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Off to War [IC]


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Trinham looks at Claude and says "Well I am not very good at planning but I will stay although I doubt I can contribute anything. However," he pauses briefly, while taking a surreptitious glance at Jareth then smoothly continues "my dad always told me to pay attention to those more experienced than me.".

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Aidan heard the sounds of the circle, and grinned faintly to himself. His feet slowly lead his wandering body to the edge of the circle, observing the going's on. He did not challenge anyone or jump into the ring, simply taking mental notes and watching for the moment, taking in the friendly competitive atmosphere.


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"Thanks... Claude, wasn't it? Hm... Reason to believe... Sounds like you don't have any kind of proof of manipulation. And scanning the area for magic may be a little suspicious, though I could do it. I'd just need to get close enough."

Jareth doesn't even spare a glance at the approaching man, just shrugging his shoulders as an answer.

"So, what, you're worried about getting to Harkon? Worried about ambushes, or just things in the wood? Either way, we can only guess what's out there, without someone scouting ahead for us."

Frozen Messiah

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"Your father was a wise man to say thata and the more minds that are working on the same issue the more likely that a solution will come." Claude says to Trinham making him recall what little he can about his own father.

"Now Jareth, the getting there isn't a major issue, we are trained individuals and the creatures out there shouldn't cause to many problems," Claude looks out at the forest when as if he can see the creatures lurking there "my greater concern is how we are going to stay in contact with the camp and what we can do to reduce the chance of this trap effecting us badly."


Thy wounds are healed!
As Aidan makes his way to the edge of the circle he notices one of it's current combatants. Frowning at the man who assaulted him and tried to assault Lora. Keeping his eyes on the man as he pummels his opponent, Aidan fails to notice the little man in front of him.

{{Hey nows! You Bigfeets, watch whoses you are walking on!}} the pint size man says in halfling.


"My, my ideal well first I will see if I can find a copy of something Bear has writin," Fallon says to Lora with a frown. "Then we, we need to decide who Martomum can take with him. People he, he can trust." He continues as they walk back towards camp.


Greyhay listens to the talk waiting it seems for the right moment to speak. "Scouting is all they have had me, Athos and others doing all day. It seems that the Treylor went the same way as we did from that ruined village and the halt was called to see how far ahead they were."


"Needs a fews mure parts too," the dwarf says "but ye shuild be a able ta 'inds em. But ta stills be nay whys eyes needs ye 'elp." Martomum looks around to make sure noone is close enough to hear. "Tear be a teif in a camps, Ta carts be missin' sumetin everweek, Eyes needs ye ta guard da stores whiles eyes away."


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{{Hey nows! You Bigfeets, watch whoses you are walking on!}}

Aidan blinked, looking down at the halfling.

{{Beg yer pardon, but my feet ain't big... they be right fer mah size...}}

He replied in kind, continuing to watch the circles after her stepped back to cease impeding the Halfling.


Thy wounds are healed!
{{Ah.. speaks the little talk. And you are funny, well then you can't be all bad. Me names Fickleberry, Heron Fickleberry}} the halfling says holding out a small hand.

Letting the small hand drop Fickleberry follows Aidan's gaze. He shakes his head, {{I knows that look but you want no part of that one best to wait till you have seen a few fights afore you step in with him.}} the halfling takes on a serious tone {{You a wishin' to make a little coin Bigfeets?}}


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{{Ah.. speaks the little talk. And you are funny, well then you can't be all bad. Me names Fickleberry, Heron Fickleberry}}

{{I'm Aidan Burke... nice to meet you.}}

{{I knows that look but you want no part of that one best to wait till you have seen a few fights afore you step in with him.}}

{{I know I need to wait, I've already had a run-in with that bastard...}}

Aidan replied, a hint of irritation in his voice at the latter, though he calmed himself quickly.

{{You a wishin' to make a little coin Bigfeets?}}

At this, Aidan grinned. Money... yes... money was why he was here.

{{Matter o' fact, I am. Signed up ta earn some coin. What didja have in mind?}}


Thy wounds are healed!
{{If you knows how the circles work to really rake in some gold you need a bet man. I could take that role if you be willing to put your body in the circle.}} Fickleberry grins. {{We could split the winnings down the middle.}}

A loud roar comes from the crowd around you as Lora's suitor finishes off his opponent, and stands in the circle arms raised high.

{{What do you think? We up next?}} he asks Aidan.


First Post
{{If you knows how the circles work to really rake in some gold you need a bet man. I could take that role if you be willing to put your body in the circle. We could split the winnings down the middle.}}

Aidan smiled, nodding. {{ Aye, I'm game... so long as that guy isn't my opponent... I'm not there just yet.}}

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