NEW Immortals Handbook - Ascension thread

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First Post said:
Superior Expertise [General]
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, base attack bonus +6.

Benefit: When you use the Combat Expertise feat to improve your Armor Class, the number you subtract from your attack and add to your AC can be any number that does not exceed your base attack bonus.

This feat eliminates the +5 maximum for the Combat Expertise feat.
With Superior Expertise as an OGL non-epic feat, why do you have Combat Mastery as an epic feat?

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First Post
mercucio said:
Certainly programming requires no great degree of Dexterity, nor does drawing, calligraphy, sewing, carpentry, masonry, ect.
an artist with no dexterity can't draw as well, calligraphy requires alot of dexterity, and tailors masons and carpenters with little dexterity quickly lose that dexterity to work related injury


First Post
Tailors, masons, and carpenters are likely not to be interested in the Skill portfolio over the Craft portfolio, however.


First Post
jedrious said:
an artist with no dexterity can't draw as well, calligraphy requires alot of dexterity, and tailors masons and carpenters with little dexterity quickly lose that dexterity to work related injury
All correct- however, the programming point stands as valid. :) If we consider social skills in that, i.e. Diplomacy, Bluff, et al, and the sense skills Spot & Listen, not to mention Survival when it's being used for discerning direction or tracking, the connection between Skill and Dexterity becomes even less relevant.

This is not to say that an association between the ability score and the Skills Portfolio is completely without merit. Actually EQUATING the two concepts, however, is clearly and provably an error.

Hey guys! :)

Regarding the whole what is "Skill" discussion I think maybe you guys have D&D's interpretaion of skill(s) too much ingrained.

To me something to do with knowledge (such as Knowledge (Religion) for example) is not necessarily a skill. It is something that would be covered under the Knowledge portfolio, similarly other aspects of ability scores would be covered under their respective portfolios.


First Post
Upper_Krust said:
Hey guys! :)

Regarding the whole what is "Skill" discussion I think maybe you guys have D&D's interpretaion of skill(s) too much ingrained.

To me something to do with knowledge (such as Knowledge (Religion) for example) is not necessarily a skill. It is something that would be covered under the Knowledge portfolio, similarly other aspects of ability scores would be covered under their respective portfolios.

So maybe the "Skill" portfolio should be renamed to something else, like Agility or Reflex.
That would, of course, still render its opposition to Luck null and void.


Divine Immensity is a Supernatural ability, im not sure as the user can change is size at will, is that a free, swift, move or standard action ?

I guess Free as its like the Divine Ability Alter Size...

Phantom Llama

First Post
Upper_Krust said:
Hey guys! :)

Regarding the whole what is "Skill" discussion I think maybe you guys have D&D's interpretaion of skill(s) too much ingrained.
No, we have the dictionary's interpretation of skill(s) too much ingrained.

EDIT: I'm curious (since it's come up in PotA), what's your take on the hardness and hp of artefacts?
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