• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Unearthed Arcana New Unearthed Arcana: Psionics!

There’s a new Unearthed Arcana article out, and it’s all about psionics! "Their minds bristling with power, three new subclasses arrive in today’s Unearthed Arcana: the Psychic Warrior for the fighter, the Soulknife for the rogue, and the tradition of Psionics for the wizard."

There’s a new Unearthed Arcana article out, and it’s all about psionics! "Their minds bristling with power, three new subclasses arrive in today’s Unearthed Arcana: the Psychic Warrior for the fighter, the Soulknife for the rogue, and the tradition of Psionics for the wizard."


In this 9-page PDF, there are also some new psionics-themed spells (including versions of classic psionic powers like id insinuation and ego whip) and two new feats.

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A psionics user would be extremely vulnerable to anything breaking the concentration. Being afraid would make him/her nearly disabled, or at the very least unable to use anything that is not self-defence. Psychic damage would similarly be very dangerous, just as taking any damage would break concentration as for magic users, but worse because they would also lose the needed "psionic focus", this being the altered state of consciousness needed to manifest powers.

There are countless ways of making psionics balanced, yet maintaining the flavor and the sneakiness of their powers.

Psion having to be in a state of concentration to manifesting abilities would be interesting.

the Jester

I would like Psion-as-class to ''cast at will'' using the skill system instead of having the equivalent of spell. Something like:

Gather Focus:
As a Bonus Action, you start to gather your focus to unleash your psionic powers. You must Concentrate as if you were using a spell and your speed is halved for the rest of your turn. While focusing on your powers you can choose a Skill from the skill list and make a check as an Action. The result of the check allow you to manifest a power.

- Brute Strike DC 15: You make a melee attack against a creature. The attack deals +1d6 damage on a success and +1d6 per +5 of the roll (so a roll of 25 would give a +3d6 bonus).
- Mighty Leap DC 10: Your Jump distance increases by 20 ft until the end of your next turn. Each +5 of the roll increase the jump distance by 5 ft.

Charm attacks would be under persuasion, fear under intimidate, mind reading under insight, aura reading under investigation etc.

That's a very cool, flavorful, interesting, and different approach- I like it!


Resembling 2e more would be power points that recover on short rests (keeping it simple approach). Concentration was definitely a thing in the past (3e required a lot of concentration checks for psions). Going that route would give more distinction from being just another spell caster mechanically instead of just flavor.


I imagine monks, and samurai, ninja and sohei, as class with ki as power source. A psionic monk is possible, but as subclass. Psionic and ki may be linked, but they aren't the same (and incarnum and ki also are different things, aren't they?). And the most of martial maneuvers by warblade, swordsage or crusader, the martial adept classes, should be ki, but spell-like effects, then theses should be arcane or divine magic.

As someone trying make a unified idea of how magic interacts, this is the most frustrating and annoying thing to deal with.

Arcane magic is different than Divine magic which is different than Primal magic which is different than Ki which is different than Psionics which is different than Incarnum which is different than True Naming which is different than X

And then you look at the world and realize you have a mess of a dozen different power sources which never intersect and are all possible of doing incredibly similar things.

Simplifying allows you to build connections between things and make a cohesive whole.

Now, because of Far Realms craziness being my favorite type of antagonist, I'm actually not against Psionics existing, but deciding how it slots into the world is much more difficult.

And while this being a possible addition and not substitution of a true psychic is possible (not sure, IMO)

I saw on another site that Crawford posted this on Twitter

"We haven’t closed the door on a class like mystic/psion. But right now, we’re focused on exploring subclass options. Just as the wizard doesn’t own arcane magic and the cleric doesn’t own divine magic, a potential psionic class doesn’t own psionics."

So, it seems they are indicating this is just an addition to the psionics arena.

I didn't hurl insults to anyone, I just said exactly that I didn't like this and felt insulted by it. I am pretty sure people who LIKED psionics and cared for them, before, can't like it like this.

No True Scotsman.

Taking that stance only weakens your position and turns people who might agree with you against you, because now they have to defend the fact that they like this and psionics from before.

I might be wrong, but that's what I'm trying to find out. Not going to be convinced by your case. If I see many more taking yours stance, maybe, but so what? I will still complain, because I care.
I am tired of things being judged by people who don't care, including the designers. This is the message I want to spread. With fringe themes, let people who care take care.

You can't judge how much someone else cares for a subject, especially by how they try and create a balanced game. They have to decide how to approach everything by what is best for the entire game, not just what is best for a certain subject.

And, how can you have a reasonable debate and judge people's intentions when you go come right out and say you don't care about other people's opinions and stances? Nothing I say can convince you? Then why would I attempt to come to an understanding with you? Why would someone else come in and try and discuss the subject with you? You don't care and will likely dismiss what they say.

Passion is commendable. Passion that leads you to dismiss the people who try and engage you on the subject isn't helpful.

A psionics user would be extremely vulnerable to anything breaking the concentration. Being afraid would make him/her nearly disabled, or at the very least unable to use anything that is not self-defence. Psychic damage would similarly be very dangerous, just as taking any damage would break concentration as for magic users, but worse because they would also lose the needed "psionic focus", this being the altered state of consciousness needed to manifest powers.

There are countless ways of making psionics balanced, yet maintaining the flavor and the sneakiness of their powers.

Those are some interesting ideas.


Small God of the Dozens
There's lot of really narrow opinions in this thread, which I find annoying. That can't be psionics, this is psionics. Like somehow there's only one possible way it could look, and people take it so very personally that it doesn't look like the thing they wanted. I'm not telling people what to like, but there's a lot of judgement going on here that's kinda unhappy.

Personally, I like the UA, I like the mechanics in it, mostly, and I like the way it seems to fit with some of the other psionic-adjacent stuff they've done lately. I also could not possibly be less interested in being told by a 'true believer' that I'm somehow mistaken in my liking of it. As mentioned upstream it's tough to have a discussion when the only voice you can hear is your own.


Look, my position being weakened by how I put myself (in your eyes) as a "true believer" and all... It doesn't matter to me at all. Actually it's even better, because I want to demonstrate that this shouldn't be a matter of agreement with the community, but of agreement about a concept.

This stance of "there's not a single good way to look at it" is as wrong as saying there's only one way, which I didn't by the way.

There must be boundaries, agreement on what the concept is. Then there are countless ways of doing things within those boundaries. But if we take the stance of "anything can be right if it works", we just lose the concept. Then don't call it psionics, call it something else. Or call it psionics, but lose all the fans of psionics.

I brought the argument taking the most unconvincing and hostile stance, and unsurprisingly I didn't convince anyone or nearly so. But you know that if I would have been more diplomatic about it, you would have admitted that the things I was pointing at were actual problems given the concept they were trying to portray, or maybe admitted that the portrayed things were not the ones generally called Psionics.

I didn't even try to be convincing or diplomatic, because I don't think this is how the problem will be solved. This thing needs a MESS, a STINK to be noticed by the designers. I tweeted directly to the designer as well, and fortunately got a bit of attention.
The majority of people just act like they don't care, because they care more about how they are perceived in the community, so they want to take the stance of those who find good and bad points everywhere and everything is interesting, but not too much etc. This stance will never move the designers in a clear direction. And seeing how things are going so much against tropes, you will thank me later if my "weak position" will actually make enough noise to justify a steering of direction. Because if things stay like this, Psionics is not going to be the only thing going to hell.


Not a bad UA though psionics aren't going to be for every game.

My personal opinion is that 2e psionics were the coolest and worked best but I like the fact this meshes better than I would have expected the rules to do so and doesn't feel like its that different than other magics.

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