D&D 5E One Shot: Legends are Made, not Born (IC)



Skulltop Hillock

“Well, fair enough,” Milady said as Hassan cast a spell and the area lit up. She put her torch and tinderbox away. That would free up her hand for her rapier, at least.

“You just don’t tell someone not to look down and expect them not to look down,” Milady told Hassan as she looked down. “Ugh.” And the crazy wizard scraped some of the guano off her boot. “I never had problems like this when I was robbing nobles in Waterdeep,” she grumbled to herself.

"Anyone got a good word to describe the smell?"

Milady barely glanced at the bard. “Putrescent,” she said.

They came to a fork in the tunnel. Milady hung back with the bard while the males went to investigate one of the offshoots.

Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 40
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)

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Hassan pulls up sharply at sight of the creature, and even takes a step backwards at Badger's words. "Skunk, eh?" He reaches out on hand towards Snorri, beckoning the dwarf back. "Why don't we leave it be... calmly and quietly now."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Snorri nods, relieved. Backing up slowly, the dwarf tries to avoid sudden moves so not to disturb the skunk further.

Once they have retreated out of the chamber and if the skunk is not following them, Snorri breathes out, loudly, then turns around.

"Not left," he whispers, and tries the other passage.


The group continues on quickly and in a non-threatening manner. Snorri once more takes the lead and follows the tunnel.

OOC: Read Aloud:
As the corridor rounds a corner, you encounter a crude stone door with a large keyhole. Carved into the door's surface are two sets of runes. The first set has been defaced with scratch marks from a sharp instrument. The second set is intact, and read, "Herein lies Lord Tulwar, our despicible leader."

As Badger gleefully studies the door, Leilara reports that the dire skunk is heading outside.

Snorri sees that the corridor continues only ten feet until it opens into another large room. He sets out to look inside not wishing to wonder to far, but there is only so much room around the door and it is currently all taken. The smooth dirt floor gives way to gravel like rubble, and a soft red glow can be seen at different areas in the room. Concentrating on the glow Snorri is shocked to find they are moving, and even more so that they are now moving towards him.

[sblock=Roll Initiative_j/k]
First combat this game, wil likely be short.
All grid marked areas, mostly just this room, are considered difficult terrain.

Party is up First

Combat Stats:

Snorri: location B5
AC:16, HP: 10, warhammer&shield

AC: 14, HP: 9, book&pen

AC: 15, HP: 12, hand crossbow

AC: 16, HP: 12, Glaive

AC:12, HP: 9, staff

fire beetle#1: E9
fire beetle#2: G7
fire beetle#3: H4

Fire Beetle Stats:
AC: 13, HP: 4[/sblock]
00_back door_5.png[/sblock]
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Skulltop Hillock

Milady hears the warnings from up ahead and presses forward, the corridor filled with rubble and party members as s he squeezes against the hard rock wall until she can see into the room. She readies her hand crossbow.

Move:.With difficult terrain and squeezing, she can only make it to -A2 on the map with a dash action.
Bonus Action:
Free Interaction:

[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 40
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+1)


Badger walks into the room and sees the bugs. His eyes go wide in horror and he whips out his rod, points it at one and says "Fuego!"

Fire erupts under the bug in a five foot radius around one of the bugs. (DC13 dex save or take [roll0] fire damage. Anything that enters or ends it's turn in the fire takes an additional d8 of damage. [/ooc]

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Hassan pushes forward into the room, taking up one of the sides. Mindful of the poor footing, he takes it slow and settles for joining Badger in launching fire at the beetles.

OOC: Move: C4
Action: Cast Fire Bolt at Beetle in H4


Hassan's bright bolt of fire erupts into the air and strikes the furthest fire beetle like hot stone. It flips in the air before landing on its back legs twitching in the last throes of live before it dies.

Badger's fire erupts through the stones causing the spell to ricochet of course.

OOC: Give Snorri and Leilara another day before advancing the first round. I shouldn't start combats on weekends. Well maybe Sun nites wouldn't be to bad, so we could have the encounter during the week.

Bug at H4 is ded and rolling save for E9 [roll0]
EDIT: E9 saves for 0 dmg.
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