D&D (2024) New Spell: Befuddlement

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Let what sip through?

They are saying that since the term "befuddled" is often used to refer to people who have drinking problems, that WoTC has allowed the game to state that all people with cognitive disabilities are essentially the same as alcoholics. You know, because that is clearly the intent, to demean people with cognitive disabilities.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
They are saying that since the term "befuddled" is often used to refer to people who have drinking problems, that WoTC has allowed the game to state that all people with cognitive disabilities are essentially the same as alcoholics. You know, because that is clearly the intent, to demean people with cognitive disabilities.
I have no idea what you're talking about. Who is "they"?


Takhisis' (& Soth's) favorite
They are saying that since the term "befuddled" is often used to refer to people who have drinking problems, that WoTC has allowed the game to state that all people with cognitive disabilities are essentially the same as alcoholics. You know, because that is clearly the intent, to demean people with cognitive disabilities.

I have never in my almost 50 years heard "befuddled" used to refer to an alcoholic. Definity seems to be a stretch.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)


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They are saying that since the term "befuddled" is often used to refer to people who have drinking problems, that WoTC has allowed the game to state that all people with cognitive disabilities are essentially the same as alcoholics. You know, because that is clearly the intent, to demean people with cognitive disabilities.
As a general note, I have never in > 25 years of Medicine ever referred to people with substance abuse issues as "befuddled". Rather impaired, drunk, intoxicated, obtunded, delirious, altered and occasionally as unfortunate. Nor, for that matter, have I ever referred to people with cognitive impairments as "befuddled". Since those situations tend to be from genetic, congenital, or traumatic situations those descriptors tend towards greater precision.

EtA: Nor have I used "feebleminded" medically, or in any way other than the spell name, come to think of it.

(I understand that you, Chaosmancer, are explaining and not making that specific claim.)
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Feeblemind is now Befuddlement, but Crown of Madness is still Crown of Madness. When I heard they were changing one of them, I was sure they'd change both. Instead, they only half committed to it.

Bacon Bits

I don't think sensitivity really had anything to do with it at all. I think the reason they removed Feeblemind is because it says this:

The creature can't [...] understand language, or communicate in any intelligible way.

That effectively removes a player from play. Having played characters in 3e that got Feebleminded, it was a miserable couple of play sessions, especially because we were in The Abyss with no way to escape and correct it for the foreseeable future. Eventually, the DM just handwaved it going away because it was clearly not going to be fixed in a reasonable time frame.

Honestly, though, I'm surprised the new spell doesn't grant a save daily and permit characters to use cantrips.

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