NEW Immortals Handbook - Ascension thread

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A different material doesn't give golems any extra bonus hit points so I don't see why it should give walls any extra bonus hit points.
But don't you give them different HP totals based on material strength? And isn't virtual size catagory an issue as well?
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Hiya mate! :)

Pssthpok said:
So, UK: what's the deal? Can we get a progress report on the book?

Well, firstly let me say that my plans to reduce my weekly hours at the other job were temporarily curtailed, I not only had to work the full shifts for the following 2 weeks (to see out the current rota...that part I basically suspected and was okay with), but a further 2 weeks as well (due to the conjunction of an administrative mistake, several people leaving the job and several others away on holiday - including the people manager who deals with all this stuff).

I have basically told them that if the schedule isn't changed by the end of this week I'll be leaving. They are too desperate for staff to turn me down, so I am fairly sure that will happen.

Secondly, Mongoose have asked for the cover image as soon as possible, so that has been my priority.

Unfortunately my printer went on the blink, basically it won't print magenta (and thus red) - not a great situation when I need some volcano and fire based images printed so I can work off the colours. I went to see about getting a refill but the actual cartridge is broken and a new cartridge (wait for it) actually costs me the same as a new printer with free cartridge, neither of which I had the money for with me at the time. So I'll be upgrading my 7 year old printer this weekend.

While doing that I cracked on with the interior art (remembering that I get 1-2 days at best working time per week due to my schedule). But I have made a few changes to some of the pictures, upping the scale for the more dramatic, powerful pieces. That takes slightly longer but I think it will be worth a few extra days in the long run.

I still need about 10 (uninterupted) days to finish things off. Once my schedule changes (which has to be next week otherwise I'll leave that job) I should get those 10 days within 2 1/2 to 3 weeks.

Hello! :)

Apologies for my sloth in answering, it was just one of those questions where I had a mental blank for a few days, in fact I still don't have a handle on it. :confused:

Farealmer3 said:
But don't you give them different HP totals based on material strength?


Farealmer3 said:
And isn't virtual size catagory an issue as well?



Apologies for my sloth in answering, it was just one of those questions where I had a mental blank for a few days, in fact I still don't have a handle on it.
Thats OK, i understand how tough these can be.

Does either apply to walls and other objects?

I also notice you use creature HD(15d10) for the tank. Does that mean vehicles use creature HD(with d10's like constructs) instead of construct bonus hp like objects? Because that would mean a truck would have 80 hp(8d10 for huge size) that would allow it to survive a rocket launcher shot. Which doesn't sound right.

I think i have a homebrew solution, but before i resort to that i would like to know if you have one.
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Farealmer3 said:
Thats OK, i understand how tough these can be.

Thanks mate. ;)

Farealmer3 said:
Does either apply to walls and other objects?

I also notice you use creature HD (15d10) for the tank. Does that mean vehicles use creature HD(with d10's like constructs) instead of construct bonus hp like objects? Because that would mean a truck would have 80 hp (8d10 for huge size) that would allow it to survive a rocket launcher shot. Which doesn't sound right.

I think i have a homebrew solution, but before i resort to that i would like to know if you have one.

I think a truck would be banjaxed by a Tank Shell. But I think thats a problem with D&D hit points in general. Something with 1% hit points is still as effective as something with 100%.

Also I doubt trucks are made to the same precision and effort as a Tank, so it may not have maximum hit points.

A 'Large' Truck could have from 4-7 Hit Dice (22-38 hp), a Huge Truck (juggernaut) might have 8-15 (44-82 hp).

Pssthpok said:
Hey hey, UK!

Hiya mate! :)

Pssthpok said:
Well it sounds like you've got your hands full.

You don't know the half of it...tonight is day 3 of another 7 in a row last on the tougher rota, thats assured. :eek:

Pssthpok said:
Was the printer cartridge so expensive due to the age of the model?

I think so. Its from 2000-2001.

Last time I had it refilled 6-8 months ago, it cost me about £7 ($15), now they were asking for £30 ($60) for a new cartridge. Which is basically a new printer, and my printer is one of those that takes ages to print a page, so I am due an update. Also I haven't actually bought myself anything yet with my wages, so I could do with a treat. :p

Pssthpok said:
Good luck with work; I know how scheduling can put a crimp in the best-laid timetables.

Once I get my twelve (trial period) weeks at the job (end of September) I am going to take a holiday of a few weeks (hurrah - they pay me for this). So not only will I be dropping down to an easier schedule as of next week, I'll also take some time off and 'catch up' as it were. With some adept tinkering of the rota, two weeks could be turned into almost one month off. That will be amazing because travelling to and from work costs me 10% of my wages. So getting holiday pay will seem like even more. :)

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