 61.0%
  • Player facing item creation rules

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • Templates (for monsters)

    Votes: 50 47.6%
  • Random treasure tables

    Votes: 53 50.5%
  • Something I forgot

    Votes: 33 31.4%


Which of the elements in the poll would your personal "perfect D&D" include?

Note: these are all the things I could think of off the top of my head while setting this poll up, so I probably missed a bunch of stuff. I tried to hit the highlights of all the editions.

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The thing I keep saying is a set of objective skill DCs. Tell me exactly how hard it is to open non-magical locks or climb a stone wall with appropriate handhold/piton modifiers.

Let me make characters that are good enough at skills to translate them directly into always on abilities, and accept that challenge/adventure design will warp around them.


The thing I keep saying is a set of objective skill DCs. Tell me exactly how hard it is to open non-magical locks or climb a stone wall with appropriate handhold/piton modifiers.

Let me make characters that are good enough at skills to translate them directly into always on abilities, and accept that challenge/adventure design will warp around them.
Yup, there is one I forgot that I also prefer in any game with skills. Dammit.


A combination of most of these, even if contradictory. The thing is that there isn't a "perfect" edition for me. Every game, every group, every campaign theme, may need to be supported by unique mechanics.

I think my perfect edition would be start from B/X D&D (including its focus on classic fantasy races and archetypes and the focus on exploration and emergent gameplay/story) and then modify it quite heavily:
  • Unified resolution system (probably 2d6+/-X or d6 dice pool)
  • Basic degrees of success (probably: failure, success at a cost, success, critical success)
  • System for extended tasks (can probably be built on skill challenges)
  • Simple skill system usable both in and out of combat
  • Revised spellcasting system (probably with some sort of channeling/drain mechanic)
  • Slot-based inventory system
  • Simple system for depletable resources
  • Less steep HP curve
  • Simple system for critical injuries
Some parts that just need to be tweaked a bit would be:
  • The travel and exploration system, including rules for changes in the weather
  • Procedures for generating new adventures and corresponding rumors by dice roll
  • More unique attacks for monsters
  • Trimming the fat from the spell list
  • Attribute list might be only 4 or 5 attributes

Voidrunner's Codex

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