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New Generation Legacy, Issue 1: Back to School

Cody looks impressed, seeing Clover whip up the guns with wind and bring them to her. "Weather controller? Nice." he says before moving to the food court to check to see if the rest are alright. He pats Emmet on the shoulder as he goes, leaving him to keep the girls informed.

Raph protectively moves a step in front and to the side of Cody, as if prescient of the direction and pace he wants to go at. Seeing the situation under control with the three on the floor, if confused, he gives a sigh of relief.

"Jerry!" Cody says, moving up to the teen, "Good to know you're alright, well it looks like you got shot like me." Cody says, grinning behind a slight grimace of pain as he rubs his shoulder. "We'll fix these wounds up soon enough but is there anyone more badly hurt? Raph here can Heal others but its taxing on her."

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"Jerry!" Cody says, moving up to the teen, "Good to know you're alright, well it looks like you got shot like me." Cody says, grinning behind a slight grimace of pain as he rubs his shoulder. "We'll fix these wounds up soon enough but is there anyone more badly hurt? Raph here can Heal others but its taxing on her."

"G'day, mate," Jerry smiled. The leg wasn't all that bad. "I think there's some worse off than us. Only got tagged a little. Don't let the black fool you; it's the normal color of my blood. I'm not all charcoal and ash."


"I apologize, but I worry that fully explaining my reasoning for why the pair might be in danger would take longer and be less effective than simply hurrying outside to verify their safety. As such, please lead me to their most likely exit. Make no mistake Cloves, this was an attack aimed directly at us students."

Emmet then runs towards the exit path taken by the two teen girls.

Cody shrugs and smiles back easily, surprised by how apathetic he is to the shadows seeping from Jerry's leg, sparing only a glance. I guess I've been hanging out with Raph long enough to be used to weird things.

Nodding to Jerry, Cody turns his thoughts to the situation at hand, "I've never seen Raph heal more than one person at a time, she'll only be able to to heal a few today. Can you help? We need to find those still living who are injured the worst." the teen asks, serious as he finally takes in how many people are hurt all around him.

"What would be worth hurting so many innocents." he mutters under his breath. He tries to suppress a shiver but fails.


Nodding to Jerry, Cody turns his thoughts to the situation at hand, "I've never seen Raph heal more than one person at a time, she'll only be able to to heal a few today. Can you help? We need to find those still living who are injured the worst." the teen asks, serious as he finally takes in how many people are hurt all around him.

"Don't know any first aid. Before the bullets started flying I didn't see many under the rubble," Jerry shrugged, "Better than seeing lots under it."

"What would be worth hurting so many innocents." he mutters under his breath. He tries to suppress a shiver but fails.

"Hey, it's over," Jerry told Cody softly, wanting to put an arm around his shoulder or something but seeing that would mean sticking his hand right into a wound.


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"I don't know which exit they would have used, Trilly and I were on our way here. Prolly used the closest exit to where they were but I'll be buggered if I know whch exit that is, its only the first time I've been here love." Clover tells the bossy boy wth a shrug.

"Oh, and love, you need to stop calling me Cloves, my name is Clover." the british girl says, giving her attention to what Cody is saying about Raph being able to heal people. If that were true, than the best use of her own talents probbly was what the boy was suggesting, finding Josee and Stacey and making sure they were all right.

"Right then, off to the vans to find Josee, Stacey, and any of the other students who might have gone that way." the girl says, matching action to word as she starts off in that direction.


It's quite a stuggle for both John to get out and Clover to use her air powers to take the weapons, but they do manage. The gunmen, seeing their weapons leave them, quit struggling. The woman sits where she landed, also not putting up a fight.

Strength checks: 19, 23 (Clover), 25 (John)

Yoshi manages to stand up again, though it looks like it's a painful process. "Damn...missed all...the fun," he says with a blood-smeared smirk.

Raph shrugs at Cody's compliment. Her normally flamboyant and cheerful personality seems somewhat muted. "Just doing my job...which obviously isn't done yet." She keeps one eye on the attackers, while looking around at the damage. She sighs. "I don't know where to start. And Manjit. She's on the roof right now. She was knocked out by...chloroform, I think Emmet called it. Bad idea for the guy that did it to her. She'll kill anything that goes near her now though, that's why i put her up there. She might be a bit confused when she wakes up though."

