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Unearthed Arcana New Unearthed Arcana: Psionics!

There’s a new Unearthed Arcana article out, and it’s all about psionics! "Their minds bristling with power, three new subclasses arrive in today’s Unearthed Arcana: the Psychic Warrior for the fighter, the Soulknife for the rogue, and the tradition of Psionics for the wizard."

There’s a new Unearthed Arcana article out, and it’s all about psionics! "Their minds bristling with power, three new subclasses arrive in today’s Unearthed Arcana: the Psychic Warrior for the fighter, the Soulknife for the rogue, and the tradition of Psionics for the wizard."


In this 9-page PDF, there are also some new psionics-themed spells (including versions of classic psionic powers like id insinuation and ego whip) and two new feats.

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This is a key point for me. I would prefer for psionics to have been a separate system from magic, but it's way too late for that now. There are several monsters and a handfull of PC races that already give psionic abilities, and they're spells. To release a psion class that worked completely differently now would just be internally inconsistent.

At the very least they need to allow using the Psifocus as Psion replacement for the Spellbook.

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The mystic was the psion class basically, just didn't have the name I liked it ok if they just kind of redid the fluff a bit. I think they may just be testing the waters and doing this would let people add it to what they are doing in a way that works for them. Some may want a full class with it's own thing, others might just use this and add as option paths, and still others may just add a few wild powers to this and that like creatures which thes might fill as well. I really think they will release a setting or a book with all the psionic stuff in and of it's self , i am hoping for a darksun, but may end up being ebboron



This is an important subclass, because this might be the only version of Psion that we see, at least for a while.

It is something that I actually want − and have wanted for a long time. So my critique tends to be sharper. Because I care.

In sum, the Psionics Wizard seems extremely underpowered compared to other Wizard arcane traditions. The result is a feeling that the flavor is ok, but that the actual features are boring, disappointing, or even suck.


Update the cantrip descriptions, rewriting them according to the psionic version. Friends no longer incurs hostility afterward. Message is strictly a telepathic cantrip without verbal and somatic components. Mage Hand is normally invisible, and normally uses a bonus action. These cantrips should always work these ways for everyone.

When the Wizard chooses one or more of these normal (updated) cantrips, it helps the character concept feel psionic at level 1.

TELEKINETIC FEATURES need to use size rather than weight, for ease of play. For example, the Mage Hand cantrip should move a Tiny object or a Tiny willing creature. Telekinetic abilities using spell slots need to improve incrementally while leveling: L1 Small, L5 Medium, L9 Large, L13 Huge, L17 Gargantuan.


I am strongly dissatisfied with Psionic Focus as the level 2 Wizard feature.

Reliance on external objects distracts from the mind-over-matter flavor. A Psionic Wizard should be able to eschew every material component, and have a way to eschew a costly gp component. Being required to create an ‘object’ at level 2 is the opposite of what I want for the Psionic concept.

Note the feature is lame anyway, being a minor boost to damage, and becomes useless at higher levels if a magic item spell focus proves more useful.

I think this psionic focus was supposed to represent a ‘Psi Crystal’. However, I would rather treat the Psi Crystal as a separate spell, resembling Find Familiar. That way, those who like the flavor can cast it, and those who dont (me) can easily not cast that particular spell.


I am both Satisfied and Dissatisfied with this feature.

This level 2 Wizard feature allows the modification of one of the three cantrips: Friends, Message, and Mage Hand. But as noted above,

I like the way these cantrips get modified. However I feel the cantrips should work this way in the first place. Update the cantrips so everyone can use these cantrips this way. For example, everyone who knows the Friends cantrip should be able to use it without incurring hostility.


With Psionic Focus being both undesirable and underwhelming, and with Psionic Devotion needing to be the core rather than specific to a subclass, the level 2 features need to be completely rethought from scratch.

Instead I would rather see an exciting feature choosing between Telepathy, Telekinesis, or Teleportation. Something dramatic and drool-worthy ... even at level 2.

