Group A: Ssz'irac, a drow rogue
Ssz'irac Izzantar
CN drow rogue 2
[sblock=Basic information]
Name: Ssz'irac Izzantar
Sex: Male
Race: dark elf
Class/Level: rogue 2
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
XP: 330
Next level: 900
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid (elf)
Languages: Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant, Undercommon
Speed: 30ft.
Init: +3
Prof. Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 13 (darkvision 120 feet; sunlight sensitivity)
AC: 15 (+3 dex, +2 studded leather)
Maximum HP: 14
Current HP: 14
Saves: Dexterity +5, Intelligence +4
Note: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed; immune to magical sleep
Melee: +5 rapier (1d8+3 piercing damage; finesse)
Ranged: +5 shortbow (1d6+3 piercing damage; ammunition, two-handed; range 80/320)
Melee/ranged: +5 dagger (1d4+3 piercing damage; finesse, light, thrown; range 20/60)
Note: Sunlight sensitivity (disadvantage on attack rolls in sunlight)
Str 8 (-1),
Dex 17 (+3) ,
Con 12 (+1),
Int 14 (+2),
Wis 12 (+1),
Cha 14 (+2)
[/sblock][sblock=Features & proficiencies]
Ability scores: Dexterity +2, Charisma +1
Keen Senses: Proficient in Perception
Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic cannot put you to sleep.
Trance: Can meditate for 4 hours a day for resting instead of sleeping 8 hours.
Superior Darkvision: 120 feet
Sunlight Sensitivity: Disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) rolls that rely on sight when you, your target, or the perceived is in direct sunlight.
Drow Magic: You know the
Dancing Lights cantrip. More innate spells at higher levels. Charisma is spellcasting ability.
Drow Weapon Training: Proficient with rapiers, shortswords, hand crossbows.
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, forgery kit.
False Identity: Second identity, including documentation, acquaintances, and disguises. Also, can forge documents.
Personality Traits: I'm an opportunist and a born gambler who can't resist taking a risk for a potential payoff.
Ideal: I am far from home, and everything is strange and wonderful!
Bond: I will never forget the human girl who befriended me despite my race's benign reputation.
Flaw: I'm too greedy for my own good; I can't resist taking a risk if there's money involved. Also, despite my best efforts, I am unreliable to my friends.
Armor Proficiencies: Light armor
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Tool Proficiencies: Thieves' tools
Expertise: Double proficiency for selection of skills/thieves' tools.
Sneak Attack: Extra 1d6 damage when hitting opponent with finesse or ranged weapon, if advantage on attack, or if another not-incapacitated enemy is within 5 feet of target (except when disadvantage to hit).
Thieves' Cant: You know Thieves' Cant.
Cunning Action: Can use bonus action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide.
SKILLS (Proficient in bold)
+5 (dex) Acrobatics
+1 (wis) Animal Handling
+2 (int) Arcana
-1 (str) Athletics
+4 (cha) Deception
+2 (int) History
+1 (wis) Insight
+2 (cha) Intimidation
+4 (int) Investigation
+1 (wis) Medicine
+2 (int) Nature
+3 (wis) Perception
+2 (cha) Performance
+4 (cha) Persuasion
+2 (int) Religion
+7 (dex) Sleight of Hand (expertise)
+7 (dex) Stealth (expertise)
+1 (wis) Survival
Cantrips known: Dancing Lights (racial)
Spell save DC: 11
Spell attack bonus: +3
[/sblock][sblock=Appearance & bio]

[/sblock]A handsome ebonyskinned elf with white hair and red eyes, there is no mistaking Ssz'irac for anything but a dark elf. Wearing studded leather armor and often keeping his features hidden beneath the cowl of a dark hooded cloack, the drow tries not to draw attention to himself, preferring to stay out of the light.
