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[OOC] Land of Og (Now Playing)


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OK, Tallarn talked me into this, but it should be a blast. Basically in Land of Og you will play a caveman in prehistoric times, trying to survive a dangerous world (even harder because you're none too smart).

It's similar to D&D, except that everyone is awful. You're pretty much guaranteed a hopeless character in Og :D Stats are Strength, Speed, Health, Smarts, Grunting, and Banging. You select the type of caveman you are by picking a stat (for example, if you want to be a strong caveman, pick strength. Next you get 2d6 for your primary stat and 1d6 for every other stat! :eek: FYI, banging measures a caveman's skill at hitting things and grunting cavemen are kind of like shamen - strange things happen when they grunt, and they are the best at the grunting skills "Make something happen" and "Save my arse"

The most important mechanic is an RP limitation - each caveman gets a list of words that he knows (the number depends upon Smarts score) and these are the only words that you are allowed to use! anything else you want to do must be conveyed using unintelligible grunts and pantomime (ok, so we can't play charades on the boards, but you can describe the actions your caveman is making and the other players can guess at what he is trying to say). This makes for a lot of fun miscommunication and very 'keystone kop' style antics.

Anyone else interested in trying it out? Don't worry if you don't own the Land of Og books - I will fill you in on any and all game knowledge you need to play, which really isn't much.
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You can count me in. How much character concept do you need for this game? :D I want to be a banging caveman. I think. What do they do?

Edit: that joke did not come off... I know, fighter types.
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Yellow Sign

Oh I have to play this game. Sounds like alot of fun! Hummm what kind of caveman to be? Give me a Healthy Caveman. Dumb as a rock but his head is as tough as one.


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Skade, not much character concept is needed. In fact, I wouldn't recommend putting too much work in a caveman as they tend to have short life expectancies ;) And yeah, banging cavemen are good at, well, hitting things.

Tallarn, I'll go ahead and do the stat rolling, unless you want to roll your own. It doesn't really matter that much, as in most cases your max score will be a 6 and incure hefty penalities anyway (the stats scale up to 18 :D). Who would want to cheat at Og, anyway? It would defeat the whole purpose...

The three of you are all onboard (Timothy, Skade, and Tallarn). For those who might be unsure I'll post some examples of play from the games I've run with my RL group, so you can get a rough idea of how the game is run:

Adventure synopsis: "Big Water Go"

The tribe of cavemen must cross a river. After arguing for some time (grunitng unintelligibly and waving their arms about), one of the cavemen says "Swim" and jumps in. Unfortunately, he forgets how to swim and sinks. More unfortunately, he triggers a stampede of all the cavemen into the river, where they all forget how to swim and start sinking. Some drown, but luckily the grunting caveman ooks a frantic prayer to the sky and it answers with a lightning bolt, sending a tree into the river and saving most of the cavemen. They forget which side they were supposed to go to and crawl out dripping on the same side of the river where they started. Another argument starts and the cavemen eventually stampede back into the river. Luckily, at the last moment one of them remembers the tree and convinces the other cavemen they should use it to get to the other side.

Finally they reach the grasslands across the river, find a mammoth and kill it (although some cavemen get squished between its toes and others impaled on its tusks). They forget how to make fire so eat it raw. End of Adventure.

Adventure synopisis: "Big Big Bad Smelly Bang Thing"

At the start of this adventure a smart caveman joins the tribe (yay!). He convinces them that they need a cave, as it is much safer than sleeping wherever they happen to be when they get tired. After searching the grasslands and having some minor adventures, they find a cave and start to move in.

Unfortunately, the cave was already occupied by a small T-Rex, who happens to be out looking for a meal. As the tribe is settling in, fast caveman comes running back from wherever he went to (fast caveman likes to run - he doesn't particularly care where he's running to or from, as long as he's running), yelling "Big Big Bad Smelly Bad Thing!" (fast caveman also had a decent Int score and knew close to half a dozen words ). The tribe looks and sure enough, they see a T-Rex chasing after fast caveman.

Panic ensues as all the cavemen except grunting caveman run around looking for weapons or hiding places. Grunting caveman forgets what a T-Rex is and approaches it curiously, only to become its first meal. Bangy caveman hits it really hard with a stick, which draws its attention and makes it meal number two. Eventually smart caveman convinces strong caveman to push a rock up the hill above the cave entrance and drop it on the Big Smelly Bang Thing. At the last moment Strong Caveman forgets what he's doing and drops smart caveman on the T-Rex instead of the rock. Luckily, smart caveman's screams of agony remind strong caveman of his mission and he drops the rock on the T-Rex, killing it. The surviving tribe members rejoice and make Strong Caveman the new chief, followed by holding a huge feast with the T-Rex's remains.

Unfortunately, smart caveman died in the struggle and no one else can remember how to start a fire, so they eat their meal raw again. End Adventure


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OK, and welcome aboard to Yellow Sign, also :) Iai, the Unspeakable enters! Congrats on selecting Healthy Caveman, the only caveperson to survive being chewed on by the T-Rex in the adventure synopsis above, AND survive being drowned and stepped on by a mammoth in "Big Water Go" :D (of course, he didn't do anything useful either, other than soaking damage for everyone else, but that's cave life ;))

So I have:
Tallarn - speedy caveman
Skade - Bangy caveman
Yellow Sign - Healthy caveman
Timothy - ??

and room for a few more.

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