Possibly, the Empowered Psionics class feature that is currently at level 10 should instead be here at level 2.


At level 6, you can become a luminous being made out of "psionic energy", for 10 minutes. The flavor is cool. (I assume "psionic energy", "arcane energy", and the "force damage type" are all made out of the same stuff, or at least, all of this should be made out of ‘wishful’ ‘thought stuff’.)

Benefits. While in Thought Form, you can eschew the material component.

However, eschewing a material component should be normal for all casting anyway.

Plus, there still needs to be a way to eschew a gp component remains a desideratum.

Another Benefit of Thought Form is damage resistance: psychic and nonmagical attacks.

I would rather have:

• A Psionics Wizard never uses a material component. Not ever.
• An alternative to a gp component is available, such as for free once per short rest, long rest, or even for free once per week, depending on the spell.

• Thought Form grants fly speed, for the 10 minutes, including hover.
• Thought Form grants resistance to both psychic and force damage types, plus resistance to slash, pierce, bludgeon, including magical attacks.


At level 10, you gain one spell that you can cast without component, and also without a spell slot once per long rest. Meh.


At level 10, you add your Intelligence modifier to any spell that deals force or psychic damage.

Instead, maybe Empowered Psionics is what should be happening at level 2. This feature allows the Wizard to add the Intelligence bonus to psychic and force damage. Weapons add Strength or Dexterity damage, and it seems safe to add Intelligence at level 2.


At level 14, while in Thought Form, you can fly and can pass thru objects.

Instead, the fly should be happening at level 6. Really, maybe the pass thru objects should too.

Level 14 might need rethinking while its features go to level 6.


The Psionics Wizard seems extremely underpowered compared to other Wizard arcane traditions. The result is a feeling that the flavor is ok, but that the actual features are boring, disappointing, or even suck.

Things like eschew the material component should be happening at level 1, and be always on.

Telekinesis needs to improve incrementally while leveling.

The Psionics Wizard needs much, much, much more oomph. More desirable. More exciting.
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Wish I didn’t have to work so much as I have 9 pages to read to wonder if this question has been asked....
Does that Augmented defenses mean at 3rd level for basically the entire day until i finish a long rest again the psychic warrior can reduce damage by 1d10? If so....wow that is huge. If that’s been asked as I play catch reading, sorry about that :)


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Honestly asking: What would the result of that supposed inconsistency be?
I don't think I understand what you're asking. The result is, it would be inconsistent. Sometimes psionic powers would be spells, sometimes they'd be whatever the other system did.


I think that this is actually very, very powerful. It's reliable - it always works. It basically means that the group gets 5 bonus HP every single round and it's not like fighters have much of a use for reactions anyway. Sure, Battlemasters have a couple of powers that sort of work like this, but, unless you're going Sentinel Feat, fighters don't use reactions.

Add to that, the fact that you're eventually getting a free +2 AC for 2 encounters per short rest, and you've got a very serious tank. A +2 that applies to more than your character. Better than a shield spell by far.

One thing I would like to point out about the Augemented Defenses is that we already have an ability that does this. The Ancestral Guardian barbarian gets the ability while raging to use their reaction to reduce damage by 2d6, it is level 6 so mid-way between this. It increases to a max of 4d6 by 14th though, where this locks in at 1d12 and never improves, which makes it a worse ability in my mind.

Then again, the offensive version isn't much better for the fighter. a 1d4 per turn is just a bit too little. Maybe you could tie in that Int Mod and let them apply the damage a number of times a turn equal to their Int mod, so it still has a limit, but a stretchier one.

Looking at the rest of the Psychic Warrior... it might be growing on me. I think Telekeinetic Bulwark is a really cool ability, I'm not sold on Strength of Mind... and that might be where the issue is with this subclass for me. Int is not a stat you typically see very high, so those saves will be low, meaning you just aren't likely to see them succeeding. You are still a fighter, so you need STR or DEX and then Con to stand on the front lines. Tying so many abilities in with a tertiary stat is just leaving me feeling a little underwhelmed.