Ssz'irac claims he is the long lost twin brother of Brizae Izzantar, a priestess of Eilistraee in the Promenade of the Dark Maiden beneath Waterdeep. Brizae herself has declared this to be true, despite the fact that her brother was missing for over a century, and Ssz'irac carries her written testimony with him at all times. When asked, he describes being stuck in a magical lamp for years, befriending a human girl who changed his life. Where before he lived off whatever he could get his hands on, he now attempts to rob only those who can afford it.
At least, that's what Ssz'irac says about his origins. He vehemently denies any involvement with the drow mercenary organisation Bregan D'aerthe or the vile Underdark city of Menzoberranzan...
dagger x2
arrows x20
studded leather
ball bearings (currently scattered on the ground)
candle x5
disguise kit
rations x3
testimony from Brizae (paper x2)
thieves' tools
block of unknown material, 1 oz. (trinket)
ornate oil lamp (trinket)
potion of cure wounds
potion of climbing
boots of enduring (resist wear and tear)
203 gp
3 sp
5 cp
Group B: Mister Bubbles, a half-orc warlock
Mister Bubbles
N half-orc warlock (fiend) 2
[sblock=Basic information]
Name: Mister Bubbles
Sex: Male
Race: Half-orc
Class/Level: Warlock 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP: 300
Next level: 900
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid (orc)
Languages: Common, Orc
Speed: 30ft.
Init: +2
Prof. Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 9 (Devil's Sight)
AC: 14 (+2 dex, +2 studded leather)
Maximum HP: 17
Current HP: 17
Saves: Wisdom +1, Charisma +4
Note: Hellish Rebuke (reaction; see Magic); Relentless Endurance (If reduced to 0 hitpoints but not killed outright, drop to 1 hp instead, 1/LR)
Melee: +5 handaxe (1d6+3 slashing damage; light, thrown; range 20/60)
Ranged: +5 dagger (1d4+3 piercing damage; finesse, light, thrown; range 20/60)
Spell: +4
eldritch blast (1d10 force damage; 120 feet)
Spell: burning hands (3d6 fire damage, Dex save DC12 for half; ignites flammable objects; 15 feet cone)
Note: Savage Attacks (melee critical hit, add one damage die); Dark One’s Blessing (gain 3 temporary hp when reducing opponent to 0 hp)
Str 16 (+3),
Dex 14 (+2) ,
Con 14 (+2),
Int 10 (+0),
Wis 9 (-1),
Cha 14 (+2)
[/sblock][sblock=Features & proficiencies]
Ability scores: Strength +2, Constitution +1
Darkvision: 60 feet
Menacing: Proficient in the Intimidate skill.
Relentless Endurance: When reduced to 0 hitpoints but not killed outright, drop to 1 hitpoint instead. Recharge on long rest.
Savage Attacks: When making a critical hit with a melee weapon, add one damage die to total damage.
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Sleight of Hand
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, Forgery kit
False Identity: Second identity including documentation: Baron Yurt Samedy.
Personality Traits: I try to be polite and charming, but I quickly switch to intimidation or violence if I don't get what I want.
Ideal: Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them.
Bond: I sold my soul for power and freedom, and I seek ways to get rid of that abyssal alliance.
Flaw: Once violence erupts, my desire to utterly destroy my foes overrides all common sense.
Armor Proficiencies: Light armor
Weapons Proficiencies: Simple weapons
Otherworldly Patron: Fiend
Pact Magic: Can cast spells; see Magic, below
Dark One’s Blessing: When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hitpoints, you gain 3 (Cha+level) temporary hp.
Eldritch Invocations: Gain eldritch secrets; see Magic, below
SKILLS (Proficient in bold)
+2 (dex) Acrobatics
-1 (wis) Animal Handling
+2 (int) Arcana
+3 (str) Athletics
+4 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
-1 (wis) Insight
+4 (cha) Intimidation
+2 (int) Investigation
-1 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
-1 (wis) Perception
+2 (cha) Performance
+2 (cha) Persuasion
+0 (int) Religion
+4 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+2 (dex) Stealth
-1 (wis) Survival
Cantrips known (2): Eldritch Blast, Friends
Spells known (3; 1st): Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke, Command
Spells slots used: 0/
Spell save DC: 12
Spell attack modifier: +4
Eldritch Invocations: Devil's Sight (see in normal and magical darkness up to 120 ft),
Mask Of Many Faces (cast Disguise Self at will)
[/sblock][sblock=Appearance & bio]

[/sblock]The presence of the muscular, heavily scarred grey half-orc known as Mister Bubbles can only be described as
intense. His fiery gaze and the scars on his body and face are impressive, as are his silver neckband and the rings in his ears. He dresses simply, often just in trousers and boots to highlight his muscular frame, the scars across his torso distinctive of repeated lashings and animal claws.
