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New Generation Legacy, Issue 2: A New day arrives

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"Got a babe to come along," Yoshi announces as he suddenly appears next to you. "Do you think that Amy is going to rat us out?" He continues as he leans up against the wall waiting for the others.

He notices that you are looking at something and glances over to where you are looking. "Something up?"

"Yeah, mate. We got paparazzi," Jerry pointed in the reporters' direction. "You and I can get by but I think the rest are out of luck."


First Post
"Its not about the money, its a duty. A Hughes has been in either the British armed forces or UN forces since the 1800s, our ilitary service is what earned us our title and estate. My dad, the current Baron is a Colonel in the UN forces right now, so you can bet anything and everything I do will get back to him regardless of if it makes the news." Clover says with a sigh.

"My parent's would be addressed as lord and lady, but I'm just the Honourable Clover Hughes, whatever that means. When dad passes on as his oldest child I'll be Baroness of Dinorben, but thats certainly no princess or anything...so just call me Clover, right?"

"I'm not sold entirely on working for the UN, I'm also hoping that the crown will put together a team of elites to serve her majesty's interests, and in that case I'd love to be on to that. Hughes, Clover Hughes. What do you reckon?"


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"You would be like a storm throwing, ass kicking, female elite James Bond... yeah that sounds badass. I just want to do something fun, I never much thought of the military, my dad was in the Air Force for a short stint did time in Iraq a few times, my uncle was in too... my grandma is retired Navy... I guess I have a military family too," Nick realizes with a smirk.

"I don't know when all that stuff happened I felt like... I felt like I had found something worth fighting for you know, something that I could do that could help others, it was dangerous but the rush... man I felt so in the moment. Maybe I should look into this military elite thing too?" Nick asks.

"I may not seem like it but I know what it takes to be a team player, football taught me alot about responsibility. I mean we have these powers right, we should do something good with them,"
Nick adds.

"What do you think Laylah, you think I could do the hero thing?" Nick jokes.


First Post
"Not every bloke is cut out for the service, its dangerous for even the best trained. I mean Dad and I have worked at my conditioning and such, I can already pass the requirements for the Special Air Service, and I still got hurt so be sure you want to do it and your not just doing it for something to do."

"As to a beach party after the head lets us off restriction, yeah absobloodylutely"

Trilly shakes her head and heads to her room to grab her swim suit and beach towel. She wondered if she'd have to hang Yoshi from the flag pole sometime this year to keep him from pushing things with her.

Of course, she reminded herself, she could just blatantly make out with a girl in the school canteen and be solidly out.


"I realize that it may sound exciting or cool, but real immediate danger and violence does not resemble what you see in movies or games. I am sure that if you were unfortunate enough to experience it yourself, you would agree."

"Could you speak a few sentences of Russian so that I may pick up on it," he asks the Russian Elite. "During my free period, I plan to drop by every language course offered, to get them all out of the way," he adds to Manjit.

"When does class start," Emmet wonders, asking no one in particular.


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Manjit fidgets somewhat as you comment about hurting someone, its pretty clear she is uncomfortable about hurting anyone.

"I have had my abilities for about six months, it is not something that I like to discuss." She responds hastily almost angrily, she takes a moment to compose herself. "I'm sorry, its just that people I care about got hurt, its difficult to talk about."

"Sorry..." Six months and that's it?

Kiyana's smile gets bigger as you inform her about the living arrangements, if its possible, you begin to wonder is she is not the happiest person on the planet.

"That is good, yes?" she says while clapping her hands. "You teach me better English, I teach you Russian?" Kiyana adds in. James has taken the time to move over close to the girl so you can all sit down as well.

"Why don't you join us until class starts?"

"Yeah, that sounds pretty nice. Learning a language with conversation is much better than a bunch of classroom stuff." She seems nice, maybe a little too sugary though.

"I think I'll pass on that; I want to try to try to meet as many people as I can before class starts. We'll probably have plenty of time to hang after today anyway, right?"

"I realize that it may sound exciting or cool, but real immediate danger and violence does not resemble what you see in movies or games. I am sure that if you were unfortunate enough to experience it yourself, you would agree."

Keller smirks. "I'll take that under advisement." So I guess he has some kind of fast learning power or something.

She looks over toward the other table with the four unknown students, while sipping her coffee.


First Post
Mary, Emmet

Kiyana cheers a little when you agree to help her. "That would be good, yes. English is very hard." Turning to Emmet she rattles off several lines of Russian before revert back to English.

"You learn Russian now?" she enquires.

"Dude, you can learn Russian from just hearing it? That is so cool." James adds in. "Looks like we have about 20 minutes or so before class starts. I take it you like that stuff?"

Manjit stands behind both of you not saying much.

As you watch the table, the Spanish boy looks up right at you, he maintains eye contact for a few moments before giving you a wink and a smile before returning his attention to the table, pretty good considering the distance. Of course it could have been a fluke

Trilly, Jerry

"No way man, there has to be a way out of here." Yoshi states as Trilly walks up to the duo with John coming in right behind her. "I invited Cody and a couple of girls along as well, hope you all don't mind" he says. "Mind? Dude, you are my new best friend." Yohsi smirks

"But first we are going to have to figure out how to get past the news crews. Normally I wouldn't mind people taking my picture but I think today calls for some subtlety. Anyone got any ideas?"

Nick, Clover

"Well, you certainly have the rescuing part down pretty good." Layla says as she lightly touches your arm in a gesture of thanks. "Of course you've got the ego for it as well." she adds in teasingly.

"From what I hear," Amandi injects, "getting in with the UN isn't going to be that hard, I hear that they are hiring as many elites as they can. Rumor has it that they are forming some sort of standing army or something like that. Most of the countries are doing the same thing, as well as certain companies. I have even heard that some elites are being kidnapped and then experimented on, how creepy is that?" He says with a shudder.

Just to move the story along, consider Cody and company invited along to the preclass dip, both Raph and Tina are willing but its your call.

Voidrunner's Codex

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