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nerdytenor's The Missing Warlock


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Moving out

"We must leave Elloen alone now. I feel we have already pressed her too much, and I cannot bear to cause her any more pain." Dardus sighs, briefly looking to the sky.

"It looks to be about midday. Mardrick's last area of study before he went missing was a series of abandoned farms north of the Dead Forest. If you take the road around the forest, you should make it by nightfall. Just. But that part of the road has seen an increase in attacks by brigands of late, so be careful."

"If you wish, you could go through the forest, but I must caution you - it is not called the Dead Forest for lack of life. All manner of foul creature has been seen there, and while I don't give much credence to many of the stories, it is true that many who have ventured inside have not returned. The way through the Dead Forest should get you to the farms with plenty of daylight remaining, should you choose that route."

Dardus looks over each of you in turn. "I wish you the best of luck. I will pray first for your safe return, and then I will pray that you may find some way to help our town recover before it is too late. Farewell." With this, he turns around, and walks back towards his smithy.

Decision time. Which way would you like to go?

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"After listening to that sniveling wench, I want to kill something. Let's go through the woods. How bad could they be?" Karis says the last with heavy irony.


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Rellek spoke up, his understanding of the area and of the ways of the wild being what it was.

Friend Karis could well get her wish whichever way we go, but in the interests of completing our mission, the road seems a better option.

Rellek stepped away again, allowing the others to weigh his words against their own and that of Karis.


First Post
I agree with Karis. In addition, I think that getting to the farm with daylight remaining is preferable, so I am for the shortest journey.


"Brigands on the road or potentially unknown horrors in the woods. The forest may be hearsay, while the road is indeed dangerous. I'd rather take the road. Even if we don't run into highwaymen, if they see us, they will stay clear of it for a while," Moreen says, putting her gauntlets back on. She shrugs her shoulders and continues.

"I don't believe that whatever we may find at the farm will not wait for the morning. But if the forest is our choice, so be it."

[sblock=ooc]I won't be back until late tonight. If we run into trouble, Moreen does her best to tank.[/sblock]


First Post
Into the woods

Joshua, more than a little intrigued by the Dead Forest, votes for the quick route, and with that, the party heads north into the woods.

I flipped a coin, since the party was split and The Digger is not back yet.

The way is easy at first, with relatively sparse trees and little undergrowth beneath your feet. An occasional bird can be seen, and Rellek points out some deer and small game tracks. But the living green gives way to brown, and as you near what must be the center of the forest (based on Dardus's directions), the brown gives way to black. The density of the trees has increased, but fewer and fewer of them appear alive. Despite this, the forest canopy has largely obscured the light of sun - it looks as though the sun has set, but you know this cannot be the case.

You approach the largest tree you have yet seen in the forest. As you are passing it, you hear a strange noise.


Rellek, keen to the ways of the wild, is the first to hear it, and holds up his hand for you to stop. A few seconds pass in anxious silence.

"Click. Click click." Another pause. Then, a cacophony of clicks ensues from what seems like several directions. You watch in horror as a creature crawls out from underneath the forest floor - it looks like a cross between a giant spider and crab. Then another crawls out. And another. And another.

You quickly ready yourselves for battle.


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What is the party's marching order?

I knew I forgot something. How is the party arranged? I'll go with the first reasonable suggestion in the interest of expediency.


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Prospective marching order

Okay, here's my 2 copper:

Rellek and Karis are obviously the 2 most observant (OOC: high Perception) of the group, and also the two strikers (also OOC). On the other hand, even though I am not observant, I do have lessened movement from armor and our tank/defender, Moreen, would also do better (read: sticky target) in the front, so I propose:

Moreen     Todarr
Karis      Rellek
(Even though, in terms of "scouting" from 5 feet farther ahead, it could be very easily argued to switch the two front lines, for battle (or even battle-anticipation) formation, my proposed formation puts the highest ACs up front (which seems metagaming, but biggest armor and not dependent on movement for combat makes these characters want to take the brunt for the group))



First Post
The map


[sblock=OOC]There are twelve enemies, 8 (S)mall, 3 (M)edium, and 1 (L)arge. Small enemies are minions.
Small blobs in a single square are branches and tree bits - difficult terrain (2 moves to go into (but not out of) such a square). They do not provide cover. Larger blobs are trees and are treated like walls.

Initiative order to follow.
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First Post
Initiative order

Rellek (37/37) <----------- NEXT TO ACT
Karis (29/29)
Moreen (40/40)
Small creatures (8)
Medium creatures (3)
Joshua (30/30)
Todarr (29/29)
Large creature

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