When Mister Bubbles takes the identity of Baron Yurt Samedy, however, he wears expensive clothes befitting nobility, dons a top hat and walks with an ornate cane. He puts effort into being charming and sociable, but is known to switch to violence without apparent provocation.
In either guise Mister Bubbles always keeps a weapon close and often wears studded leather underneath his outfit.
Unsure whether he was born into slavery or just very young when he was purchased by a filthy rich nobleman, all the half-orc knows is that since before he can remember he was a slave either serving drinks to high society or thrown into fighting pits. He was beaten, named Bubbles after some animal his owner once owned, and grew to resent all slave masters.
One day he disrupted the ritual to summon a powerful fiend, inadvertently releasing the creature to slaughter slaves and nobles alike. Not familiar with the inhabitants of the lower planes, Bubbles groveled as if he addressed a deity. With a cold smile, the demon conjured forth a solid silver neckband inset with a large, vaguely skull shaped ruby, from which Bubbles could draw magical power. It was only later that he discovered there was no way to remove the abyssal necklace.
Using what he has learned as a slave, Mister Bubbles (as he calls himself from that moment on) slowly found his way in the world without a mortal master to boss him around. He quickly found himself indebted to a local crime organization, and with his strong personality and the help of some fiendish magic, the fledgling warlock worked as an enforcer before discovering he was a natural born charlatan. Posing as a charming but eccentric baron, Mister Bubbles befriends nobles and wealthy merchants while his allies relieve his new friends of their valuables.
Recently, however, a scam to rob from the influential Rethnor house of Luskan went wrong, and Mister Bubbles has fled the city until the heat dies down. The signet ring he stole from them is a nice cover for his Baron Samedy front, however, and his (mistaken) belief that the trinket keeps the demonic influence at bay means that the half-orc wears the Ship Rethnor ring in spite of the dangers of word getting back to Luskan…
dagger x3
arcane spell focus: crystal
studded leather
potion of healing
cane, ornate (club)
clothes, fine
rations x3
signet ring
16 gp
9 sp
Group C: Snorri Silverstream, a shield dwarf cleric of Dumathoin
Snorri Silverstream
NG mountain dwarf cleric (knowledge) 1
[sblock=Basic information]
Name: Snorri Silverstream of clan Battlehammer
Sex: Male
Race: Dwarf (mountain = shield dwarf)
Class/Level: Cleric 2
Alignment: Neutral Good
XP: 305
Next level: 900
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Celestial, Goblin, Orc, Undercommon
Speed: 25ft.
Init: +0
Prof. Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 12
AC: 16 (+4 scale mail, +2 shield)
Maximum HP: 17
Current HP: 5
Saves: Wisdom +4, Charisma +2
Note: Dwarven Resilience (advantage on saves vs poison, resistance to poison damage), Santuary spell
Melee: +5 warhammer (1d8+3 bludgeoning damage; versatile 1d10)
Ranged: +2 light crossbow (1d8 piercing damage; ammunition, loading, two-handed; range 80/320)
Spell: Sacred Flame cantrip (1d8 radiant damage, Dex save DC12; not affected by cover; 60 feet)
Str 16 (+3),
Dex 10 (+0) ,
Con 14 (+2),
Int 14 (+2),
Wis 14 (+2),
Cha 10 (+0)
[/sblock][sblock=Features & proficiencies]
Ability scores: Strength +2, Constitution +2
Darkvision: 60 feet
Dwarven Resilience: Advantage on saves vs poison, resistance to poison damage.
