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nerdytenor's The Missing Warlock


First Post
At Elloen's house

You arrive at a small house. Dardus approaches slowly, with a look of dread mixed with resignation. He knocks.

"Elloen? Elloen, are you there?" He waits a moment, and calls out again, slightly louder. "Elloen, though it pains me to bother you, we must talk. The future of our town may depend on it."

"Fine," says a steely voice, nearly half a minute later. "The door is not locked."

You follow closely behind Dardus as he opens the door, the dragonborn among you stooping to fit under the doorframe. You see a small, ill-kempt room. There is a small stove, a table, two chairs, and a desk, with various mundane objects on it. There is a straw bed in the corner. Elloen, a short, pale woman with fair hair sits behind the desk. She has deep lines under her eyes, and some of her hair has turned grey, even black in places. Clearly Mardrick's disappearance has made a mark on her.

Upon seeing that Dardus is not alone, her complexion shifts to scarlet. "What is the meaning of this? What strange folk do you bring to my home, and at a time such as this," she cries.

"Elloen," Dardus says gently, "these brave souls are here to rescue Mardrick."

"Rescue? How can you rescue a man who is already dead?" Her angry demeanor is briefly overtaken by short, pathetic sobs.

Dardus edges towards the desk, placing his hand over hers for a moment, before it is jerked away. "Elloen, I realize how difficult this must be. But how can you possibly know he is dead?"

"Our... life rings," she sputters between sobs. She raises her other hand, pointing at what appears to be a normal ring. After Dardus fails to react, she says, with some irritation "Oh Dardus, you always were so provincial. Life rings are bound together with magic. Mardrick made a pair for us when he first began his studies of the arcane. They both glow a soft blue, as long as both of the wearers remain... alive..." Once more, she falls into her staccato sobs.

Dardus pales a bit after hearing this. "Then it is as I feared. Still, we must recover what little of his work we can. It is all we have."

"Ha. We have nothing then. Never did know what he was doing," she says, with a sneer. "What good is it?"

"Elloen, it is the only hope we have. We must try."

"Fine. Fine! What do I care? Go on your fools errand, then." Increasingly angry, she throws up her hands. "Why bother me with this at all? Or do you enjoy tormenting grieving widows?"

Clearly hurt, but attempting to hide it, Dardus keeps his gentle tone. "Elloen, in order to help the search party," he says, gesturing towards you, "we need you to lend us whatever magical tools or notes he had."

Incredulous, she stands up. "Outrageous! And besides, there's really nothing for you here. No, nothing at all! Look - look." She shows you around, gesticulating wildly. There does not appear to be anything of any note in the house. "He always brought everything with him! None of his papers are here, and all of his idiotic 'magical' machinery is gone too!"

Just then, all of your eyes are drawn to the desk. A small lump of stone you had all assumed to be a paperweight begins to emit a very low hum, and a dark purple halo can be seen towards the top. Seconds later, it becomes inanimate again.

"Elloen... what is... that?"

Very quickly, she grabs the stone. "Oh I don't know, another one of his stupid experiments I suppose. It lights up like that every once in a while. About as useless as a broken lamp."

"Elloen," Dardus intones, "this might be a clue for our adventurers. Would you consider lending it to them?"

"I've had enough taken from me. Enough! Leave me be!" She clutches the stone to her breast, sobbing.


Skill challenge. Your goal is to get the strange stone and/or life ring from Elloen if possible.

Potential skills involved - arcana, diplomacy, intimidate, insight.

Please see the out of character thread (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?t=237320&page=2) for details on how I will handle die rolls.

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First Post
[OOC: Wowa I missed some posts here I wanted to go last but not that last...insert this before Dardus continues...sorry]

Another Dragonborn, very different from Todarr, whilst he was tall, Rellek is wide his dark blue scales and deep green hide armour hide a mass of scars. Evidence of battles both old and new. His green cloak falls away revealing his twin battleaxes and his strong lith and muscular form. His eyes deepest blue, have a haunted look as they do a piercing stab.

Its a grim time, but we are ready to stand with you and lend whatever our hands, our skill and our blades might render by way of answers. Ours is not the way of farmer, goodman...but then if it were you'd not have need of us. Rellek said no more, but offered a short nod of his head and stepped back to one side.