I like the Soulknife though. Yeah, bonus action bloat, but it is a bonus action you are doing at the start of the fight, so it hurts less. I think I would have liked the option to do a single blade of d8 and then two for d6's. I also agree the blades should get some scaling at higher levels. Maybe let you copy an enchantment for an attunement slot?

That extra hp could be big. Rogues can afford to have Int as their second highest, so I could see this netting a mid-level rogue 15 hp. I think the walking speed is a weak option though. I'd either make it 10 or think of something better to fit there.

I'd let Psychic Veil keep the invisibility to a creature if they are frightened of you. Let that Terrifying Blade do some extra work and be a huge boost for 1v1 which rogues usually can't do.

Mind Sliver. It's the same as it was. Still possibly OP.

1st Level
Id Insinuation. Some hard control and extra damage. Totally worth a spell slot.

2nd Level
Mental Barrier. Its a slightly more powerful Absorb Elements, tuned to mental spells. Worth having in general.

Mind Thrust. Deals some damage, and gives out some control for a round. Targets INT, which is great. Can be upcast for multiple targets. Good for generating momentum in combat, but not something to pick as a first option.

Thought Shield. It's a low-level Mind Blank + Glibness. Yes, it's downscaled, but damn that's nuts!

3rd Level
Psionic Blast. No, this won't turn you into an illithid. Lower damage than a Lighting Bolt, but makes up for it by also pushing and knocking the targets prone for a bit of soft control. Probably as good as Lighting Bolt in general practice.

4th Level
Ego Whip. Soft Control on Warriors. Hard Control on non-INT Casters. The juicy bit is that it inflicts disadvantage on saving throws, including future saving throws against itself! Their only chance is to run away.

5th Level
Intellect Fortress. Saving throw advantage to you, and you can use your reaction let your friends re-roll a failed save. Not quite Circle of Power, but Wizards don't get that anyway.

6th Level
Psychic Crush. 60 seconds of Stunned on an INT save is really good. Adding 12d6 save-for-half worth of injury to that insult is amazing. Having all that on a 6th level spell with no Concentration absolutely bonkers.

I'm really surprised that Ego Whip is getting good reviews here. I found it was actually a really bad choice for a 4th level spell. Instead, I would look to Hold Person.

Ego Whip targets 1 creature
Hold Person Targets 1 humanoid per spell slot above 2nd.

Ego Whip gives you disadvantage on attacks, ability checks, and saves. Plus you can't cast spells.
Hold Person prevents you from taking actions, and you auto fail strength and dex saves. Plus, anyone within 5 ft auto-crits on you.

I guess Ego Whip is fine if you are fighting non-humanoids, but you get Hold Monster at 5th so... is it just the fact that Ego Whip is hard to get rid of, since it gives disadvantage on it's own save? It is still taking your concentration slot and it isn't giving as much value as I would expect.

Mind Thrust is a Bonus action, which opens up comboing it with Mind Sliver or a different action. That is some great value to try and get a target or group of targets to run. I rarely see forcing enemies to run as being very useful, but making them waste a turn they could be using to kill you is obviously worth it.

I essentially agree with most of the rest though. Some of these are very nice spells.


I don't remember the exact wording, but I think the "We're not making a whole new class" isn't referring to the Psion or Mystic, it's referring to the Psychic Warrior and the Soulknife.

I think it is referring to a stand alone class based on what he said right after. Paraphrasing here, “When previous editions have gone that route (making a new psionic class), while fun, no one really used them. We do not want to create a class hardly anyone will use, or require people to buy a new book to learn a new set of rules. We’d rather them use the existing rules they already know and have.”

That reveals a lot. Not only with a psion, but why we haven’t seen any other classes at all in 5 years until just now.

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