Tool proficiency: Smith's tools
Stonecunning: Always proficient with double proficieny bonus on history checks related to stonework.
Armor Mastery: Light and medium armor
Combat Training: Proficient with battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, warhammer.
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Religion
Two Extra Language: Celestial, Undercommon
Shelter of the Faithful: Receive free healing and care at temple of my faith for myself and companions. Those who share my religion will support me at modest lifestyle. Can call upon my temple's priests for non-hazardous assistance.
Personality Traits: I prefer to keep quiet and watch. I judge people by their actions, not their words.
Ideal: Everyone dies eventually, and all deserve to be sent off to the afterlife with proper respect.
Bond: I return to my brother's tomb at least once a year to remind myself of the importance of my work.
Flaw: I can't resist gemstones, pocketing them even against my better judgement.
Armor Proficiencies: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons Proficiencies: Simple weapons
Spellcasting: Can cast cleric spells; see below. Ritual caster.
Divine Domain: Knowledge
Domain Spells: Command, Identify
Blessings of Knowledge: Two additional languages, two additional knowledge skills, double proficiency in two knowledge skills
Channel Divinity (1/rest): Turn Undead, Knowledge Of The Ages; DC 12
Turn Undead (Channel Divinity): Undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet must make Wisdom saving throw; upon fail, turned (flee from you) for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
Knowledge Of The Ages (Channel Divinity): Proficiency with one skill or tool for 10 minutes.
SKILLS (Proficient in bold)
+0 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+4 (int) Arcana
+3 (str) Athletics
+0 (cha) Deception
+6 (int) History (expertise)
+4 (wis) Insight
+0 (cha) Intimidation
+2 (int) Investigation
+4 (wis) Medicine
+4 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception
+0 (cha) Performance
+0 (cha) Persuasion
+6 (int) Religion (expertise)
+0 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+0 (dex) Stealth (disadv for armor)
+2 (wis) Survival
Cantrips known (3): Guidance, Sacred Flame, Spare The Dying
Spells prepared (3+domain): Command (D), Identify (D), Bless, Cure Wounds, Sanctuary, Detect Magic
Spells slots used (1st): 1/
Spell save DC: 12
Spell attack modifier: +4
Ritual Casting: Can cast ritual spells.
[/sblock][sblock=Appearance & bio]

[/sblock]A timid, blackbearded dwarf, Snorri is usually dressed in green-grey priest robes, sometimes complemented by his obviously new shining scale mail armor. He proudly carries a heavy shield, engraved with the symbol of Dumathoin. In addition, the dwarf wears an amulet of this symbol around his neck, with a finely cut green gem underneath a stylized mountain. Snorri wields a warhammer with practised ease.
Born into the Battlehammer clan of Kelvin's Cairn in Icewind Dale, Snorri, nephew to leader Stokely Silverstream, was exposed to death at a young age when his brother Thrim passed away due to illness. The young dwarf attended the funeral, comforted by the rituals carried out by the priests.
A quiet lad, Snorri often wandered the halls alone, where eventually he started to notice the wordless hints Dumathoin gave. Snorri learned how to recognize the still undiscovered veins of precious metals and gems, and how to forge his own armor and weapons for defense against the dangers surrounding the dwarves' home.
When he was still beardless, Snorri started his priestly training under the tutelage of the resident cleric of Dumathoin, who taught the boy a lot about history and magic in addition to the proper clerical responsibilities. As part of his training, Snorri was sent to many places of learning, coming into contact with several different races and cultures.
Now a fully trained cleric, Snorri decided to wander for a while, learning what he can, before settling down.[/sblock][sblock=Inventory]
light crossbow
20 bolts in case
scale mail
holy symbol (emblem on shield)
10 candles
healer's kit
holy water
mess kit
miner's pick
potion of healing
3 rations
5 gp
5 sp
Group D: Whispers on the Wind, a tabaxi rogue
Whispers on the Wind (Whisper)
CN tabaxi criminal rogue 1
[sblock=Basic information]
Name: Whispers on the Wind, of Lazy Mountain clan
Sex: Male
Race: Tabaxi
Class/Level: Rogue 1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
XP: 0
Next level: 300
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Thieves’ Cant
Speed: 30ft.
