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Off to War (always recruiting) OCC Year 2:


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one reason I enjoy pathfinder is that they gave fighters more things. A level 20 fighter is amazing in PF. Go Here and see!

granted, does not really help in a 3.5 setting, but still. Compare PF's fighter to 3.5 fighter.

Oh hey, that is pretty nifty stuff.

To be honest I'm not entirely sure why some of it, Bravery for one as its just a simple Will Boost thing, wouldn't just get "patched" into 3.5 core or something.

But anyways, I guess I'm just waiting around now for HM to get off work or whatever so he can throw us in a thread? :)

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First Post
Shields are not classed as armor when used as weapons, when used to bash, they are considered martial. Meaning a character able to use shields of all kinds as well of armor but only has simple weapon proficiency can use the sheilds for the full AC bonus without taking a nagative to their attacks with their main weapon, but would take a -4 penalty if they tried to bash somone.
I think a noble with even the most basic training would know how to clobber the other guy in the face with one, keeping in mind, most are also feudal knights.

Also: their are a lot of martial weapons, 33, meanwhile, there are only 19 simple ones. That said, might, and probably will, remove the long sword and replace it with a rapier, that seems like a better choice for him; any thing that is light is golden :D

Also, since he is still a WIP: I can still change his hair, its going to be black to gold to black and arranged into feather shaped clumps; yesh, he stands out in any kind of crowed, although I'm not sure if that will be ok for natural hair color ^^;

addon: ooo, I thought PF was closed content, might have to look into it :3
Addon two: I'm starting to see him as a more imposing figure, thus, massive groth spurt XD
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Thy wounds are healed!
Need to ask you why you wish to play this character and what you see for him in the end.

I must tell you I'm not liking the class with all it's additional rules maybe there is some way to get you what you want another way.

But before all that talk I wish to know what you see him doing in combat at certain lvls and such. What his motives are and why he pursues this odd class?

Just for starts will you need stuff like craft wand and craft rods - your "spells" will make it so that your the only one who could use a wand you make. And as this game is about an army marching off to war a=the time to craft will be limited (not totally gone) so the amount of things you could make will be limited.

I don't see how you can change prof with a simple weapon for one that is martial (and therefore should take more training to learn to wield). The cannon will be ok to "create" as I have done this within the rules for other gun like weapons. Will just use weapon stats for normal weapons but give them a different fluff.

But let's just talk background and see what we come up with...



Thy wounds are healed!
Speaking of RP Great job today everyone, I really enjoyed the read after a long day at work.

I see bonus XP in the future (would hand out know but we are so close to the 15th :p)



First Post
That is acualy a very good question, orginaly I wanted to use him becuse he is one of the characters I've never relay gotten a chance to use, however, my images of him, for the purposes of the RP, has been evolving rapidly, the clockwork knight part of his character development has became more of an after thought, that is increasingly counter intuitive... it's amazing just how much insight you can get from drawing your characters as aposed to just wirting them up.

At first I tacked on noble on for background flear, but it has been becoming an incressingly large part of the character. any ways, back onto point, now I'm starting to think he is more of an eldritch knight; might start him out as a fighter (but if their is a lighter martial class that still fights face to face let me knew) and then pick up wizard levels untill he can fling level 3 spells around.

As for what he is there to do, still the same, prove himself, without the perks of his title. .... hmm, going to have to rework him now.

Very good question o_O;


Thy wounds are healed!
That is acualy a very good question, orginaly I wanted to use him becuse he is one of the characters I've never relay gotten a chance to use,

Than I truly wish to help you get your chance. :D

however, my images of him, for the purposes of the RP, has been evolving rapidly, the clockwork knight part of his character development has became more of an after thought, that is increasingly counter intuitive... it's amazing just how much insight you can get from drawing your characters as aposed to just wirting them up.

Not sure what your reflation was but so long as it helps with character development and or RP makes me happy.

At first I tacked on noble on for background flear, but it has been becoming an incressingly large part of the character.

Wish to be related to any royality or maybe a step away? The education then would come into play. Your character has been schooled form the time he cold walk and has soent alot of time in the books.

any ways, back onto point, now I'm starting to think he is more of an eldritch knight; might start him out as a fighter (but if their is a lighter martial class that still fights face to face let me knew) and then pick up wizard levels untill he can fling level 3 spells around.

Not sure but with the swapping rules you could tone down a martial class to be a little less umm... martial.

As for what he is there to do, still the same, prove himself, without the perks of his title. .... hmm, going to have to rework him now.

Very good question o_O;

No problem but if you can get the basics down with a background you will not need crunch to RP in the Off to War thread.



First Post
Oh wow, I didn't even notice that their names were pretty close - Just one letter difference between "Gareth" and "Jareth" - On top of the hair thing.

Good thing people in these things color code their text or it could get confusing. ;)


First Post
sadly this revelation blows the possibility to use him (the clockwork knight version) far off into the distance of an entierly different RP :/

that said, I think I'll like this character none the less ;3
addon: oh yes, the WIP of the character ;3
Addon2: Also, I think I'm going to trade the armor profs for two of those never used 2/2 feats and one that works off of them! o_O; ... I've gone mad.... Oh, wait, No, no that requires that I was sane to start with! I Haven't gone mad!!! I've been nuts from teh start! XD
Addon3: turns out the feats I was using were from 3.0... dang, I so wanted to sell a tindertwig hat to a troll; it sounded like alot of fun :(
oh well, time to look at what else I can do though ^_^
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