D&D (2024) New leak looks real bad

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Did he pee in your cornflakes? Like what is your beef with Nerd Immersion?
How often do you watch his videos? Do you remember him crowing about how Wizards of the Coast should actually start paying him attention and giving him swag so he'd stop posting "leaks" on his channel? Said "leak" was ... the Dragonlance product listing on Amazon.


I think this also relies on a lot more content being pumped out. It's a shame WotC just alienated a bunch of third party developers who might otherwise be happy to have filled those roles.
Ehh. Most publishers are pretty pragmatic and don't hold grudges. If WotC were to contract them for work, I don't think any of them would say no cause of the OGL stuff.


Read the fake slide, dude. That’s what I was responding to.
The slide seems to be saying:

• $0 users can only use the 5e SRD content − nothing else.
• $0 users cannot purchase digital content − unless upgrading to become a $30 user
• $30 users will only get the 5e SRD as the default.
• $30 users have "access" to purchase digital books if they choose.
• $30 users that purchase a digital book will also have a limited-time window to by its hard copy book for 30% off.

The slide seems to be saying:

• $0 users can only use the 5e SRD content − nothing else.
• $0 users cannot purchase digital content − unless upgrading to become a $30 user
• $30 users will only get the 5e SRD as the default.
• $30 users have "access" to purchase digital books if they choose.
• $30 users that purchase a digital book will also have a limited-time window to by its hard copy book for 30% off.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
If the $30 got you all this, would you think it could be worth it?

1) Monthly Dungeon and Dragon Magazine, digitally. Not that thing they were using as a marketing tool with just a few legit articles, but the real old fashion things. Except they all integrate into your DNDBeyond Account and the VTT.

2) All your players gain access to all the stuff you've bought on DNDBeyond for their DNDBeyond accounts and on the VTT, provided your players have a $5/month account.

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