New Star Wars Episode IX Photos


Well Vanity Fair has more details on the Rise of Skywalker.

As per usual say what you want the visuals look great. Things I liked in the link above.

1. Origins of the First Order explored

if you read the books/comics/wikis/cartoon they cover this in more detail but details have been sparse in the movies.

2. Keri Russels character. There has been speculation she is a Mara Jade like character, but will probably be a fairly minor character but now we know. Costume looks interesting.

3. New desert planet in the trailer is not Jakku or Tatooine.

4. More detail on Rey and Kylos force connection

5. Knight of Ren basically confirmed.

6. Luke Skywalker in the flesh, flashback, somehting else or did he not actually die at the end of TLJ


Nothing major really but.

1. Yet another new desert planet. And a snow one.

2. End of the Jedi/Sith. Thought we got this in RotJ, still need to see how this plays out and how it is done.I can understand why they are doing this though.

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Dances with Gnolls
2. End of the Jedi/Sith. Thought we got this in RotJ, still need to see how this plays out and how it is done.I can understand why they are doing this though.

How would we have seen that? There was still a Jedi, what's more we now know he went on to make his own academy.

I think that line, Darkness rises, and light to meet it, says it all. We probably cannot have one, without the other.

My two copper at least.

Otherwise, look good. Interested to see what they do, and what information they reveal. I really hope as well, that we get to see the Knights of Ren do stuff BEFORE they are inevitably taken out in a probably pretty awesome fight. You know... show me how powerful and evil they are first.


Scuttlebutt is it has 3 meanings.
1. Anakin's origins
2. Rey is a Skywalker
3. Skywalker is a new force tradition.

So if Rey is a Skywalker she might not be related as such. In the new canon it's been heavily implied Palpatine is Anakin's father.

So Rey might also be a 2.0 attempt, who knows.

Voidrunner's Codex

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