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NG vs. NE: Neutral Evil is Victorious!


Gansk, did you take away two points of damage from Michaela's attack? She still is suffering from breathing in the nightmare's choking smoke.

We were half a round away from a draw.

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No Trouble at All
... and only too late do I realize the negative of accepting the AoO ...
(not that it may matter too much really, but another good lesson)


First Post
OOC: What's the negative consequence? If you don't take the AoO, there's no difference except no damage to Venckman, right? The draw was avoided by the fall.

(although I realize Michaela can't see Venckman, I thought the following analysis would interest Greybar...)

Venckman circles around tightly, dropping in altitude. He ends up at 30z (drop of 80 which is 40ft of movement for double speed) and spiraling around for 50ft (total 90ft movement--hasted don'tchya know), puts him at 25n60e30z heading northeast. (Note that at average maneuverability, he can go down at 60 degrees, and taking 80/tan(60) is 46.2, so he must move laterally at least 50ft--which he just makes.) -- interesting, no?

Anyway, at that point, Venckman moans a nauseating moan centered in a cone at 20n60e.


Round 123

Venckman does not know if Michaela is affected.

Greybar[sblock]Michaela feels, rather than hears, a disquieting sound, but is unaffected (natural 20 Fort save). Remember that Michaela does not have to get up to begin flying.[/sblock]For PJSlavner's use[sblock]Advanced 7th-level Shadow Cloaker Sorcere
huge aberration (extraplanar)
HD 10d8+70 plus 7d4+49 (181 hp), Init +7, Spd 15, fly 60 (average)
AC 26 (-2 size, +3 dex, +11 nat, +4 mage armor)
BAB +10, Grap +26
Full atk: Tail slap +16 melee (2d6+8) and bite +11 melee (2d6+4)
Space 15/Reach 10
SA Engulf, moan, spells
SQ DR 5/magic, darkvision 60ft, low-light vision, plane shift, resistance to cold 15, save bonus, shadow blend, shadow shift, SR 22
Fort +14 Ref +10 Will +16
Str 26 Dex 17 Con 24 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 22

Concentration +14, Hide +8, Int +13, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10, Listen +15, Move Silently +21, Search +6, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +10, Spot +15

Combat Reflexes, Flyby Atk, Improved initiative, Improved Natural Attack (tail), Improved Natural Armor, Spell Focus (illusion)
Engulf (Ex) like normal cloaker pretty much, except Large or smaller
Moan (Ex) like normal cloaker pretty much, except DC 21

Spells Known (per day 6/8/8/5, CL 7, DC 16+SL, DC 17+SL for illusion*)
0 - daze, det. magic, ghost sound*, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic, touch of fatigue
1 - color spray*, mage armor, magic missile, prot good, ray of enfeeblement
2 - minor image*, see invisibility, web
3 - haste, lightning bolt

(The stat block says that mage armor is already cast and it was included as per the book.)

plane shift (Sp) 1/day to the Shadow plane, wheeee
save bonus (su) +2 luck, factored in
shadow blend (Su) - in any conditions other than full daylight a shadowcloak elder can disappear into the shadows, giving it total concealment. Artificial illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this ability, but a daylight spell will
Shadow shift (Su) - as a normal cloaker pretty much, but DC 17 and CL 10[/sblock]


No Trouble at All
OOC: by striking Venckman, Michaela took down her Invisibility which otherwise would have been intact, though its usefulness is certainly questionable anyway...

Std: Drop Aura of Protection
MEA: move silently (i.e. half-speed) from 20N60E to 20n35e5z, which should keep her moving from cloud to cloud under cover the whole way.


First Post
Venckman does something.
[sblock] Cast haste again, it's about to run out. Then fly around in a tight circle (body covering this entire obscuring mist) ending up at 25n55e5z, heading west. Basically, Venckman will be able to find Michaela if Michaela is in this cloud, or in any square neighboring this cloud. If found, veer towards Michaela and stop adjacently to her. [/sblock]


Round 124

Venckman[sblock]You do not find anyone.[/sblock]Greybar[sblock]Michaela hears Venckman in the adjacent cloud. It is her move.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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