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Not With a Bang, I: Its Own Reward

"Bah ye damn fools be usin yer heads instead of yer swollen backsides fer thinkin. If we be hunting theives then we need to thin like thieves, and if we be thinken like thieves we better listen to the one of us that is." Nojin gives a glare, then a wink, at Tuli "The lass is right, we go at night, when thieves be out a thieven or a drinken or if we be lucky asleepen and we catch them unaware. If ye wait till the mornin then ye got nothing but a full den o' the creeps and another night there mayhem can pray on anyone unfortunate enough to cross there path."

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"Goblins see well in the dark. But Melian did indicate that the theives were not all goblins, so perhaps it doesn't matter whether we approach their home in day or night. I'm all for giving the town the pass, to avoid giving away our presence. So if you city folk don't want to camp in the woods, I'd agree with Nojin; let's go get them!"

"I'm all for pressing on and hitting the thieves tonight," Brevin says, with a nod to Nojin, Tuli and Arkan. "Once we take care of the problem, and recover the gem, we can get all the rest we need. In this case, darkness may turn out to be more of a friend than an enemy."


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"Sneaking in the dark ain't usually my style, but looks like I'm going to have to give it a try this time", Baril says nodding. "Let's embrace the darkness of the night and hope the choice we made was right."


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"Bah, day or night, matters little to a dwarf," Grinder says, planting his staff in the soft earth for emphasis. "I'm ready to hit em tonight as it seems the majority is leaning that way. The ale can wait fer celebratin'."

Slamming the spear part of his Urgrosh into the dirt Nojin shouts "Aye theres a way to grow a backbone, good fer ye all now lets go bash some heads." He plucks the weapon out of the dirt and runs off towards the cave.


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Bypassing the town of Mettelford, you continue to follow the map northward toward the thieves' cave. You pick your way somewhat slowly through the terrain, which has grown a bit rocky, not to mention still being forested. Thankfully, the creek is easy to follow, and there's a path which runs alongside it for most of the way.

The cave, according to the map, is a few hundred yards from the creek, due east of a large oak tree that you find easily. It has some symbols carved into its surface, but they appear to be in a language none of you recognize. The forest partially clears here, and the rising full moon serves as a guide for the remainder of your travel, as you pick your way through thinning oak and ash trees.

Shortly, you see a light ahead of you. As you near the edge of a forest clearing, you can distinctly see it emanating from a cave entrance about a hundred feet away. There are two goblins standing--or, at best, leaning--on either side of the entrance. The goblin on the left seems somehow beefier than you had imagined goblins being, and better-polished, too; where you would expect goblins to be wielding battered weapons, this one has a rather well-made longsword in his scabbard, and is wearing chainmail. The one on the right seems quite a bit scrawnier, and seems uninterested in actually guarding anything.

As distinctly as you can see the light from the cave entrance, you can hear the clinking of Brevin's armor. You also hear the beefier goblin shout something in Goblin to the scrawny one. Grinder can roughly translate it as "Oi! D'you hear that?"

The scrawny one nods. "Go see if somefin's ou' there, will ye'?" Despite the fact that they're within twenty feet of one another, the larger goblin seems to enjoy shouting. It's obvious who's in charge. The small goblin walks slowly toward you.

OOC: The cave entrance, and the larger goblin, are 100 feet away, and bathed in light. The smaller goblin is ambling toward your position; he's about 80 feet away, and will reach you within three rounds if you do nothing. He does not currently seem able to see you.

A plan may be in order. :)

Toric: Sorry, man. I rolled a 3 for Brevin's Move Silently check, -5 for your armor. The perils of armor... :)

Initiative order:

Nylarra: 23 (natural 20 + 3)
Baril: 22
Arkan: 14 (18 Dex)
Grinder: 14 (12 Dex)
Brevin: 14 (10 Dex)
Grunlor: 11
Tuli: 10
Nojin: 5

Nylarra and Arkan are currently being NPC'd, the former until when/if I re-establish contact with Tanstaafl, the latter until Manzanita returns from vacation.


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Tuli does her best to disappear back into the shadows behind and off to the side of the main group, she also draws her short sword and hides it behind her thigh so that it doesn't catch the light.


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Oh well, this is not good for our little surprise attack.

Baril wields his shortbow and hides [OOC: Hide +3] behind a nearby tree or a rock.

Toric: Sorry, man. I rolled a 3 for Brevin's Move Silently check, -5 for your armor. The perils of armor...

OOC: No problem. Can't help the armor though. With Brevin's average Dex, he needs it! :)

Brevin, knowing that he isn't going to be able to move quietly, pulls out his heavy mace and drops behind the nearest cover, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Voidrunner's Codex

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