OD&D 4 me (April Fools)

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Michael Morris

First Post
It's a Final Fantasy IV reference, not Final Fantasy III. You're full of fail.

Now would someone please explain to me what's going on here? I'm not a mushroom you know.


Michael Morris said:
It's a Final Fantasy IV reference, not Final Fantasy III. You're full of fail.

You're full of fail. You didn't even notice that the quote he cited was from VI, not III.

Stupid American enumeration.


First Post
Michael Morris said:
It's a Final Fantasy IV reference, not Final Fantasy III. You're full of fail.

Now would someone please explain to me what's going on here? I'm not a mushroom you know.
And here I thought you knew all that happened behind the scenes. I am so disappointed.

Next you'll say something like "I hate Magic: The Gathering" and my world will crumble.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Michael Morris said:
It's a Final Fantasy IV reference, not Final Fantasy III. You're full of fail.

Now would someone please explain to me what's going on here? I'm not a mushroom you know.
It's Final Fantasy II if you're a red-blooded American! We took the Japanese Final Fantasy IV and improved it. You think "Edward" is a Japanese name?


Jdvn1 said:
-Jdvn the "Not a Rogue, I'm a Treasure Hunter"
Heh, "treasure hunter" he calls himself. You, sir, are a thief. Plain and simple. Those uniforms you stole from the innocent guards? Do you think the government is made of money? Do you think cotton grows on trees? No!

Those guards had to purchase new uniforms to replace those you stole. Out of their own limited funds. Hardworking family men, men who want nothing more than to provide for their wives and children, and you just took from them. You may as well have walked up to their children and stolen the very food from their plates.

You are a thief, and I urge whatever remaining mods we have to punish you for your thieving ways.

- Hafrogman
- Evil Henchman's Local 666

Wisdom Penalty

First Post
Michael Morris said:
It's a Final Fantasy IV reference, not Final Fantasy III. You're full of fail.

Now would someone please explain to me what's going on here? I'm not a mushroom you know.


Rel posted he was quitting 3E and going back to oD&D for the less restrictive ruleset and the benefits he believe can be gained by doing such. He posted this in the 4E forum. Morrus switched it out and said it belonged in General. Various posters threw in their $.02, the obligatory haters chipped in a couple pebbles, and then mods began to gang tackle one another in the best example of a flamewar since Hong joined the community. Now we have the rabble rousers in the background yelling for more fireworks, the mods moving the thread more times than a female dwarf has facial hair, and so on. It's cats and dogs...

...and seemingly all because one guy doesn't like 3E.


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