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New Microlite20 thread

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Yeh, I saw the Storyteller variant too. Rather jolly good it is as well. In a similar vein a while ago (December 2005. Sheesh. Time flies, eh?) I created a two-page Microlite version of GURPS 4th Edition. It's completely unrelated to M20 (unlike the Storyteller version which copies us brilliantly), but it's more than usable. We ran a few WWII GURPS sessions using only a one sheet of paper (printed double sided) with that baby without problems. Legal? I dunno, and don't care. No money changed hands and no one died nor nuthin' :)

And I've just posted Wildwalker's excellent variant core rules PocketMod up on the Microlite20 Download page . Get 'em while they're hot!


llamatron2000 said:
Hmm. Thought I'd put a link towards this: Microlite Storyteller in this thread. I think its interesting how people are applying the microlite philosophy to other games(but is this actually, uh..legal without an OGL for storyteller?)

As the man who wrote it, I'm under no illusions as to the legal murkiness of this ground. I just had a good idea, wasn't going to do anything much with it myself and wanted to get it out in the open. :>

LIke Greywulf says, no money is changing hands and, ultimately, I don't think it stops people buying books anyway - as I said in the thread, you really won't play White Wolf games unless you like White Wolf fluff, so all those Vampire or Changeling books are still as useful to you as ever. It's just that you can keep those books at home for inspiration, and run the game with something that fits in your dice bag. :>


greywulf said:
Yeh, I saw the Storyteller variant too. Rather jolly good it is as well. In a similar vein a while ago (December 2005. Sheesh. Time flies, eh?) I created a two-page Microlite version of GURPS 4th Edition. It's completely unrelated to M20 (unlike the Storyteller version which copies us brilliantly), but it's more than usable. We ran a few WWII GURPS sessions using only a one sheet of paper (printed double sided) with that baby without problems.

Hey, Greywulf - thanks for some positive words for my rather blatant pastiche of you! :)

Although I'm not using M20 right now, I've been looking at it a lot - I'd really like to give it a spin with my group, and think it would make an excellent pickup game or starter RPG for my younger relatives. (Several tried and liked D&D, but I'd prefer to have something quicker to use with them) In a totally non-stalker way, you've been on my mind the past few weeks, hence applying your principle to another game system. :)

Also, thanks for the link to your GURPS stuff. As you say, it's only really usable alongside GURPS Lite, but it's an excellent quick reference.


What's the longest campaign anyone has played with M20?

I'm seriously considering running a Savage Tide campaign with M20 to see how durable it is over many levels. I would take the game through about 12-15th level at the most, cutting off the game before the "descent into the maw" portion of Savage Tide; that part doesn't attract me.

Any warnings, suggestions, etc?

(The reason for this trial is that I/we are not switching to 4E. But 3E does require a fairly high input time as DM; more and more I dislike spending an hour designing adventures just to spend an hour playing them)


First Post
I'm trying to run a campaign using M20 - the basic theme is "Eberron pirates". Since it hasn't really gotten off the ground yet (silly people who say "I'll come" and then cancel at the last minute...), I can't speak to M20's durability for a longer-reaching campaign.


First Post
We've gamed from 1st to around 8th level, and several one-shots using characters all the way to 20th. M20 definitely shines at lower level, and while it works just fine for very high level stuff, the general player feeling is that D&D does higher-level better.

I think there reaches a breakpoint where players want the cool-but-complex funky stuff that D&D brings to the table, and M20 just doesn't provide the same level of meaty crunchiness. It boils down to your style of play, though. If you want legendary characters who are extraordinarily capable at what they do, but don't rely on magic/wushu/items to do it, then M20 is very, very good at simulating it.

I'm thinking Waylander or Conan here. Conan would be a terrific 20th level M20 Fighter :)

On the other hand, if you want a "classic" high-level D&D character complete with a feats, special abilities and a direct line to several gods, look elsewhere. At D&D itself, say.

As you're aiming a little lower around the 12th to 15th mark, I don't think you'll have any problems. Just toss around a few ludicrous skill penalties and encourage the players to be cinematic with their actions. In one 15th level playtest I had a player run up the spine of an enraged Red Dragon by making a Phys+DEX check with a -15 penalty. He did it too, but that's another story.

My vote would be to keep a weather-eye out to how the game plays and if the players start to grumble about the lack of options, consider migrating the characters to D&D. You never know, it might never happen :)


First Post
greywulf said:
And I've just posted Wildwalker's excellent variant core rules PocketMod up on the Microlite20 Download page . Get 'em while they're hot!

Thank you very much for posting my hack!

I have actually never successfully run a game wth characters higher than 15th level...in advanced D&D...and nothing higher than 6th level in D&D 3.x so the idea of running a game in M20's sweet spot really catches my imagination.

I need to finish my 4e hack of "Temple of K'thu'uk" so I can do some more playtesting but I think it's going to work just great for how I play.

I can't WAIT to have a player run a Squirrel Wraith...



Well, it looks as if it will be quite a while before I get to run my STAP in Microlite 20 - happily for me, one of my players has agreed that when we finish the current campaign (they're 9-10th lvl now, and will wrap up by about 12th, I think - maybe 2 more months), he's going to run Pathfinder!

But I do intend, probably in the fall, to try my M20 game. I'll let you all know when it happens, and how it goes. And I'll probably have questions during the process...

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