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TSR NuTSR Sells Rebound 1E Core Rulebooks For $650 Each

Despite being embroiled in ongoing legal disputes with WotC regarding use of the TSR trademark (amongst other things), NuTSR has posted images of leather-bound compilations of AD&D 1E books they say are rebindings of old material, complete with the disputed logo. They're selling these books for $650 each. The Deities & Demigods book (middle top in the image) has a typo on the front cover...

Despite being embroiled in ongoing legal disputes with WotC regarding use of the TSR trademark (amongst other things), NuTSR has posted images of leather-bound compilations of AD&D 1E books they say are rebindings of old material, complete with the disputed logo. They're selling these books for $650 each.

The Deities & Demigods book (middle top in the image) has a typo on the front cover.


About these books, NuTSR says "Look what just came in. Sorry, we didn't have these in for TSR CON. (in the beginning, WotC said similar to what people below are saying. We said they are rebound of old material. Long story short, WotC said ok no problem, we have it in writing)"

As rebindings, these would be existing books simply being resold. However, the covers with the disputed logo are new.

In early March WotC launched a lawsuit -- (PDF attachment of filing) -- naming TSR, TSR CEO Justin LaNasa personally, and the Dungeon Hobby Shop museum. WotC seeks a judgement that TSR hand over all domains, take down all websites, pay treble damages and costs, hand over all stock and proceeds related to the trademarks, and more.

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As a lover of AD&D, if the books were actually organized/grouped better as others have said, I might be tempted--but really the price is much too high regardless.

I would be curious to see the interiors... Updated formatting and artwork, etc. might look nice for a contrast to the originals.

No, the OP says they are purely rebindings of the original books, nothing changed or updated, as that would definitely violate trademark/copyright/whatever.

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$650 per book, and for not even a new printing but a rebinding? I'd imagine even someone who hates WotC with every fibre of their being as well as 5e and looking for an alternative would have to recognize this as a grift.

But yeah, the two big questions here are 1) if they're rebinding existing printed copies of the books in question and 2) if they're legally allowed to use their own versions of the trademarked logos on the cover.

With regards to question #2, I have to wonder: does it matter? Not in a legal sense, but in a business sense.

NuTSR is already in legal proceedings with WotC. Legal costs are piling up. If these books become part of the lawsuits, there will inevitably be motions filed and court time spent deciding whether this use of the trademark is legal or not. Even if these specific books are ruled to be acceptable, I suspect the court costs on NuTSRs side end up being more than the profit they make on the books. Even if NuTSR wins, they still lose.

So do they need to be old....or can they buy the POD copies from Drive thru rpg of old stuff and re sell it?

Hopefully I didn't just give them an idea.
Unknown. I imagine PoD's is a grey area. That said, I suspect not, because that would be a major loophole that could be exploited in trademark law otherwise.

Wasn't the Cthulhu-containing version of Deities and Demigods the one that got TSR sued? Didn't they have to pull it from the shelves upon losing that suit?
Chaosium at the time owned the rights to Cthulhu for RPG's. I'm not sure it was truly enforceable though because all of Lovecraft's works are in the public domain now. At the time, TSR capitulated without a fight because they didn't want to test it. This fits their pattern, they were happy to serve C&D's but if challenged they tended to back down.

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