OD&D 4 me (April Fools)

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First Post
Michael Morris said:
What in the blazes is going on here?? (Goes back and re-reads the thread in disbelief)
What? You gonna "save" ENW from the mods now too? Malice isn't a database Spoony.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Actually, maybe it's important that a lot of people see what's happening. I think I'll put this back in General.


Morrus said:
He didn't quit. He was politely asked to leave.

And, frankly, I've had just about enough of this. I'm tempted to just sign on the dotted line at which point it won't be my problem any more.

Giving that site back to Eric? Just as well, he ran a tighter ship. You can't even seem to control your own mods.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
fett527 said:
What? You gonna "save" ENW from the mods now too? Malice isn't a database Spoony.
And what kind of Admin makes FF3 references in a D&D forum?! Bards aren't spoony, they're underpowered!

-Jdvn the "Not a Rogue, I'm a Treasure Hunter"

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