Init: +3
Prof. Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 15
AC: 15 (studded leather)
Maximum HP: 8
Current HP: 8
Saves: Dexterity +5, Intelligence +4
Melee: +5 rapier (1d8+3 piercing; finesse)
Melee: +1 claws (1d4-1 slashing; unarmed)
Melee/ranged: +5 dagger (1d4+3 piercing; finesse, light, thrown 20/60)
Ranged: +5 shortbow (1d6+3 piercing; ammunition 80/320)
Str 8 (-1),
Dex 17 (+3) ,
Con 10 (+0),
Int 14 (+2),
Wis 12 (+1),
Cha 14 (+2)
[/sblock][sblock=Features & proficiencies]
Tabaxi (VGtM)
Ability scores: Dexterity +2, Charisma +1
Languages: Common, Sylvan (one of your choice)
Darkvision: 60 feet
Feline Agility: When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.
Cat’s Claws: Climbing speed of 20 feet. Your claws are natural weapons using Strength, and deal slashing damage of 1d4 plus Strength modifier.
Criminal (fence)
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Sleight of Hand (replaces Stealth)
Tool Proficiencies: Gaming Set (cards), Forgery Kit (replaces Thieves’ Tools)
Criminal Contact: You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as your liaison to a network of other criminals. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you.
Personality Traits: I lie about almost anything, even when there’s no good reason to.
Ideal: I am a free spirit – no one tells me what to do.
Bond: One day I will return to my clan and prove that I am the greatest thief among them.
Flaw: If there’s a plan, I’ll forget it; if I don’t forget it, I’ll ignore it. I am also easily distracted.
Tabaxi Obsession: My curiosity is currently fixed on a mundane item: perfume.
Tabaxi Quirks: You keep a small ball of yarn in your hand, which you constantly fidget with.
Expertise: Double proficiency bonus on two skills (Perception, Stealth).
Sneak Attack: Extra 1d6 damage when attacking with advantage, or when target is within 5 feet of another enemy and you do not have disadvantage.
Thieves’ Cant: Know the secret language to hide messages in normal conversations.
SKILLS (Proficient in bold)
+5 (dex) Acrobatics*
+1 (wis) Animal Handling
+2 (int) Arcana
-1 (str) Athletics
+4 (cha) Deception*
+2 (int) History
+3 (wis) Insight*
+2 (cha) Intimidation
+4 (int) Investigation*
+1 (wis) Medicine
+2 (int) Nature
+5 (wis) Perception* (expertise)
+2 (cha) Performance
+4 (cha) Persuasion*
+2 (int) Religion
+5 (dex) Sleight of Hand*
+7 (dex) Stealth* (expertise)
+1 (wis) Survival
[/sblock][sblock=Appearance & bio]

His fur ochre with dusky-gray blotches, ears large and always in motion, retractable claws on his hands and a long non-prehensile tail, Whisper is a tabaxi with features not unlike the rare and foreign clouded leopard. Wearing a studded leather armor underneath his simple traveler's clothes, he carries a backpack and often a sack with whatever items hold his current interest.
Whisper can often be found napping during daylight, preferably on a ledge or elevation. When awake, he constantly fidgets with a ball of yarn.
Every time Whisper talks about his past, the story is different. He enjoys lying, which he sees as telling a better story than the truth.
Those who know the tabaxi, however, have pieced together what little information is available, and know that he has connections to various criminals, occasionally working as a fence or thief. Often Whisper carries a sack of whatever items currently captivate his interest, and it can be safe to assume he has not come by these items by lawful means.
Shortbow with 40 arrows
Studded leather
Traveller’s clothes
Rations x4 (in backpack)
Thieves’ tools (in backpack)
Perfume vial x4 (in sack)
Pouch (containing coins)
9 gp
4 sp
9 cp