Jun Min walks into the area from the other side, surveying the damage with wide eyes. She looks a bit woozy from a noticable blow to the head. "Oh no..." she says, seeing bodies among the debris. She then notices the students. "Is everyone okay?"

Emmet & Cloves ;)

The entrance the students took to get into the mall is the nearest one not in the food court, and it doesn't take too long to get there. Outside, people are milling around, most wel away from the building. Vehicles are causing jams as others just try to get away, not realizing that walking would be faster in this case.

The van is still noticable through the throng of people, and Stacy and Josee stand beside it, near each other, both on the lookout, eyeing people that come near them suspiciously. Stacy spots Clover and waves at her.

"Omigod, Clo, someone shot at us!" she says, nearly in tears when the two teens get to the van. "They hit someone else that was running beside us. So I used my power to get us out. Josee wasn't expecting me to grab her, though..." she adds, opening her badly burned hand. Josee looks sheepishly apologetic, but doesn't say anything.

"What happened? Was it a bomb? Did anyone get hurt? Why are people trying to kill us?" Stacy asks anxiously.


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Clover waves when she sees Josee and Stacey. "Told you they could handle themselves mate." she tells Emmet after Stacey fills them in. "Its over now. The reason they did it is fairly obvious, its cause their bloody barking mad." Clover says shaking her head.

"I reckon we ought to get back inside with the other students and Ms. Kim. Its probably best that way...don't worry about getting shot at though love. I mean they didn't hit you at least, look at me. Some chick with a laser gun got all happy on my bloody arm." The red head says, gesturing at the blackened burn on her arm. "I figure the next stop for the lot of us is gonna be the hospital, or maybe the infirmary at the school if its all super hi-techish." She says before leading the way back into the food court.


First Post
"I think I can get you down off there, mate," his shadows reached out for John but he waited for permission before grabbing on.

"I think I will be ok on my own, thanks though." he replies with some effort as he slowly makes his way our of the gravity field.

Once he is back into normal gravity he will give himself a quick once over to check out his injuries.

Nodding to Jerry, Cody turns his thoughts to the situation at hand, "I've never seen Raph heal more than one person at a time, she'll only be able to to heal a few today. Can you help? We need to find those still living who are injured the worst." the teen asks, serious as he finally takes in how many people are hurt all around him.

"We will figure out why later, right now we have injured people to help, Layla is pretty banged up, Nick took her outside. Looked like she could use some help right quick, as well as that girl over there," he says pointing to the girl that he attempted to help before the fight erupted. "There is plenty more that needs help I reckon." He adds slowly rotating his right shoulder.

Jun Min walks into the area from the other side, surveying the damage with wide eyes. She looks a bit woozy from a noticable blow to the head. "Oh no..." she says, seeing bodies among the debris. She then notices the students. "Is everyone okay?"

"Most of us are Ms. Kim," John states as he looks around the ground. "Layla is hurt pretty bad from the looks of it, Nick took her outside, we didn't feel that this was the best place for her at the time. Yoshi took the blast square but seems to be ok," he contiues as he keeps searching, stopping briefly as he picks something up from the ground cleaning it off and placing his cowboy hat back on his head. "I think I dislocated my shoulder, nothing that I haven't done before though."


"My apologies, Clover; Jerry had simply referred to you as 'Cloves,' and I assumed that was your name. My name is Emmet," he says, forcing a weak smile.

Emmet glances down at the power supply for his radiation shield, then shoves his microwave emitter back into his pocket. "Actually, you incorrectly assumed that your friends were safe because they did not advertise their unique gifts," Emmet gently corrects Clover, then reddens, slightly embarrassed. "I'm glad to see that you are both safe. Some of our classmates inside were injured by an explosion, hit with gunfire, or rendered unconscious through anesthetic; there is little doubt that this attack was not some random act of terror. I am Emmet, by the way," he adds with a slight wave.

"You said that our attackers were armed with laser weaponry," Emmet asks, his eyes suddenly gleaming. "I think we should head inside with the others."

Voidrunner's Codex

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