D&D 5E Mythic Odyssey's Mythic Actions


Small God of the Dozens
The truth is its an imperfect gauge to begin with, and doesn't get better at higher levels. There's a ton of variation baked in based on classes, builds, synergy and feat use that make the balancing act a lot more complicated at higher levels.

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But why are you even comparing it to an entirely different game? I mean, would you compare it to GURPS Fantasy or Savage Worlds or Torchbearer or 13th Age? It just seems such an odd thing to do, particularly from such a brief look.

That said, if it's just that PF2 is on your mind recently from working with it, I can totally understand that.
You've got it! Trying to wrap my mind around PF2 and its power level is kinda skewing my perceptions of 5e.


I figure that mythic monsters will have a baseline of more than 1 action on their turn. Possibly with some restriction, like "no more than 1 action of each type", or something similar.

And that Mythic Actions simply use up more than 1 of these actions.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Interesting. I’m wondering if “costs 2 actions” means that a Mythic action takes multiple turns to perform, or if monsters with Mythic actions will have some source of additional actions on their turn. Perhaps lair or legendary actions, but then again, maybe some Theros monsters just get more than one action per turn, perhaps at the cost of some resource akin to the fighter’s second wind.


Lowcountry Low Roller
I'm just the opposite. I find lair actions to be the great. For example, I just give dragons their lair actions all the time (they don't need to be in their lair). It makes each dragon feel unique (unlike their general stat block) and magical, without having to look up spells. Plus, they can always use them. I mean a red dragon can summon gysers of magma, or create an earthquake, or poisonous vapors every round not matter what.
You do like to turn the knobs to 11! :D


I'm just the opposite. I find lair actions to be the great. For example, I just give dragons their lair actions all the time (they don't need to be in their lair). It makes each dragon feel unique (unlike their general stat block) and magical, without having to look up spells. Plus, they can always use them. I mean a red dragon can summon gysers of magma, or create an earthquake, or poisonous vapors every round not matter what.
Until reading your comment, I don't think I'd ever considered using lair actions outside of the actual lair, that would be a great way to ramp up a fight no matter the location.

Li Shenron

If you have three Legendary Actions, you spend two-thirds of that resource performing the bigger trick.

Mythic Actions are not Legendary Actions, if they were just a rename it would be very lame.

Maybe Mythic Actions use the same pool as Legendary Actions, maybe not. We just don't know yet, how many Mythic Actions are in the pool, how often they can use them (the whole pool each round? or something different), when they can use them (Legendary Actions are used after someone else's turn, Lair Actions on fixed initiative 20, no reason Mythic Actions have to be the same of either).

There are hints on the web that Mythic Actions are related to other properties of Mythic Creatures, in particular the "transformation" which happens to them when you drop them to 0hp, which practically means they are immediately back up but transformed into a slightly improved version of themselves. Maybe Mythic Actions are indeed additional Legendary Actions that the Mythic Creature can take only after it has reached its transformation. The preview just doesn't say.

Voidrunner's Codex

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