D&D 5E Official D&D Greek-Themed 'Mythic Odysseys of Theros' Setting Coming In May

My inbox just exploded! It looks like Penguin Random House accidentally leaked an upcoming book listing for D&D, before removing the entry. It's dated for May 19th, and it's called Mythic Odysseys of Theros.

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What's Theros? It's a Greek(ish) themed Magic: the Gathering world! This will make it the second, after Ravnica, to make it to an official D&D campaign setting. Here's what the MTG wiki says about it:
"Theros is a plane governed by the gods of Nyx, where heroes face monsters, the sea rages, people offer burnt offerings and adventures take place. It is defined by mankind's struggle against the primal forces of the world, and mankind's conflict with the many other sapient races that populate the world."


In ancient times, the archons of Theros held a massive empire, tyrannizing the world in the belief that they were imposing a strict justice. The most notable of these Archon tyrants was Agnomakhos, who used the leonin as an army. Eventually, the Archon empire fell, being instead replaced by the poleis, and the remaining Archons now lash at these, slighting the "honor" they feel was stripped from them.

There's an enormous list of races, too -- though how many of those will translate from MtG to D&D, I don't know. Some of these are clearly 'monsters' in the D&D sense rather than 'races'. It includes cats, centaurs, gorgons, merfolk, minotaurs, satyrs, spirits, zombies, archons, basilisks, chimeras, cyclopses, demons, dragons, giants, hags, harpies, hounds, hydras, krakens, lamias, manticores, pegasi, phoenixes, spines, and sirens.

There's a whole bunch of Greek-themed or inspired D&D settings, including:
  • Arkadia by Arcana Games. "Arkadia is a combined setting and players handbook for 5e - inspired by the history and myths of Ancient Greece. The book contains 100 pages of densely packed all new Greek themed content for both Players and GMs."
  • Hellenistika from Handiwork Games. "From the Pillars of Herakles in the West to the Silken Cities of the East, from the isle of Hyperborea in the North to the Mountains of the Moon in the South, the world spreads before you, alive with gods and marvels."
  • Odyssey of the Dragonlords from Arcanum Worlds. "Odyssey of the Dragonlords is an epic fantasy campaign for the fifth edition of the world’s greatest roleplaying game. The Player’s Guide is a 28-page companion booklet that will provide you with everything you need to begin your career as a prospective hero in the forgotten land of Thylea."
  • Land of Myth by Seven Thebes. "A Fantasy Setting in Mythical Ancient Greece.A world of Heroes, right after the end of
    the Trojan War, steeped in myth and conflict."
Of course, this all assumes this isn't come kind of epic troll on WotC's part -- they have recently started putting placeholder names on products on Amazon and then changing them at the most minute, although with limited success. This could be a more elaborate attempt at that!

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I believe that canonically someone from Eberron is living in Sigil. I remember that being mentioned somewhere.

Yes, the gnome from the original not-cover. Vi, if I'm not mistaken. Sigil is, lets say in a unique position, in that it might have a door to Eberron, but otherwise there's no way in or out of Eberron except that one door.

Edit: I checked, Vi is also Chris Perkins Aquisitons Inc. charcater.
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So there is a proven crossover at least for Pony fans and Magic, not sure how long you'll be waiting for the D&D crossover but you can keep on dreaming!
The licensed Tails of Equestria RPG from River Horse is really good. (Just DMed my first game for my daughter and family members two weeks ago.) WotC can cool their jets a bit.

In the meantime, I think Ponyfinder, which brings magical ponies into Pathfinder, might be a better source for bringing ponies into 5E games.

Comicbook.com says only two subclasses.


Really sweetening the pot for non M:TG fans.

Comicbook.com says only two subclasses.

Two NEW subclasses. Forge and Grave domains are getting a reprint.


Really sweetening the pot for non M:TG fans.

Seriously, I'm starved for interesting player options to convince me to buy books here! But I might get it to DM myself...
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"The most powerful godlike beings" in this case refers specifically to the Eldrazi, a group of beings that are basically the Cthulu old ones of the setting, beyond time, beyond space, living in the spaces between the spaces of pure madness, etc.

Keep in mind you are reading a wiki, which has some tolerance for error. As an example, funnily enough the wiki uses the term "godlike", but in MtG gods are specifically and explicitly unable to cross the planes! So take that entry with a grain of salt.

As to not being air-tight from the D&D perspective, oh yeah totally. You could fluff whatever you want in D&D, up to and including that planeswalkers are just people able to naturally planeswalk, but all the normal planeshifting type magic works fine on Ravnica, Theros, etc. I'm just talking here about official Magic canon and how it has treated planeswalking up to this point.

There are other exceptions like the Planar Bridge, Kaya as well.

There are other exceptions like the Planar Bridge, Kaya as well.
Yeah I've mentioned the planar bridge but didn't want to be like, full frontal Magic nerd in every post. (Also the planar bridge still only lets dead things through, it just also allows undead things that are coated in literal plot armor.)

I'm not sure I succeeded at reigning that nerdery in, but I did try!

Kaya's exception still directly involves a planeswalker spark, so I also didn't really think I needed to mention it. It's attracted its share of rage as well, though.

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