NEW Immortals Handbook - Ascension thread

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Upper_Krust said:
Howdy mate! :)
Hey hey, UK.

I am sure if it was something serious you could convince me to make certain changes. However, I don't think you can convince me this is that serious.

Outside of the fact that the Dexterity ability score is not the sole determinant for the concept of one being "skilled"?

That alone seems to smack of a problem to me. I'd just rename the portfolio to Agility, since that's what the spells affect the most. After that it's a short step to finding something other than Luck against which to oppose the portfolio.

From there, you take the idea of a "Skill" portfolio that opposes "Luck" and build the spells around that idea, not making a Dexterity portfolio by another name and forcing the thematic connection to manifest mechanically.

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One more off topic thing if you don't mind. I was wondering what your opinion of the tank HP in d20 modern is? I think it's to low but i wanted to ask you about it.

Hi Farealmer mate! :)

Farealmer3 said:
One more off topic thing if you don't mind. I was wondering what your opinion of the tank HP in d20 modern is? I think it's to low but i wanted to ask you about it.

Its been a while since I went over the data. I don't remember being too impressed first time around.

Lets see.

Hardness 20, HP 64, Dmg 10d12

Firstly I think 10d12 is probably okay for the gun, within the context of D&D's reality that is.

Kinetic damage from the projectile should be about 4 times as powerful as an AK47. But that doesn't include blast damage. I think I had it at 8d10 kinetic + 8d6 blast.

However the simple fact of the matter is that an M1A1 Abrams Tank can barely damage another tank of the same specifications. So Hardness should be in the region of about 100 I think.

Hit Points should be something like 150 or more. Its Huge bordering on Gargantuan (due to its weight), so that means at least 15d10 hp, given they are precision built, I would give them max hp.

I think one thing D&D doesn't do too well is manage armour thickness.

For instance if you have a 1 inch think steel door and a 10 inch thick steel vault door. Then get a couple of guys with sledgehammers banging on both. Its not going to take them ten times as long to bust open the 10 inch thick vault door - they simply won't be able to bust it open at all.

So its clear that armour thickness is not just a matter of increased hit points there is also an added level of hardness.

If we assume that Chobham is akin to adamantine (?) then I would double the hardness for every time you double the thickness.

So if 1 inch the Hardness 20 and the M1A1 Abrams is purportedly 4-6 inches in areas, You are talking hardness 80-120.

Note that this method also tells us that Full Platemail is roughly 1/6th of an inch thick on average, which sounds about right.

This also means that normal full platemail should give hardness 1, and mithril hardness 2.

A storm Giant wearing adamantine heavy armour would gain hardness 12.

Base 3 x 2 (Large) x 2 (Huge).

Hope that helps a little.


Hope that helps a little.
Very much so, once again thanks U_K for bringing order to the WotC's chaos. But i must ask does ths apply to everything, for instince the stone wall i mention below would have a hardness greater than 256.

Something else has been bothering me, how do you handle the HP per inch of thickness problem. For example 3 ft of stone has 540 HP but then a arabs tank blast couldn't get through it. I don't know if thats accually true, but it just doesn't sound right.

Also if you don't mind, i was wondering how you change things from low physical factor to high. I seen some stat differences in the godzilla entry but nothing on how you change it from one system to another.

Sorry about all these questions. :eek:
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Hello again matey! :)

Farealmer3 said:
Very much so, once again thanks U_K for bringing order to the WotC's chaos. But i must ask does ths apply to everything, for instince the stone wall i mention below would have a hardness greater than 256.

Good point. I think this would be down to the deformability of the material involved.

For instance stone won't bend, metal will. Which is why you don't make armour from diamond.

So I would just use the old rules for things like stone, wood, crystal, etc.

Farealmer3 said:
Something else has been bothering me, how do you handle the HP per inch of thickness problem. For example 3 ft of stone has 540 HP but then a arabs tank blast couldn't get through it. I don't know if thats accually true, but it just doesn't sound right.

The WotC hit point totals are wrong. A large wall (1 ft. thick?) should have 40 hit points, Huge = 60 (1 ft. thick?), Gargantuan = 80 (1 ft. thick?).

Farealmer3 said:
Also if you don't mind, i was wondering how you change things from low physical factor to high. I seen some stat differences in the godzilla entry but nothing on how you change it from one system to another.

I take the lowest common denominator and then extrapolate upwards.

In D&D, damage is roughly x1.5 for each x8 increase in energy. However in the real world it should be roughly x8 damage for x8 energy.

If a grenade does 4d6 damage then the explosion from a Hellfire Rocket would deal (approx.) 12d6 in D&D, but the energy output is probably 500 times greater. So in a high physical factor world you are talking about 2000d6 damage.

Farealmer3 said:
Sorry about all these questions. :eek:

Thats what I'm here for dude! ;)


Thank you again :D

The WotC hit point totals are wrong. A large wall (1 ft. thick?) should have 40 hit points, Huge = 60 (1 ft. thick?), Gargantuan = 80 (1 ft. thick?).
Does this change based on what it's made of? For example this value seems to follow construct bonus hp +1. Is the +1 because it's stone? I also notice you change the height and width, but not the length/thickness. Does that mean a thicker wall would change the size and thus the HP? Sorry if this is confusing but it' confusing for me :heh: .
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Hiya mate! :)

Farealmer3 said:
Does this change based on what it's made of? For example this value seems to follow construct bonus hp +1. Is the +1 because it's stone? I also notice you change the height and width, but not the length/thickness. Does that mean a thicker wall would change the size and thus the HP? Sorry if this is confusing but it' confusing for me :heh: .

Okay I made a bit of a mess of the last post, I meant

Large 1 ft thick
Huge 2 ft thick
Gargantuan 4 ft. thick


Okay I made a bit of a mess of the last post, I meant

Large 1 ft thick
Huge 2 ft thick
Gargantuan 4 ft. thick
Thank you U_K

As i mentioned earlier does the HP of the wall change with the construction material?

Hello again! :)

Farealmer3 said:
As i mentioned earlier does the HP of the wall change with the construction material?

A different material doesn't give golems any extra bonus hit points so I don't see why it should give walls any extra bonus hit points.

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