8 players in my current game (well, one moved away a couple of months ago, but I'll include her for completeness sake).
4 guys, 4 girls in the gaming group.
I DM regularly - probably every other week to 1/month since 1989 with a few breaks (I plan on taking a nice break after my current game ends this winter)
1 of the women DM's often, and has run campaigns from 1st to 10th + level in the past. Another of the women DM'd frequently as well. The other two have DM'd occasionally, but not much.
Of the 4 guys two are frequent, experienced GM's. One of them will probably be starting up a game when I wrap mine up. Another player has DM'd quite a bit in the past, and the last has DM'd a little, but by far the least of all the guys.
Another former player from the group was also a frequent DM, but works weekends (having opened his own comic shop a few years ago) so doesn't get to game much, unless its a D&D meetup at his store.