[sblock=If bluff is allowed]
Karis cranes her head to look at the ring. "Life rings aren't just for knowing if your partner dies, you know. You can also use one of them to find the other one. If you loan us the ring, we could find your husband's body and bring it back for a proper burial. I'd hate to think of the poor man lying dead in a ditch somewhere for the crows to pick apart slowly."

ooc: Bluff +8. If the roll is less than 15, she will use Master of Deceit to reroll.
[sblock=Master of Deceit]
Master of Deceit (free; encounter, personal)
Trigger: you roll a bluff check and dislike the result (Must decide before the result is revealed)
Effect: Reroll the bluff check.

[sblock=If bluff is not allowed]
Karis frowns, and speaks with icy disapproval. "So you would stay here sniveling and clutching your baubles while they are needed for important work, work that may yet save the lives of you and everyone you know? That's disgusting and contemptible. If I were the mayor here, I would have you horsewhipped. Stop acting like a child and hand the things over, and you can go back to your grief."

ooc: Ah, tough love. Diplomacy +3


First Post
Elloen Todarr steps forward swiftly to gain her attention on him, simultaneously slouching down to not appear so intimidating. We are here to help Mardrick. Maybe the ring stopped working for some other reason, I am sure I do not know of such things as much as Mardrick. And if he is alive, wouldn't you want our help to find out for sure?

Diplomacy +9


First Post
Combined narrative

Todarr steps forward swiftly to gain her attention on him, simultaneously slouching down to not appear so intimidating. "We are here to help Mardrick. Maybe the ring stopped working for some other reason, I am sure I do not know of such things as much as Mardrick. And if he is alive, wouldn't you want our help to find out for sure?"

"Yes, yes," Dardus nods. "This one has a point." Elloen sits unmoved, and says nothing.

Karis cranes her head to look at the ring. "Life rings aren't just for knowing if your partner dies, you know. You can also use one of them to find the other one. If you loan us the ring, we could find your husband's body and bring it back for a proper burial. I'd hate to think of the poor man lying dead in a ditch somewhere for the crows to pick apart slowly."

Elloen chuckles wearily. "Sure, sure, you must know more of these things than I," she says, looking at Karis with some suspicion. "Very well, you may have it! Fat lot of good it will do you, though." She quickly removes the ring from her hand and plops it on the table in front of Karis.

"Elloen," Dardus says, "what of the glowing rock?"

"I have done enough," cries Elloen, quickly thrusting the rock inside a drawer of the table. "Now leave me be!"

You have aquired the life ring. You may now attempt to get the rock.


First Post
Motioning to Karis, Rellek quickly whispered...

Friend Karis. If we can convince Elloen that among our party are some versed in magic and natures natural law. Those who might deduce clues from the rocks very substance, not just its magical properties - then might we be able to convince her that assisting us with the rock will help in the in speedy aquisition of further knowledge regarding her husband. Surely she might be be persued by one such as you, that our goals are as one and this is no is no ill intended intrusion on her grief.

What say you?

Kellek stood back, waiting for Karis' reply.


"Elloen, every clue, no matter how small or insignificant may lead to the answers we seek." Moreen goes to her side. She removes her metal gauntlets and takes Elloen's hands in hers. "I know you grieve for your husband. Believe me I know the pain you feel. But it will pass in time, as all things do. Meanwhile, your whole village is suffering from an unnatural blight that your husband was investigating. Would he mope like this when he could help? Even in a small way? You have my word as a servant of Erathis that you will have these back, and if we can find him, the body of your husband be he dead or otherwise."

((Diplomacy +9))


Karis whispers back to Rellik. "Let Moreen and the others talk for a bit. If they can't convince this coward to cooperate... can you be ready to make a diversion? If she's distracted for a few seconds, I bet I can get that rock from the drawer with no one the wiser."


First Post
Elloen seems to regain her composure, and in a tone as cold as ice, she intones "Get... out... of... my... house. Now."

Dardus quickly shuffles you out the door. "Well, fellows, I fear we have pushed her as far as we can. Mayhap the ring will help you, and I'm not sure what good you'll get of a glowing rock. Joshua, perhaps your knowledge of the arcane arts can help us?"

Joshua sheepishly relates that all he can tell of the rock is that it has been enchanted, and as for the ring, he can find no trace of magic in it at all.

"Well, let's hope that our visit wasn't for nothing," Dardus grumbles.

I rolled two arcana checks on Joshua's behalf (+10) for the ring and the stone. Karis did not have an opportunity to try and steal the stone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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