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Not With a Bang, I: Its Own Reward


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Grunlor sits at his table alone, sipping his ale and watching the commotion going on around drunken Nojin. His eyes gleaming, he wonders if this ragtag group is going to wait for this Melian and his commission.

And if they do, is this the sign from Telenn I have been waiting for? They don't look very organized. Do I want to consider travelling with them? By the Light!

He goes back to sipping his ale and trying to take their measure. He begins to examine them with the power granted him by Telenn. His special sight is searching for any evil in their midst.

I sense no evil in their hearts. Perhaps this is the group I shall go with. Just to be sure, I shall observe them until this Melian arrives.

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Without realizing it Nojin staggers over to the bar and pays for a room into which he staggers and drops on the bed armor and all. When he awakes his head is slightly bruised and throbbing but he seems of different mind then the night before.


First Post
Re-Enter Melian

3 Matess, late morning

I'll let y'all determine who is grouped with whom as Melian enters; it's a minor thing, I suppose.

A man in a dark cloaks sweeps through the door to the Hog's Back. The cloak might once have been red, or perhaps forest green, but it's difficult to tell as it's now caked brown and grey with dirt. Those of you who've stayed at the Inn realize that you've seen the man here several times over the last few nights; he has probably been staying here as well.

He moves to the board by the door and removes the posting, then carries it over to where Kelta watches him with hawk-like eyes. He speaks to her for a moment, and she leaves, though for unknown reasons. The unidentified man holds the previously posted scroll--now rolled tightly--into the air, and speaks.

"Hello. I'm Melian. I'm certain a few of you, at least, are here to speak with me--and some of you are probably just here for lunch. For those here to speak with me, please follow me; I believe Kelta has prepared a small room for us." Kelta reappears at this, and she nods her head, then indicates that Melian should follow her.

After a short walk, those of you interested find yourselves in an office, presumably Kelta's. It seems to double as a small storeroom, as there are sacks of flour stacked in one corner, and barrels in another corner. The center of the room is dominated by a large table, and there is a sturdy-looking safe behind what is ostensibly Kelta's desk. The room is quiet but for the ten of you--nine once Kelta leaves, saying "I'll be back momentarily with some chairs."

Melian pushes the hood back from his cloak. He's a middle-aged human with greying hair and bright blue eyes. His cheekbones are high, suggesting either a regal background or very good cosmetics. "Good morning to all of you. My name is Melian. I'm a trader in magical items, and a bit of a mage myself."

He chants a few words, and an image forms in the air. As it forms, it becomes very distinct: a gem, cut into a triangular shape, like a triangular pyramid with its top cut off. The gem is yellow and orange, and its colors shimmer and change, though it's hard to determine if this is a property of the gem itself, or of the illusion Melian has created.

"This gem has been in my family for several hundred years, as far as we can trace. It also has a minor magical ability, allowing the holder to speak with animals once per day for a few seconds. You can buy similar tokens from local druids for half what I'm offering as a reward.

"I had the location of the gem traced to the vicinity of Alten's Rock about a month ago. I have other business I must attend to while here in Alten's Rock--many sales and a few purchases. I haven't the time to take back the gem myself... which is why I propose to hire you. Will you all be working as a team?"

OOC: Well, will you? :) Also, any questions for Melian?


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Re: Re-Enter Melian

LazarusLong42 said:
"This gem has been in my family for several hundred years, as far as we can trace. It also has a minor magical ability, allowing the holder to speak with animals once per day for a few seconds. You can buy similar tokens from local druids for half what I'm offering as a reward.

"Ahem. Master Melian. Before we discuss working as a team, I wish to understand futher why this gem is so valuable to you. As you readily admit, one can purchase an item with the same properties at a cost much less than what you are willing to pay."

(OOC: Grunlor uses his Detect Evil ability while listening to Melian's answer.)


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"A number of us had discussed possibly working together on this job," Grinder says, "but nothing has been formalized yet.

"Your posting mentioned thieves and a hideout. Before I commit to anything, I'd like to know what other information you might provide us.

"You must understand...if this band of thieves just happened to be, oh, say, mind flayers...well, then I'd probably want to bow out."


First Post

"I am very interested in this job, and would be happy to be part of a team. I am Arkan Far Traveler, a Ranger, scout and wilderness explorer. Melian, what can you tell us about the location of this gem, who took it from you, and who guards it now."

OOC: Ok in a little bit of trouble in the way of the story line, assuming that the sober Nojin was able to meet up with Grider and the rest and become their "brute force" then the rest of my post makes sense

"I be interested in only one thing, and that be findin me bruther. But thats gonna take resources and I ain't got none so ye best be true to yer word on this reward. Then again if yer magics there can tell me where me bruther is then I will gladly help ye for free. If not ye best be frontin some of this coin so I know we ain't be played for fools."


First Post
Grunlor detects no evil auras in the area. To him he says, "As I already stated, Master Dwarf, this gem is a family heirloom. It belonged to my father, and his mother before that, and her mother before that--past that I can't remember with certainty. It goes back ten generations at least. It was but a jewel for many years before the magical abilities were added. I want it not for its magical abilities, but for its sentimental value. The extra money in the reward is merely incentive to return it, rather than keeping it for its magical abilities."

To Grinder and Arkan he says, "As far as I know, these thieves were not mind flayers. I rather suspect, in fact, that they are members of a group calling themselves the 'Irregulars,' who seem to exist mainly to disrupt trade. I've had a couple of their members jailed after disrupting my business and being caught... and I suspect they don't much like me.

"The thieves are most definitely humanoids, though they seemed, when I scried on them, to be interacting with some goblins as well. More, however, I really cannot say, except that the gem is definitely there. I have prepared a map," he says, removing another scroll from a pocket inside his cloak, "that should take you to their cave."

To Nojin: "I'm sorry for your loss, and I may be able to help you at a later time, but it will have to wait. I will front you 25 gold pieces each--that's 200 gold total--but I suspect you will find much more than that, and possibly even more than my reward, in the thieves' hideout. They are, after all, thieves."


First Post

"Aye. If there are goblins involved, then I've no doubt theivery is afoot. I will trust that this is in fact your gem, and that we are not ourselves being made thieves. I will take you up on your offer, and I'm ready to start right away."

"Aye. If there are goblins involved, then I've no doubt theivery is afoot. I will trust that this is in fact your gem, and that we are not ourselves being made thieves. I will take you up on your offer, and I'm ready to start right away."

Brevin had listened quietly thus far to the words of Melian and then to the questions of a few of the assembled adventurers. He nods in agreement after Arkan speaks.

"I, too, will help recover your gem, Melian," he says. "And if my friends Tuli and Baril are in as well, along with Grinder here," he says with a nod to the dwarf, "then these 'Irregulars' don't stand a chance."

Voidrunner's Codex

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